She decided to get an abortion

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Jet life till my next life
So the girl I impregnated has decided that she's getting an abortion next week.
Its been few weeks with her early pregnancy symptoms, lowkey happy but I can't help but feel some sort of regret, idk!
Better than being a deadbeat father tbh :francis:
She said she aint telling her fam, I respect that, and she jokingly said she was keeping the baby at first, my life nearly flashed before my eyes:whoo:


Prince of East Africa
You've dogged a huge bullet.Now you know you got to wear a rubber every time no matter how good that pussy looks like.
People like her make me feel sick. Some people try for years to conceive and even spend so much money on IVF but people like her are so selfish and irresponsible.

Abortion is not a form of contraception if you can't keep your legs closed use protection instead of creating life than getting rid off it because it's such an inconvenience.


Suicidal men adore me.
People like her make me feel sick. Some people try for years to conceive and even spend so much money on IVF but people like her are so selfish and irresponsible.

Abortion is not a form of contraception if you can't keep your legs closed use protection instead of creating life than getting rid off it because it's such an inconvenience.

Selfish and irresponsible? Being selfish is not always bad and she was being responsible hence the abortions. She did what she wanted to do with her body. Others fertility issues are not hers.
Selfish and irresponsible? Being selfish is not always bad and she was being responsible hence the abortions. She did what she wanted to do with her body. Others fertility issues are not hers.

Here comes the uber feminist. You always argue for the sake of it.

It is irresponsible and selfish. She knew she did not want a baby so she should have taken the appropriate measures to prevent such an outcome.


Suicidal men adore me.
Here comes the uber feminist. You always argue for the sake of it.

It is irresponsible and selfish. She knew she did not want a baby so she should have taken the appropriate measures to prevent such an outcome.

Why are you only attacking her tho? The OP is present and admitted to not wearing a condom. Is it because women's bodies are societies property and not the woman's herself? She didn't want the child she got an abortion. It's her right get used to it. She is responsible.
Why are you only attacking her tho? The OP is present and admitted to not wearing a condom. Is it because women's bodies are societies property and not the woman's herself? She didn't want the child she got an abortion. It's her right get used to it. She is responsible.

He already acknowledged he is a deadbeat and I have nothing further to add. It's nothing to do with society. It's her actions that led her to an abortion. I don't think he forced her. She has to take responsiblity for her own actions. I don't support abortion unless the mother's life is in danger. It's also against Islam. It's irresponsible to use abortion as a form of contraception. It's sickening!


Suicidal men adore me.
He already said he is deadbeat. Nothing to say further. It's nothing to do with society. It's her actions that led her to an abortion. I don't think he forced her. She has to take responsiblity for her own actions. I don't support abortion unless the mother's life is in danger. It's also against Islam. It's irresponsible to use abortion as a form of contraception. It's sickening!

If it's against Islam and your religious then don't ever do an abortion it's that simple. Just don't tell others what to do with their bodies. And once again she took responsibility, she got an abortion. It's her anatomy and her agency. No one is using abortion as a form of contraception. That's the most stupid thing I've ever read. Why do you wanna control her body so much? It's her right her choice. End of story.
If it's against Islam and your religious then don't ever do an abortion it's that simple. Just don't tell others what to do with their bodies. And once again she took responsibility, she got an abortion. It's her anatomy and her agency. No one is using abortion as a form of contraception. That's the most stupid thing I've ever read. Why do you wanna control her body so much? It's her right her choice. End of story.

You have an opinion on it so why can't I? Am I silencing you? Or is it that everyone has to agree with you?

She is using abortion as a form of contraception. If she didn't want baby she would make sure he wore a condom as to prevent it and it doesn't even seem like she is in a committed relationship with this guy so why put her health at risk? Either way, he can easily walk away but it is her that has to deal with the consequences of her irresponsible actions. End of story kulaha, naa soco.


Suicidal men adore me.
You have an opinion on it so why can't I? Am I silencing you? Or is it that everyone has to agree with you?

She is using abortion as a form of contraception. If she didn't want baby she would make sure he wore a condom as to prevent it and it doesn't even seem like she is in a committed relationship with this guy so why put her health at risk? Either way, he can easily walk away but it is her that has to deal with the consequences of her irresponsible actions. End of story kulaha, naa soco.

Silencing me? LMAO no you're not. It's not like your medieval opinion takes away women's right in Sweden. I was just sating that that she has the right to do an abortion if she wants to and there's nothing you can do about that.

Either way, he can easily walk away but it is her that has to deal with the consequences of her irresponsible actions. End of story kulaha, naa soco

I find it really funny you're saying that. Didn't you just talk about Islam? I'm pretty sure according to Islam both of them have to deal with it. You're a hypocrite and a misogynist at that.


Jet life till my next life
Selfish and irresponsible? Being selfish is not always bad and she was being responsible hence the abortions. She did what she wanted to do with her body. Others fertility issues are not hers.

Thank you!
You're very right, it's her body and her decision, I had my say in it but at the end of the day its hers
Silencing me? LMAO no you're not. It's not like your medieval opinion takes away women's right in Sweden. I was just sating that that she has the right to do an abortion if she wants to and there's nothing you can do about that.

I find it really funny you're saying that. Didn't you just talk about Islam? I'm pretty sure according to Islam both of them have to deal with it. You're a hypocrite and a misogynist at that.

This is a discussion forum and I shared my opinion on the matter just like you have. But you are trying to silence any opposing views. Aren't all views welcomed in your democratic society? Even if you detest it. And how exactly does my opinion stop her from having an abortion? In Islam abortion is allowed in exceptional cases, such as the mother's life being in danger or in case of rape. This woman had consensual intercourse without protection and then decided to have an abortion. That's irresponsible.

Of course both of them have to deal with it but judging from their actions neither of them is practicing. If they were they wouldn't be having sex outside marriage. We wouldn't even be having this discussion. This is what I mean you usually argue for the sake of it with ill-thought ideas.

The reality is if a woman gets herself in that situation with a loser/ coward of course he will walk away and I never stated it was right of him to do so. But of course you're the only one that champions womens rights but you're just a confused little girl who thinks its cool to be liberal because hadee lee baratay and just regurgitates wexe so maqashay. Orodo dhaqankaaga so baro.


Suicidal men adore me.
This is a discussion forum and I shared my opinion on the matter just like you have. But you are trying to silence any opposing views. Aren't all views welcomed in your democratic society? Even if you detest it. And how exactly does my opinion stop her from having an abortion? In Islam abortion is allowed in exceptional cases, such as the mother's life being in danger or in case of rape. This woman had consensual intercourse without protection and then decided to have an abortion. That's irresponsible.

Of course both of them have to deal with it but judging from their actions neither of them is practicing. If they were they wouldn't be having sex outside marriage. We wouldn't even be having this discussion. This is what I mean you usually argue for the sake of it with ill-thought ideas.

The reality is if a woman gets herself in that situation with a loser/ coward of course he will walk away and I never stated it was right of him to do so. But of course you're the only one that champions womens rights but you're just a confused little girl who thinks its cool to be liberal because hadee lee baratay and just regurgitates wexe so maqashay. Orodo dhaqankaaga so baro.

Now you're writing long posts. Seems like I got you in your feelings. And you are a hypocrite and I'm glad I exposed it. One minuet you wanna be righteous and discuss Islam and then the next you wanna bash the woman and spread misogynist views.


Here comes the uber feminist. You always argue for the sake of it.

It is irresponsible and selfish. She knew she did not want a baby so she should have taken the appropriate measures to prevent such an outcome.

Don't be angry. If they feared Allah swt in the first place. NONE of this would have been a thought!


@Barni @madamelioness

We all have to co-exist and accept other's opinions. One would disagree due to their religious belief system, in comparison to those who are considered sceptical towards religion. We can defend, or agree to disagree and move on.... instead of feeling some form of negativity due to a disagreement.

if she wanted an abortion. That is what is written for her.
Now you're writing long posts. Seems like I got you in your feelings. And you are a hypocrite and I'm glad I exposed it. One minuet you wanna be righteous and discuss Islam and then the next you wanna bash the woman and spread misogynist views.

Don't think so highly of yourself. You're just dhoocil yar oo khatar is mooday by acting like gaalada and spreading their filth.

Btw I wrote that long post only for your benefit. You're so thick I have to break it down for you. Maskaxdaada xaar baa ka buuxaa.

I will bash anyone I please. Just like you bash women who choose to wear the niqaab. If you want to see a hypocrite look in the mirror sweetheart.


Don't think so highly of yourself. You're just dhoocil yar oo khatar is mooday by acting like gaalada and spreading their filth.

Btw I wrote that long post only for your benefit. You're so thick I have to break it down for you. Maskaxdaada xaar baa ka buuxaa.

I will bash anyone I please. Just like you bash women who choose to wear the niqaab. If you want to see a hypocrite look in the mirror sweetheart.

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