Sheikh Dr. Yusuf al-Qaradawi (May Allah have mercy on him) admonishes the Muslim world (especially the Arab world) for not being tecnologically or economically independent (i.e independent civilization). To be accurate he’s specifically talking about the Arab world but by extension, it’s not hard to figure out that this refers to most Muslim countries as well. Islam tells us to excel in everything but we are so far behind.
Sheikh Dr. Yusuf al-Qaradawi: “We use trains and planes but they are not our trains or planes. The (Westerners) manufacture them and export them to us. True, we can buy the most magnificent things in the world for our homes and for ourselves. Our people can buy the most luxurious cars, Rolls-Royce or Mercedes 500 or 700 with all the luxuries. We own them but do not manufacture them, we don’t produce a single nail in any of these cars. The income of the entire Arab world including the oil-producing countries, does not reach that of a European country such as Spain, let alone Germany, France, Britain or Italy. Islam teaches us to do this professionally, doing things professionally is a religious duty. Professionalism must be followed in everything. Unfortunately, we do not excel in either military or civil industries. We import everything from needles to missiles. How come the Zionist gang managed to be superior to us despite being so few? It has become superior through knowledge, technology, strength and work. We had the deserts before our eyes but we didn’t do anything with it, when they took over, they turned it into a green oasis.”