What's the point if most are illiterate? Illiteracy must be tackled first!
Our literacy rates are higher than Afghanistan. We're at 70 or so % Afghanistan is scraping 20 %
Yeah, our literacy rate is at 70%. As in, 70% of the country literally can't read.
We should make zulu official...very beautiful lingo
And while we're at we should make fufu the national dish.
There is not 100% literacy in Somali amongst our people and this frog is talking about Arabicthis thread was purposely created to give @fardowsa a heart attack
But you have time to learn tigrigna, semitic bootyclapperIdk about you but I don't have any plans learning oromo kkkkk
But you have time to learn tigrigna, semitic bootyclapper
Thina sizwe is a beautiful hymn, i think we should make zulu the official language
@Gambar @Prince Abubu listen:
Go study it as if you'll ever use itAnd what?
Arabic needs to become official language asap our language is the only thing tying us on too this damn "Cushiticism" get rid of it and claim our rightful place as full blooded arabs along side our semetic brothers
Imagine this as Somaliyaaaaa
@DeathWish @nadia @I've spoken @daacad @Karl Abdi @Shangani @Guysensei
Arabic needs to become official language asap it's the only thing tying us on too this damn "Cushiticism" get rid of it and claim our rightful place as full blooded arabs along side our semetic brothers
Imagine this as Somaliyaaaaa
@DeathWish @nadia @I've spoken @daacad @Karl Abdi @Shangani @Guysensei
i'd rather sacrifice myselfOk how about