Well my friend. I want sharia to be implemented but I am not gonna decide wether a leader in a Muslim majority country is excused by the kufr duna kufr or if he isnt. That is up to the scholars of each land to decide. We have salafi scholars in our land, I believe so does many muslim countries.
As laymans we cant make an individual fatwas like that.
I am not talking about any specific ruler. I am talking about in general and I am talking about part of aqeedah. What I have said is backed by the chapter Sheikh Fawzan wrote on ruling by other than what Allah has revealed in Aqeedah at-Tawheed. I have not brought anything new. I am following the exact same view Sheikh Fawzan presented in Aqeedah at-Tawheed. And my view is backed by numerous other scholars as well.