Shipwrecked Swahili Saw White & Indian slaves In Nugaal- 1866

Contrary to modern western history, that loves to associate Madownimo, with Adoonimo. They were all getting the same treatment, no matter their race.

I do strongly suspect the "Banian", could be a Somali, not Indian though. Some Somalis look Asiatic to people not familiar with Somali phenotypes.

Also, @Yami

If these Cadaans speak of 'slavery' and try to pretend they were not enslaved, there are so many reports of the fact that a lot of Cadaans were in fact enslaved. Something which of course, is intolerable, as slavery is heinous. That said, it happened, and it cannot be denied. By the Berbers, Ottomans and Arabs. It's no coincidence these three populations can have people that look European.

Berbers used to kidnap and enslave Cadaans, and I assume they ended up assimilating the offspring of these people. You can see the frequency of R1a (European Haplogroup), in Northern and Central Africa (Chad).


4th Emir of the Akh Right Movement, T-Y16897 Arabi
Also, @Yami

If these Cadaans speak of 'slavery' and try to pretend they were not enslaved, there are so many reports of the fact that a lot of Cadaans were in fact enslaved. Something which of course, is intolerable, as slavery is heinous. That said, it happened, and it cannot be denied. By the Berbers, Ottomans and Arabs. It's no coincidence these three populations can have people that look European.

Berbers used to kidnap and enslave Cadaans, and I assume they ended up assimilating the offspring of these people. You can see the frequency of R1a (European Haplogroup), in Northern and Central Africa (Chad).
You onto something my Syrian friend has reddish hair and blue eyes. She's probably a decedent of some Slavic adoon :damn:
Banian was a name for indians. They were very active sailors and traders in the Indian ocean. I am pretty certain writers from 1800s were not gathering around analyzing physical appearances to determine what ppls ethnic or cultural origins are. They spoke to them and asked and those people told them what they are. There are cases of Somalis taking european captives though so you are not wrong.

Also slavery was a business thing not a race thing, especially on the Muslim side of it
Mentioned a bit about this before and it had nothing to do with being madow. There are cases and instances of various groups being captured and sold even arabs, europeans, asians etc. Sometimes even other Muslims being captured by other bandit Muslims acting outside the law, looking for a quick buck to make
Compared to the West. Slavery in Muslim world was a small trickle trade drawn from all types of races/groups highly individualized only rich elites could afford a few and rarely used as a means of crop production; slaves were not the economic engine behind Muslim economies until the 19th century boom which was a due to a capitalist market demand introduced and created by the Portuguese. They had far greater treatment, rights and higher social mobility than in European systems.

As such from ''Slave to Sultan'', was pretty common occurrence throughout the Muslim world.

Even in the Muslim history of Horn of Africa you see this happen, Habash slave of Nur Ibn Mujahid became the Emir of Harar after his passing. This was pretty much unheard of in both Ethiopian and European slave systems.

There is nothing nice about being a slave of either Arabs, Europeans or even Africans(Like Somalis or Habeshas). Slavery, mild or otherwise, is a crime against a human being. But it would be historically and morally inaccurate not to cite that there is a serious difference between vassalship and Chattelship.

Somali captives never figured significantly in the slave trade at any point in time, the biggest reason is that they never captured and sold eachother.
the Somali never figured significantly in the slave trade as captives, they are generally ignored in the literature of the African diaspora.

Also because of our diplomatic/political and economic position in the Indian Ocean and red sea, made us able secure protection for eachother.

Somalis didnt enslave each other he most likely indian. I remember seeing another report about abanian slave in mogadishu too

Correct. Somalis did not enslave each-other as it was forbidden in the xeer laws mainly because most Somalis were socio-economically tied to each-other , so it would be like taking a blood relative who you are economically reliant on, whereas in other groups another person from a seperate village was a stranger and economically disconnected.

The Somali customary law forbade enslavement of fellow Somali, thus the enslaved people were all categorised as foreigners.

A big contrast to this is oromo's who are heterogenous, they enslaved and sold off other Oromos in droves for profit and their costumary law did not forbid it. Because to them another oromo was a de-tached stranger and it did not hurt them.
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Very interesting. Speculatively, this could explain why so many "Cadcads" have a substantial amount of Somali Bantu admixture. In places where both of these enslaved groups coexisted, they likely shared a similar socio-economic status, making intermarriage more common.
Very interesting. Speculatively, this could explain why so many "Cadcads" have a substantial amount of Somali Bantu admixture. In places where both of these enslaved groups coexisted, they likely shared a similar socio-economic status, making intermarriage more common.
Cadcads weren’t enslaved? Just because some ibadi Arabs were enslaved doesn’t mean benadiri sunnis were. Don’t jump to conclusions like micheal Jordan and malign the Somali people by saying they would enslave believes and their neighbors.

also most β€œbantus” (I hate that term) weren’t slaves but maroons or migrants.
Very interesting. Speculatively, this could explain why so many "Cadcads" have a substantial amount of Somali Bantu admixture. In places where both of these enslaved groups coexisted, they likely shared a similar socio-economic status, making intermarriage more common.
I have no idea about the specific mixture part of Gibil Cads , so cannot speak on it with certainty but if it exists it's more than likely coming from free swahilis on the coast and not bantu speaking enslaved people.

For example Barawa coastal communities both Gibil Madow(Tunnis) and Gibil Cads(Hatimi, Bidda etc) acted as trans-localists moving between the Somali coast and the Swahili coast.
Interesting. A Qadi(Judge) in Mombasa was also from Barawa, when the Europeans visited the towns in the early 1800s.


It speaks to the translocality of Barawa as a town.
Cadcads weren’t enslaved? Just because some ibadi Arabs were enslaved doesn’t mean benadiri sunnis were. Don’t jump to conclusions like micheal Jordan and malign the Somali people by saying they would enslave believes and their neighbors.

also most β€œbantus” (I hate that term) weren’t slaves but maroons or migrants.

Look up the meaning of the word "speculatively." The presence of a significant amount (approximately 10%) of Bantu admixture requires an explanation. If the Bantu and Somalis were neighbors, intermarriage would have been possible. Given their origins, the genetics could only have been introduced in Somalia through the Somali Bantus. If the Benadiri came from scholarly or mercantile backgrounds, why would they have intermarried with the lower caste of Somali society at that time?
The fact is that Benadiri history is genetically contradictory to the genetic evidence. Firstly, they are not substantially Arab but rather Western South Asian, from the area of eastern Pakistan and western India.

I am simply providing a speculation.
I have no idea about the specific mixture part of Gibil Cads , so cannot speak on it with certainty but if it exists it's more than likely coming from free swahilis on the coast and not bantu speaking enslaved people.

For example Barawa coastal communities both Gibil Madow(Tunnis) and Gibil Cads(Hatimi, Bidda etc) acted as trans-localists moving between the Somali coast and the Swahili coast.

This could very well be the case. However, the problem is that the Cad Cad history claims they arrived in Somalia much earlier, with some suggesting their origin dates back to the spread of Islam into the Horn of Africa. It also states that they came directly from Yemen, not from the Arab community in Zanzibar.
This could very well be the case. However, the problem is that the Cad Cad history claims they arrived in Somalia much earlier, with some suggesting their origin dates back to the spread of Islam into the Horn of Africa. It also states that they came directly from Yemen, not from the Arab community in Zanzibar.
It's not about when they arrived, is how they formed translocal communities on the Swahili coast and zanzibar. Meaning Local to local.
We all know about Somali Tunni ''Katwa' presence on the northern swahili caost which shows the continued trend of translocalism.

But thats my guess though. Our relationship with Bantu speakers wasn't just predicated on slavery , we shared a mutual co-existence with them on the coast.
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Cadcads weren’t enslaved? Just because some ibadi Arabs were enslaved doesn’t mean benadiri sunnis were. Don’t jump to conclusions like micheal Jordan and malign the Somali people by saying they would enslave believes and their neighbors.

also most β€œbantus” (I hate that term) weren’t slaves but maroons or migrants.
Most bantus came as slaves.