I think you are getting confused. Shiasm personally to me makes no sense and is a convoluted mess and its like they ran with the ideas and decided hey lets go full retard mode lol. My point is from the aftermath of the prophets death shiasm account of what happened makes more sense to me personally when I look at both sunni accounts and shia accounts of islamic history. The Sunni side for me is like someone to a jigsaw and hid the pieces. The shia for all their madness paint a more truer image. After that the twelve imams and whatnot, yeah thats not my business to judge but makes no sense to me from a theological pov let alone anything else.Twelver Shia’s who are the majority of Shia’s hate and curse the sahabah رضي الله عنهم including the Prophet’s ﷺ wives. Even the one’s who say they don’t do it secretly.