Should Somali youth stop using the N word.

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Thanks bro, and you're right. There is a concerted effort to make sure they never return to their former glory.
Somali SJWs think Afro American culture began with twerking and the right to be a hoe. African Americans should be offended. All of these new black movements are a joke and should be called Gay/Trans Lives Matter, not representative of wider black society at all.
You even see how they are controlling the airwaves, when was the last time you saw Cornell West on tv? But i see that Deray guy everyday. It's ridiculous. Only on the Tavis Smiley show do you get to see the real discourse African American intellectuals are having.

American culture (a large part of it anyway) IS African American culture)

Nation of Islam are doing great work to black community but no one will talk about them, Louis Farrakhan talked about situation in Somalia and pirates but the SJW never mentions him.
Nation of Islam are doing great work to black community but no one will talk about them, Louis Farrakhan talked about situation in Somalia and pirates but the SJW never mentions him.

Girl, do you know they actualy diss Farakhan? Because he had the nerve to tell their queen beyonce to cover up.

These SJWs are too undisciplined to join Nation of Islam (not that I am a fan of them but they are more effective and do better work than the twitter sjw that think they are changing the world with a hashtag)
Girl, do you know they actualy diss Farakhan? Because he had the nerve to tell their queen beyonce to cover up.

These SJWs are too undisciplined to join Nation of Islam (not that I am a fan of them but they are more effective and do better work than the twitter sjw that think they are changing the world with a hashtag)

Lol @ changing world with hashtag
Thanks bro, and you're right. There is a concerted effort to make sure they never return to their former glory.
Somali SJWs think Afro American culture began with twerking and the right to be a hoe. African Americans should be offended. All of these new black movements are a joke and should be called Gay/Trans Lives Matter, not representative of wider black society at all.
You even see how they are controlling the airwaves, when was the last time you saw Cornell West on tv? But i see that Deray guy everyday. It's ridiculous. Only on the Tavis Smiley show do you get to see the real discourse African American intellectuals are having.

American culture (a large part of it anyway) IS African American culture)

It's honestly depressing what happened to them. They would have been on the same level as Jews Whites and Asians now if they weren't collectively assassinated around the 70s.

I feel angry seeing Somalis immitate their current degenerate culture of gang banging and hoeism. communities like Indians, Asians , Lebanese, Jews etc stay away from such things and succeed so well in the US but Somalis seem to embrace this qashin and it makes me angry.

Someone please tell me it's only a minority and most American Somalis reject this bullshit !!
( Kenya uses Khat to NEP)

cancuk Somalis are one of the dominant ethnicities in Kenya. Kenya has no such power! can the Lebanese/Jews/Asians/Indians in America be destroyed with drugs when they are the high class of USA? They own many big companies and are too valuable to lose.

Kenya needs Somalis and wouldn't try any of that bullshit. a large portion of Kenya's economy belongs to us and if they try to sink us we will sink the entire country with us. It will be suicide for Kenya.
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