Fym they were mostly maroons. Millions madoweyn decend from ship wrecked Tanzanians?Only tangentially, they mostly either were maroons from ship wrecks or escapes from Swahili’s or Arabs
Fym they were mostly maroons. Millions madoweyn decend from ship wrecked Tanzanians?Only tangentially, they mostly either were maroons from ship wrecks or escapes from Swahili’s or Arabs
Cadcad's as a group were not enslaved but they may have ancestry from slaves because of intermixingCadcads weren’t enslaved? Just because some ibadi Arabs were enslaved doesn’t mean benadiri sunnis were. Don’t jump to conclusions like micheal Jordan and malign the Somali people by saying they would enslave believes and their neighbors.
also most “bantus” (I hate that term) weren’t slaves but maroons or migrants.
This doesn't contradict cadcad history. It seems that they descent from Arabs and some Persians who then mixed with Bantus and Somalis alike and formed a distinct cadcad identity. This group was later joined by gibil madow who joined the confederation while maintaining more of their Somali identity. Late on when cadcad's were fully formed as a clan they accepted folks from India , Yemen etc. There are cadcad's who have both recent (200-300 years) foreign ancestry and ancient foreign ancestry from early Arab settlers. The Indian component in benadiris is probably mostly recent (last 150-300 years )This could very well be the case. However, the problem is that the Cad Cad history claims they arrived in Somalia much earlier, with some suggesting their origin dates back to the spread of Islam into the Horn of Africa. It also states that they came directly from Yemen, not from the Arab community in Zanzibar.
Most of them are straight IndiansThis doesn't contradict cadcad history. It seems that they descent from Arabs and some Persians who then mixed with Bantus and Somalis alike and formed a distinct cadcad identity. This group was later joined by gibil madow who joined the confederation while maintaining more of their Somali identity. Late on when cadcad's were fully formed as a clan they accepted folks from India , Yemen etc. There are cadcad's who have both recent (200-300 years) foreign ancestry and ancient foreign ancestry from early Arab settlers. The Indian component in benadiris is probably mostly recent (last 150-300 years )
Not really. They have Somali, Arab , Persian and Indian , bantu blood as well. If you see cadcads they mostly look mostly as a lighter skinned version of somalis or straight up yemenisMost of them are straight Indians
Send plzI've read some stuff on the sultan Ali Shire if the warsangeli and it seems he had an Indian slave concubine which accompanied him when he was exiled in the Seychelles by the British. Indians have indeed suffered many forms of servitude and trafficking, the indians in South America(Guyana, Suriname) and South Africa were specifically brought as indentured servants to replace black Africans who were freed
That has almost nothing to do with slavery lmaoYou can see the frequency of R1a (European Haplogroup), in Northern and Central Africa (Chad).