She left her Somali fiance for a cadaan…

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After sponsering her journey too Europe and doing everything for her she left the poor Faarax for a white man.

Now he blocked her and cut her off and the white man left her. She is begging for him to take him back on TikTok live.

I never understood why some women are so evil to great men:meleshame: :meleshame:
That's not the full story bro, I heard this 4 part story on Tiktok. The cuck Faraax was a longtime friend of this woman and assisted her with everything when she arrived to Finland from immigration, finding her housing, assisting with bills, etc.

When he heard she befriended the Cadaan dude he told her that he would no longer be her friend as he did not approve of their relationship. He blocked her shortly after and eventually moved on after marrying another xalimo. The Faraax snapped out of his cucking ways and completely cut ties with this female in the video.

The Faraax most likely loved her but never clearly stated his intentions so he remained in the friend zone. This chick knew what she was doing at the time and was delusional to think that she can have a relationship with the cadaan guy and carry the Faraax along for the ride. Now she wants him to reenter her life when she's a broken single mother with ajnabi kids. Sxbtinimo ayaan ka rabay (from the Faraax) nin cadaanana waan wataa :mindblown:
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The years don't matter, the life in those years do
That's not the full story bro, I heard this 4 part story on Tiktok. The cuck Faraax was a longtime friend of this woman and assisted her with everything when she arrived to Finland from immigration, finding her housing, assisting with bills, etc.

When he heard she befriended the Cadaan dude he told her that he would no longer be her friend as he did not approve of their relationship. He blocked her shortly after and eventually moved on after marrying another xalimo. The Faraax snapped out of his cucking ways and completely cut ties with this xalimo.

The Faraax most likely loved her but never clearly stated his intentions so he remained in the friend zone. This chick knew what she was doing at the time and was delusional to think that she can have a relationship with the cadaan guy and carry the Faraax along for the ride. Now she wants him to reenter her life when she's a broken single mother with ajnabi kids.

That's not the full story bro, I heard this 4 part story on Tiktok. The cuck Faraax was a longtime friend of this woman and assisted her with everything when she arrived to Finland from immigration, finding her housing, assisting with bills, etc.

When he heard that she befriended the Cadaan dude, he told her that he would no longer be her friend as he did not approve of their relationship. He blocked her shortly after and eventually moved on after marrying another xalimo.

The dude most likely loved her but never clearly stated his intentions. This chick knew what she was doing at the time and was delusional to think that she can have a relationship with the cadaan dude and carry the Faraax along for the ride. Sxbtinimo ayaan ka rabay (from the Faraax) nin cadaanana waan wataa :mindblown:
He chose that life, I would never do all that for someone unless we're in a steady relationship, very close friends/they would do the same for me ( I wouldn't be available for them all the time tho) or family.
Yes.In most households it’s the women that buys what is needed and knows what is running out and knows more about what the kids also needs as well so I see the wisdom In it. Generally speaking, men don’t calculate because it’s usually the mother running the household, whilst the father is working outside. But I agree with you. It’s extreme and allocating money is better

anything other than that I disagree with, even if other cultures did it in the past present or future it is irrelevant to me, a man should be the overall maintainer and manager of the household finances
All these cultures are not the example for me, for starters I believe a man should know everything going on in his childrens lives, he should be up to date with all the problems in the household and also be able to run it if the wife is not there, this is kind of a problem of relying on the women to do everything while the man just works and then comes home and does nothing all day, here more strain is put on the women and women are the sole caretakers of everything, then complain the man isn't helping
So, I believe a man should know what his family is eating every day, how much we are spending on food, all of the food prices, quality of food, go in the store with his wife to see whats going on, know which child likes what food etc.. then the man can decide what amount of money they are using each week for food, and make decisions like that, the wife will always be consulted obviously but the man is charge of finances,
A man should be able to do this with his wifes cleaning products, decorations, vaccuums cushions laundry clothes to buy future gifts to buy for children etc..
I basically see most men nowadays as lazy and forcing women to do all of the work for the family while they do other stuff, he must be able to organise everything in the family, even if he lets his wife decide things, he should ALWAYS know what is going on and why, he should not be a ghost in his own household like alot of men

I believe any good leader, should always know what is going on in his kingdom, he doesn't need to always make decisions as thats impossible, but he should always be well informed, make the important decisions, take on advice, part of that is he has the finances, he knows where the money is going and how, he gives his wife the money she needs for the week and he knows how much money he is giving and what it is being spent on, that way he can budget for the household and make any big decisions according to finances.

Now, this for me is the ideal household, in my own personal opinion, some of the stuff I get from Islam though, examples of this in the sunnah would be
The Prophet ﷺ when he had time dealt with the necessary things in the household and repaired his own stuff, this shows he always knew what was going on in his house and what needed fixing and also took part when neccesary
The Prophet ﷺ would always check on his wives, even when it was one wifes day, he would go to all his wives houses to check if everything was good in the night, as opposed to men today who rely on there wife to lock the doors turn the gas off and everything while they go sleep, a ideal man is the one doing the checking aswell and making sure everyone is ok
The Prophet ﷺs daughter came to him because she wanted a maid, this is clear that the Prophet ﷺ was the leader and when his daughter needed help due to financial trouble he was their, in this way every man should know his families needs and give money to them based on what they need.
The Prophet ﷺ decided which house he lived in, he decided what decorations would be up and what wouldn't, he was the one who told his wife Aaishah RA to give away all their money before he died to charity, he was the one who lived in a certain way and dealt with the problems of the ummah and his own household

Ofc if you want to give your finances to your wife thats your own choice, but I prefer to give it to my wife knowing exactly what is going on and being fully informed, you can only be a leader in your household if you are like that.

Anyway enough of my rant.
You sound problematic. Give her a good amount if your happy, a little if you're moody, nothing if you're angry.
Lets Go Flag GIF by Tribe Gaming
I don't give my wife money based on my emotional state, I am not a women(joke)
I give my wife based on what she wants and needs, even if I am angry with her I will still give her everything she needs, help her out around the house, and with the kids, etc

My emotional state does not control what I do, when you raise feminine men, they always prioritise emotions, they don't just do the job and get on with it


~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
looooool! teach me your manipulative ways :feedme::feedme:
In time senpai.
He chose that life, I would never do all that for someone unless we're in a steady relationship, very close friends/they would do the same for me ( I wouldn't be available for them all the time tho) or family.
From what I have seen this new batch of fobs are more impressionable and try desperately to seem western but have a hard time doing so as they are over the top or they come off as very traditional. She was probably attracted to the novelty of the foreigner but miscalculated the degree of dissimilarity and cultural incompatibility as her relationship was probably rushed and predicated mostly on lust rather than commonalities or more enduring attributes. The newage fobs are easier to play and lacking in discernment.


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
That's not the full story bro, I heard this 4 part story on Tiktok. The cuck Faraax was a longtime friend of this woman and assisted her with everything when she arrived to Finland from immigration, finding her housing, assisting with bills, etc.

When he heard she befriended the Cadaan dude he told her that he would no longer be her friend as he did not approve of their relationship. He blocked her shortly after and eventually moved on after marrying another xalimo. The Faraax snapped out of his cucking ways and completely cut ties with this female in the video.

The Faraax most likely loved her but never clearly stated his intentions so he remained in the friend zone. This chick knew what she was doing at the time and was delusional to think that she can have a relationship with the cadaan guy and carry the Faraax along for the ride. Now she wants him to reenter her life when she's a broken single mother with ajnabi kids. Sxbtinimo ayaan ka rabay (from the Faraax) nin cadaanana waan wataa :mindblown:
Waalida Xalimooynka qaar waa yaab its no wonder the term cheap and clean became a household brand :francis:


عادل | جامعة الدفاع العربي
I saw pictures of the poor lad, I looked like one of those Helenistic Greek god statues by comparison lol. Besides, I wasn't really "abusive", I was just a bit of an aloof prick who didn't really care about her or the relatioship. But who knows, things might've been different if I did make an effort:manny:
Why it just physique or was he a bat-shit ugly manlet? :hmm:
That's not the full story bro, I heard this 4 part story on Tiktok. The cuck Faraax was a longtime friend of this woman and assisted her with everything when she arrived to Finland from immigration, finding her housing, assisting with bills, etc.

When he heard she befriended the Cadaan dude he told her that he would no longer be her friend as he did not approve of their relationship. He blocked her and shortly after and eventually moved on after marrying another xalimo. The Faraax snapped out of his cucking ways and completely cut ties with this female in the video.

The Faraax most likely loved her but never clearly stated his intentions so he remained in the friend zone. This chick knew what she was doing at the time and was delusional to think that she can have a relationship with the cadaan guy and carry the Faraax along for the ride. Now she wants him to reenter her life when she's a broken single mother with ajnabi kids. Sxbtinimo ayaan ka rabay (from the Faraax) nin cadaanana waan wataa :mindblown:
Even if he had spilled everything to her, she most likely would still choose the white man over him. It’s clear she never saw him that way otherwise the cadaan fellow wouldn’t have stood a chance against him.

I’m not calling her a user but users (narcissists is the popular term these days) know how to take advantage and not value people who give them everything. And to seek them out when they have needs that no one else is meeting for them. From what you wrote, it seems like the Somali man got lucky to see those signs and run for the hills.


Let us learn from this experience, sometimes we need to appreciate what we currently have. I hope the sister finds happiness :)
In time senpai.

From what I have seen this new batch of fobs are more impressionable and try desperately to seem western but have a hard time doing so as they are over the top or they come off as very traditional. She was probably attracted to the novelty of the foreigner but miscalculated the degree of dissimilarity and cultural incompatibility as her relationship was probably rushed and predicated mostly on lust rather than commonalities or more enduring attributes. The newage fobs are easier to play and lacking in discernment.
You’re accurate in your assessment, I just can’t help but blame the Somali guy for all of this.

Instead of coming clean with his intentions before investing a cent in this women, he chose to buy her affection and play her friend.

with deeds, services and hard currency, in the hopes she might realize, what a wonderful guy he is and fall in love with him. So he can get what you once called the buskud lol.

what in the Bollywood bs is that.
I don’t get it. She got married and was brought over and they had couple of kids. Then divorced and she dated a white dude and it didn’t work out and want to go back to ex husband?

or did she cheat on him while married and left him? Either way you live and learn.
I don’t get it. She got married and was brought over and they had couple of kids. Then divorced and she dated a white dude and it didn’t work out and want to go back to ex husband?

or did she cheat on him while married and left him? Either way you live and learn.
She doesn’t have kids with the guy. The guy helped her come to America and supported her with everything. He sounds like a decent guy but she was being oblivious to the fact that he wanted her. She ended up with a white guy who she had children with and he left her. Now she wants a second chance.
She doesn’t have kids with the guy. The guy helped her come to America and supported her with everything. He sounds like a decent guy but she was being oblivious to the fact that he wanted her. She ended up with a white guy who she had children with and he left her. Now she wants a second chance.
Ok so the white guy is the father. Then the farax is atleast not attached to her and remarried anyway. He still had lucky escape he didn’t have kids with her
I’m guessing the kids come from zina? If so it’s beyond insult she would want to go back to the Somali guy thinking he will raise them


Garaadka Guud ee Beesha Calaamka
Gaalo have a working theory called ‘why buy a cow when you milk its udders for free?’. She gave him the punani for free, he has no real ties to her. Kids? He don’t care about tarbaby mutts.

Why tf would he stay. :pachah1:


Head of Somalia freemasonry branch
I mean, she knew. Cadaan men hit it and quit it when it comes to black women. Like majority of them wouldn't bring a black woman home
I know you were foaming while writing this,always cherry picking convos to squeeze your blm nonsense in.We are Muslims this doesn’t align with our culture at all
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