Should social media be restricted inside Somalia?

Should social media be restricted/banned and local ones be developed?

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Stop calling yourself an Islamist when you’ve said multiple times that you want Somalia to be a US colony. The fact you equate Islamic and Muslim values with Al Shabab and terrorism says everything.

Heck, even redditors are able to admit that the Taliban are right for banning tiktok:
I believe in an Islamic state and shariah in a utopia but unfortunately Somalis are low IQ. They do not know how to apply those laws correctly and will be a pariah on the world stage with no economy or freedom. Just like Afghanistan is now.

And yes I’ve said in the past to become a prospering nation we need to be a U.S. satellite state. Only way we can defeat Shabaab and avoid clan conflicts is through our American partnership. We also need American investment, education system developed by the Americans so we can mass educate the low IQ Somalis (reducing Islamic extremism and qabiil mindsets) and in the long term Somalia should benefit from tourism from the West to improve our PR. Right now we are only known for terrorism.


Min Al-Nahr ila Al-Ba7r
@World and all the others supporting making home grown social media.

Please move to China and try the social media there. You’ll be executed the minute you log into SSpot and they see your post history.



@World and all the others supporting making home grown social media.

Please move to China and try the social media there. You’ll be executed the minute you log into SSpot and they see your post history.

They want a homegrown Shabaab terrorist network. These ppl are crazy. All the while they prosper in the West and come home and take advantage of their privileges. 4 submissive wives in Somalia, live the life of luxury in the West. I see this many times.

Kulaha Somalia’s problem is liberalisation :what:


@World and all the others supporting making home grown social media.

Please move to China and try the social media there. You’ll be executed the minute you log into SSpot and they see your post history.

Wallahi I would move to China if I was Chinese. They make me proud and I’m not even Chinese.


Min Al-Nahr ila Al-Ba7r
Wallahi I would move to China if I was Chinese. They make me proud and I’m not even Chinese.

Tell that to the millions that emigrate out or better yet to the hundreds of millions of their own people they killed.



Tell that to the millions that emigrate out or better yet to the hundreds of millions of their own people they killed.

You are the biggest agent of western imperialism and propaganda working for the Australian government educated in a useless economics degree, if i had the power I would make sure that you’re banned from entering Somalia, any site you’ve posted on and any video you’ve watched will also be banned.


Min Al-Nahr ila Al-Ba7r
You are the biggest agent of western imperialism and propaganda working for the Australian government educated in a useless economics degree, if i had the power I would make sure that you’re banned from entering Somalia, any site you’ve posted on and any video you’ve watched will also be banned.

I can taste the tears all the way in Australia.

It’s sad how little rent I pay for living in your head.



@Periplus why you deleting your posts? I read what you said, and yes you are a western imperialist and propagandist due to the views you hold. Whatever you want to call your degree it is not stem and therefore useless. Imagine studying philosophy LMAO it is just useless western propaganda. I studied Electrical Engineering and not Computer Science.


Min Al-Nahr ila Al-Ba7r
@Periplus why you deleting your posts? I read what you said, and yes you are a western imperialist and propagandist due to the views you hold. Whatever you want to call your degree it is not stem and therefore useless. Imagine studying philosophy LMAO it is just useless western propaganda. I studied Electrical Engineering and not Computer Science.

You always come across as insecure.

You’re the only person who goes around bringing up peoples degrees and jobs in an online forum.

It reminds me of a Napoleon complex and I didn’t want to feed into it.

Grow up man.

I believe in an Islamic state and shariah in a utopia but unfortunately Somalis are low IQ. They do not know how to apply those laws correctly and will be a pariah on the world stage with no economy or freedom. Just like Afghanistan is now.

And yes I’ve said in the past to become a prospering nation we need to be a U.S. satellite state. Only way we can defeat Shabaab and avoid clan conflicts is through our American partnership. We also need American investment, education system developed by the Americans so we can mass educate the low IQ Somalis (reducing Islamic extremism and qabiil mindsets) and in the long term Somalia should benefit from tourism from the West to improve our PR. Right now we are only known for terrorism.
So am I to surmise you’re also of low intelligence since you label all Somalis that way? And if so, why should anyone listen to such a low IQ individual? Get your head out of the gutter.
A follow-up question is who can get this done. Our government has bigger issues they need to handle at this time. A grassroots effort should be made to educate and inform people how disastrous negative social media consumption is on a person. It can wreak havoc on you as an individual and have ripple effects on the greater society. People would be influenced if the most famous social media personalities/fannaan’s bring about this campaign. But will they? They may not as they need high follower counts to keep their careers going.

I also believe a complete ban would cause many people to find illegal ways to get it. They need to be educated and some restriction be in place. I feel a bigger issue than social media is the easy access to adult stuff. People are corrupted in a worse way with that


Everytime i go on TikTok im blinded by the raw savagery of the Somalian reer tiktok. It’s not xaasid to ban these apps in Somalia i think its the only way forward for the youth
We have bigger fish to fry. We can't even offer citizens security and jobs. What power do you think they'll have banning Tiktok. Also, in the age of VPNS banning things will just be difficult.

Also, all of this blaming of the West when it comes to Somalis on tiktok's billa Akhlaaq behavior is funny. I see no Western influences when they go on that platform and use it to abuse each other and other tribes.


Bantu Liberation Movement
It should be restricted and locked down. Compare Somali views on Tik Tok to other ethnicities. #Somali has 15 billion views while my ancestral ethnicity #Arab has 52 billion. By my own calculations I have concluded that there are a lot more Arabs than Somali. What has led to this exposure?
100% after coming across luuqstar and similar stuff on TikTok, Somalis shouldn't even have access to the internet!. Have you guys seen that Somali couple based in Edmonton, all they do is talk about sex while showing off her boobs on TikTok lives 🤮🤮

El Nino

Cabsi cabsi
Its not even the western born people, habaryars are doing sexual poses on tiktok. There is a habaryar with almost hal million followers for showing her futo subhanallah. You can’t escape degenerancy on somali tiktok. There should be a complete ban on tiktok.

