Shia cult religion has reached Africa

Twelver Shia’s who are the majority of Shia’s hate and curse the sahabah رضي الله عنهم including the Prophet’s ﷺ wives. Even the one’s who say they don’t do it secretly.
I think you are getting confused. Shiasm personally to me makes no sense and is a convoluted mess and its like they ran with the ideas and decided hey lets go full retard mode lol. My point is from the aftermath of the prophets death shiasm account of what happened makes more sense to me personally when I look at both sunni accounts and shia accounts of islamic history. The Sunni side for me is like someone to a jigsaw and hid the pieces. The shia for all their madness paint a more truer image. After that the twelve imams and whatnot, yeah thats not my business to judge but makes no sense to me from a theological pov let alone anything else.

Hassan Garguute Buldanana

Majeertentitis Research Institute
The prophet himself annointed Ali as his succesor although the sunnis will say he meant mawla as his friend and not as in charge etc... Also on his death bed there are some accounts that differ on this matter as to how his successor differed. Its been a long time since I read it but the succession of mohamed by wilfred madlung is great to see the view from an objective lens although it does favour a pro ali viewpoint on certain ocassions. I will say that the sunni viewpoint is a tad more kumbaya everyone just had a minor disagreement it wasnt so bad at times.

For the sake of argument, let say Ali was suppose to be next in line. How did they create a total different religion out of a disagreement on succession?
When I was living in Somalia, I saw some crazy bid'ah wallahi.

These sheikhs were making up hadith just to explain their dodgy actions.

Kulahaa the only time you are allowed to steal is to get more hilib during Mowlid.
Nah thats sheikh tuulo. Whether he is sufi or not, sheikh tuulo will make up nonsense hadith to swindle people. Hate them all.
For the sake of argument, let say Ali was suppose to be next in line. How did they create a total different religion out of a disagreement on succession?
They went full retard mode. Never go full retard mode. Regardless their accounts of islamic history has alot more weight to it than the sunni side for me.


Min Al-Nahr ila Al-Ba7r
Nah thats sheikh tuulo. Whether he is sufi or not, sheikh tuulo will make up nonsense hadith to swindle people. Hate them all.

I said this in another thread but ....


Ulema in Somalia fall into three categories:

1. The hustler: The sheikh that will host mowlids and charge followers money for big parties almost every week. This guy will also be involved in very questionable business ideas.

2. The agenda sheikh: These guys are either AS, Tabliqi or funded by an organisation. They will preach jumuah lecturers that fit their narrative without giving context.

3. The well-meaning sheikh: These guys are good men but because of the state Somalia is in have less understanding of Islam than your average sheikh in the West. These guys will talk about Zakat and Ramadan but do not know much about the hadiths cleanliness, backbiting or anything about the self.
I said this in another thread but ....


Ulema in Somalia fall into three categories:

1. The hustler: The sheikh that will host mowlids and charge followers money for big parties almost every week. This guy will also be involved in very questionable business ideas.

2. The agenda sheikh: These guys are either AS, Tabliqi or funded by an organisation. They will preach jumuah lecturers that fit their narrative without giving context.

3. The well-meaning sheikh: These guys are good men but because of the state Somalia is in have less understanding of Islam than your average sheikh in the West. These guys will talk about Zakat and Ramadan but do not know much about the hadiths cleanliness, backbiting or anything about the self.
Its always one and two who hold the most weight back home. The damages they have done to the country is saddening wallahi.
I think you are getting confused. Shiasm personally to me makes no sense and is a convoluted mess and its like they ran with the ideas and decided hey lets go full retard mode lol. My point is from the aftermath of the prophets death shiasm account of what happened makes more sense to me personally when I look at both sunni accounts and shia accounts of islamic history. The Sunni side for me is like someone to a jigsaw and hid the pieces. The shia for all their madness paint a more truer image. After that the twelve imams and whatnot, yeah thats not my business to judge but makes no sense to me from a theological pov let alone anything else.
Shi’ism was originally a political movement until it developed into the nasty cult we see today. Sunni Muslims, regardless of their differences unanimously agree on Islamic history and the virtues of the sahabah رضي الله عنهم whereas Twelver Shia’s do not agree with the Zaydis and vice versa. Original Shia’s of Ali were theologically Sunni.

Their narrative make no sense and it’s complete fabrications. They believe Fatimah رضي الله عنها, Ali’s رضي الله عنه wife was killed by Umar and Abu bakr رضي الله عنهم and Ali رضي الله عنه didn’t do anything about it. According to their narrative, Ali رضي الله عنه was a coward who continued to give allegiance to those who killed his wife (Audhubillah).

Sunni scholars have been refuting them for centuries and their fables and fabricated myths don’t make sense.
Shi’ism was originally a political movement until it developed into the nasty cult we see today. Sunni Muslims, regardless of their creedal differences unanimously agree on Islamic history and the virtues of the sahabah رضي الله عنهم whereas Twelver Shia’s do not agree with the Zaydis and vice versa. Original Shia’s of Ali were theologically Sunni.

Their e make no sense and it’s complete fabrications. They believe Fatimah رضي الله عنها, Ali’s رضي الله عنه wife was killed by Umar and Abu bakr رضي الله عنهم and Ali رضي الله عنه didn’t do anything about it. According to their narrative, Ali رضي الله عنه was a coward who continued to give allegiance to those who killed his wife (Audhubillah).

Sunni scholars have been refuting them for centuries.
Agree to disagree sunni scholars are not objective and the same can be said vice versa with shia. You want to paint a better picture you can google the pdf of the book I mentioned. Or read fred donners brilliant book on islamic origins. Both brilliant books that take both sides sources along with others and paint a better image.


Veni Vidi Vici
Akhi forget about anything else, can they show us where it says in the Quran or authentic hadiths to follow 12 infallible imams who know everything from the past to the future? Know even what an ant is doing at any given time? Even if they believe Ali RA was to be the successor after Prophet PBUH, where did these beliefs come from?
If we follow the Quran, to the letter, it is very easy to discredit their point

The prophet PBUH is خاتم النبيين‎ /Khatam An Nabiyan. In Surah Ahzab it was stated in the holy Quran
Muhammad is not the father of any of your men, but (he is) the Messenger of Allah, and the Seal of the Prophets: and Allah has full knowledge of all things.

This discredit their point that Ail RA was to be prophet or even a successor.

Allah SWT is the only one who can see the future, who can see the past. The whole reason there is a debate (there shouldn't, it was stated to be haram) on Temp Marriage, was due to Shia interpretation of the deen. They claim to stop "bidah", but they themselves engage in such innovation within the deen.


Veni Vidi Vici
Agree to disagree I just find contradictions in the sunni version of history after the death of the prophet and in some cases the shia accounts make more sense, thats what I meant by gloss over. I get you are sunni so you have to agree with everything regardless so each to their own. Same way shias have to do the same. The truth probably lies somwhere in the middle.

@Tamir, I would like to bring in a post you did a couple of months ago. In relation to your post, your version of history depends on which sect you follow WITHIN Shias.

Shia’s are of many sects. Some of them are Kaffir and some of them are not. The majority of Shia’s to my understanding belong to the Ithna Ashari (Twelver Shia) sect which is followed in Iran. Twelver Shia’s believe in 12 Imam’s and the last one is the Mahdi hiding in a cave waiting to return when the time is right. Many Twelver Shia’s insult the companions of the Prophet (ﷺ).

^ I wouldn’t call the average Twelver a Kaffir, they are misguided Jaahils but their scholars are all Kaffir.

There are the Zaidi Shia’s who are very close to the Sunnis. They don’t insult the companions of the Prophet (ﷺ) or takfir them, apparently they believe in the higher status of Ali, that’s all.

There are other one’s I’m not gonna mention. Either way, Shi’ism especially the Rafidhi type is a cancer in the Muslim world and Sunnis should be wary of this ideology. Iran is hellbent on destabilizing the Middle East (and other Sunni countries to make a leeway for their blasphemous beliefs. May Allah protect us all from this fitna and may Allah guide them to the true understanding of Islam.


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