Shall we invest in our army and equip/train our people to get rid of alshabab? Nope.
Shall we stop the dumping of stale food by UN/US that makes it harder for our own farmers to compete? Nah.
Shall we stop the illegal fishing and dumping in our waters? Err...No.
Shall we build water reservoirs, dams and wells to combat the yearly drought? Nah b I'm not feeling it.
Shall we try to get rid of the systemic tribalism and corruption that has crippled Somalia for over 3 decades? Are you kidding?
Shall we continue to waste time and bootyclap for ayrabs and ban Jews from Somalia (because we all know Somalia is at the top of everyone's vacation list)? Yeah!!! Let's get our pitchforks!!!

Shall we stop the dumping of stale food by UN/US that makes it harder for our own farmers to compete? Nah.

Shall we stop the illegal fishing and dumping in our waters? Err...No.

Shall we build water reservoirs, dams and wells to combat the yearly drought? Nah b I'm not feeling it.

Shall we try to get rid of the systemic tribalism and corruption that has crippled Somalia for over 3 decades? Are you kidding?

Shall we continue to waste time and bootyclap for ayrabs and ban Jews from Somalia (because we all know Somalia is at the top of everyone's vacation list)? Yeah!!! Let's get our pitchforks!!!