She decided to get an abortion

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@Barni @madamelioness

We all have to co-exist and accept other's opinions. One would disagree due to their religious belief system, in comparison to those who are considered sceptical towards religion. We can defend, or agree to disagree and move on.... instead of feeling some form of negativity due to a disagreement.

if she wanted an abortion. That is what is written for her.

I have no issue with her. If she wants to support abortion that's her choice. She is the one that jumped on me because I happen to disagree with her 'right to abortion' campaign she has going on.


Suicidal men adore me.
Don't think so highly of yourself. You're just dhoocil yar oo khatar is mooday by acting like gaalada and spreading their filth.

Btw I wrote that long post only for your benefit. You're so thick I have to break it down for you. Maskaxdaada xaar baa ka buuxaa.

I will bash anyone I please. Just like you bash women who choose to wear the niqaab. If you want to see a hypocrite look in the mirror sweetheart.

But why are you so angry?


Suicidal men adore me.
Of course, when you got no argument left resort to asking inane questions.

I'm not angry saaxibeey. Perhaps, a tad hormonal.

No I'm just bored now. You become too emotional. It's only a discussion. On top of that I'm not trying to change your opinion. You have a right to it. It just bothered me that you think it's selfish and that she should think about others fertility issues when that is none of her concern. And then it was you bringing up Islam to bash to woman but totally forget about Islam views on the mans action. If you're gonna bring up religion then don't forget that both parties instead of just focusing on the woman.
No I'm just bored now. You become too emotional. It's only a discussion. On top of that I'm not trying to change your opinion. You have a right to it. It just bothered me that you think it's selfish and that she should think about others fertility issues when that is none of her concern. And then it was you bringing up Islam to bash to woman but totally forget about Islam views on the mans action. If you're gonna bring up religion then don't forget that both parties instead of just focusing on the woman.

If you don't care about my opinion and you are so bored then stop replying maybe? You're deliberately misconstruing my points because you don't want to hear the reality. It's not always the men's fault or society's fault.

Women are also responsible for their actions. But you always want to put the blame on men or society and completely ignore that sometimes some women put themselves in these kind of situations and take extreme measures to deal with the consequences of their bad decisions.

I brought Islam into it because it is in line with my perspective on abortion. If you read carefully you'd understand that.

My first post didn't mention Islam at all. Who is having the abortion? The man or the woman? Why would I focus on the man if he isn't the one having the abortion?

According to your view it's her body and her decision whether he agrees or not. So why should I mention him?

She had consensual intercourse without protection and she is the one having the abortion. She had insisted on some form of
contraception she wouldn't be in that predicament.

But you don't want the woman to be judged for having an abortion but you also don't want admit she had a part to play in it. That's not how it works.

I've already said there was no point in mentioning Islam in their case because they don't seem practicing and if you chose a loser/coward to have sex with who doesn't even care about the risks associated with unprotected sex why would you expect him to take responsibility?

In such a case, women are more vulnerable and therefore they should act smart if they choose to have sex outside marriage ( which I don't condone in any way)

That's my point. Now, I'm getting tired of explaining things to you so don't bother replying back.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Silencing me? LMAO no you're not. It's not like your medieval opinion takes away women's right in Sweden. I was just sating that that she has the right to do an abortion if she wants to and there's nothing you can do about that.

I find it really funny you're saying that. Didn't you just talk about Islam? I'm pretty sure according to Islam both of them have to deal with it. You're a hypocrite and a misogynist at that.
Tan illahay hanaga qabto balaayoda baas.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Barni horta have you ever taken part in the walk, like they have out in Canada.

Scratch that, disregard it.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
LOL I'm actually against walk. Yall should know that I'm a radical feminist not a liberal, they are very different.

And I don't think sweden has had a walk.
You should start the movement, I think it makes a difference, I think there would be less wars in the world if women done more walk lol
waar naxdintan eeg, i can't believe we are discussing abortions on a somali forum. with people splitting between pro/anti abortions waar somalidha maxaa kudaacay. as for the OP, waar you delinquent loser rather than hiding your shame, you advertise it. like getting some qooq Xalima is such an accomplishment.

Somalis and their eternal fail.


Jet life till my next life
waar naxdintan eeg, i can't believe we are discussing abortions on a somali forum. with people splitting between pro/anti abortions waar somalidha maxaa kudaacay. as for the OP, waar you delinquent loser rather than hiding your shame, you advertise it. like getting some qooq Xalima is such an accomplishment.

Somalis and their eternal fail.

What's wrong with abortions?
Maybe you're slow on the numbers but countless Somali girls get it done
Accidents do happen bruh, Chill out

What's wrong with abortions?
Maybe you're slow on the numbers but countless Somali girls get it done
Accidents do happen bruh, Chill out

:jcoleno: :trash:
what you fell on her by accidents. if you had one shred of integrity, you wouldn't advertise an abortion on public forum. it almost self congratulatory, phew i dogged a bullet.


Jet life till my next life
:jcoleno: :trash:
what you fell on her by accidents. if you had one shred of integrity, you wouldn't advertise an abortion on public forum. it almost self congratulatory, phew i dogged a bullet.


Bruuuh, instead of congratulating a nigga for dodgin one
ya outta here makin damn excuses to came at me

Bruuuh, instead of congratulating a nigga for dodgin one
ya outta here makin damn excuses to came at me

this is what i am talking about no remorse, than again, you got off scotch free it not you who will have to live with the trauma of an abortions. and you cavalier attitude is getting on my last nerves, you degenerate you don't treat a somali girls as "wham bang thank you maam". you ever heard of don't shit where you eat. there are plenty of qooq cadaan girls for you to sow you wild oats, and none of them will sleep with you without a condom, but xalimas are naive, it times like these that i agree with sex educations.


Suicidal men adore me.
this is what i am talking about no remorse, than again, you got off scotch free it not you who will have to live with the trauma of an abortions. and you cavalier attitude is getting on my last nerves, you degenerate you don't treat a somali girls as "wham bang thank you maam". you ever heard of don't shit where you eat. there are plenty of qooq cadaan girls for you to sow you wild oats, and none of them will sleep with you without a condom, but xalimas are naive, it times like these that i agree with sex educations.

LOL most women are actually happy after an abortion. That women feel sad afterwards is more of a myth.


not so sad after all
'bi ey dhambin qutilat' of course you feel regret and as you should the aborted babies will come back to haunt you one day
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