I believe in an Islamic state and shariah in a utopia but unfortunately Somalis are low IQ. They do not know how to apply those laws correctly and will be a pariah on the world stage with no economy or freedom. Just like Afghanistan is now.Stop calling yourself an Islamist when you’ve said multiple times that you want Somalia to be a US colony. The fact you equate Islamic and Muslim values with Al Shabab and terrorism says everything.
Heck, even redditors are able to admit that the Taliban are right for banning tiktok:
And yes I’ve said in the past to become a prospering nation we need to be a U.S. satellite state. Only way we can defeat Shabaab and avoid clan conflicts is through our American partnership. We also need American investment, education system developed by the Americans so we can mass educate the low IQ Somalis (reducing Islamic extremism and qabiil mindsets) and in the long term Somalia should benefit from tourism from the West to improve our PR. Right now we are only known for terrorism.