That's not the full story bro, I heard this 4 part story on Tiktok. The cuck Faraax was a longtime friend of this woman and assisted her with everything when she arrived to Finland from immigration, finding her housing, assisting with bills, etc.
After sponsering her journey too Europe and doing everything for her she left the poor Faarax for a white man.
Now he blocked her and cut her off and the white man left her. She is begging for him to take him back on TikTok live.
I never understood why some women are so evil to great men![]()
When he heard she befriended the Cadaan dude he told her that he would no longer be her friend as he did not approve of their relationship. He blocked her shortly after and eventually moved on after marrying another xalimo. The Faraax snapped out of his cucking ways and completely cut ties with this female in the video.
The Faraax most likely loved her but never clearly stated his intentions so he remained in the friend zone. This chick knew what she was doing at the time and was delusional to think that she can have a relationship with the cadaan guy and carry the Faraax along for the ride. Now she wants him to reenter her life when she's a broken single mother with ajnabi kids. Sxbtinimo ayaan ka rabay (from the Faraax) nin cadaanana waan wataa

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