Shirib Appreciation thread


All I’ve seen with HG really is gabays, Wilisaqo and buraanbur. Guess they were too busy expanding their territory to be dancing around shieet :trumpsmirk:
Maybe a new form of poetry can form if HG are actually expanding think of it.The more certain clans expanded the more new poetry and dances formed :mindblown: Maybe you guys will have your own poetry after all
Im pretty sure it is most people who know the origins of buuranbur say it came from mjs in bari.Because it has so many different forms of the poetry itself ,styles and dances
as far as I know we haven’t created any dances, we just do the same ones as our neighbours like dhaanto in the mudug/doolo regions and diisow for reer waamo mjs


as far as I know we haven’t created any dances, we just do the same ones as our neighbours like dhaanto in the mudug/doolo regions and diisow for reer waamo mjs
Mjs have their own form of Jaandheere in Bari it seems to be different forms and styles tbh



Inaba Caadi Maaha
Can you blame Us though it’s too beautiful sorry we took warsangeli as well :hemad:

They call Warsangeli Abgaal ‘Warsanstar’ :dead1:

I was so confused when I first heard it, sounds like a girls username, like “Queen Bbe Muniish”

