She says "I've never known any other place, I grew up here" yet she speaks broken English

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Nine kitaabs on a bookshelf
my bad @NewYork :meleshame:

i mean maybe in north york and scarborough, but the kids in etobicoke? that's some new shit i've been seeing post 2005.

especially by people who aren't actually black or african of any kind. it never permeated the burb kids from what i could gather and even they're sucked in.
lol not really any difference between north york and etobicoke even geographically man. i grew up in both and i can say ppl spoke like that before 2005. i mean even 2005, that's a decade plus man :damedamn:

ur prolly right about scarborough tho. i swear they used to be in their own little world, now i hear scarborough niggas talk and im like wtf these niggas sound like us :dwill:


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
i differentiated between york and etobicoke simply because etobicoke has at least a few nice spots and north york is all asscheeks.

and yeah you can't even hold a convo with a scarlem or burb kid anymore. they invented a new language the fucks...


Some Somali women - especially the stay at home mother types -don't socialize with any non-Somalis and hence can get stuck with accents even though they have been there for decades.


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
Some Somali women - especially the stay at home mother types -don't socialize with any non-Somalis and hence can get stuck with accents even though they have been there for decades.

it also depends on who you interact with outside the somali community. i know some mothers that work in various fields, but their main coworkers are other immigrants and they rarely get a chance to fix their accent.

which is why you can sometimes see a woman (or man) who has the actual accent down but not the vocabulary, and in other instances someone who has the grammar and vocabulary on point with the same thick accent. you need diversity to get the full benefit.
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