Siad barre and his cursed yahuud ideology

As we all know communism/socialism/bolshevism and the other isms it spawned was created by 🧃. A destructive ideology that rewards weakness, is anti-beauty, promotes stupidity, undermines faith for the sake of godless materialism etc

how do the pro-barre folks who also purport to be anti zionists and pro muslim (note that Israel’s founding fathers were massive communists) reconcile with the fact that he propagated this kufr on Muslim lands. Twisting hadiths to force the will of dead Jews and then killing imams in the name of said Jews? He plastered their faces on walls and named streets in their honour, these men who called the deen “opium of the masses”? All these attempts to subvert our cultures all blew up in his face and we face reprocussions from that to this day, not to mention 1977

History will show you that communists have by far been the most destructive anti Muslim force in the 20th century, worse than the colonists even. If you don’t believe me compare Central Asia before and after the soviets took hold of it. It was a cultural and theological pillar of the Muslim world and now it’s nothing but empty post-Soviet destitution.

Even if communism is dead now, you still see a lot of people here and in the wider Muslim diaspora eating up this drivel and it irks me hard. This yahuud ideology and it’s all of it’s derived leftist thoughts are fundamentally opposed to Somalis and our way of life. I’ll stop this ramble now before I start to sound like dr osman
Also before anyone mentions it, I’m aware barres ultimate goal was power and playing Cold War politics and the clan politics to stay at the top. But at the end of the day he still did that shit. It’s just that people write this vice of his off or even claim it was noble while they’re quick to condemn the latter.

honestly I’d rather have him be your typical kleptocratic qabiil dictator all the way through instead of whatever we got. At least that would have been a more sincere way to rule to Somalis imho
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Keep it a boqol

All Praise Be To Allah In Every Situation!!!
Siad Barre didn’t even know marxism was created by a yahuudi karl marx in the first place.


I’ll admit, he was skilled in military, power and had the killer instinct to lead an army but he didnt have the political acumen, economic knowledge or diplomacy skills to navigate the world at the time. IMO he should have been a high ranking military leader following orders from technocrats leading the nation in other areas.
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Siad Barre didn’t even know marxism was created by a yahuudi karl marx in the first place.

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I’ll admit, he was skilled in military, power and had the killer instinct to lead an army but he didnt havnt the political acumen, economic knowledge or diplomacy skills to navigate the world at the time. IMO he should have been a high ranking military leader following orders from technocrats leading the nation in other areas.
That’s my biggest issue with Marxism and all of it’s derivatives. It empowers the ignorant and corrupt. I’ve seen that excerpt before but didn’t have it in mind during my ramble.

Someone who claims to follow a thought but doesn’t bother to do a background check on its roots is the type of spiritually weak individual who buys into that bakhti in the first place. A proper system of governance would’ve filtered out lowly characters like that, He probably would’ve just stayed in the military had that corruption never taken root.
The creator of Marxism & Captilism are both Yahuud creations. The creators of Nuclear weapons a yahuud. Hate them all you want but they engineered & control the society we currently live in. Their ancestors have chosen this world over the hereafter in Babylon. Ilaahey ha unaxaristo siyaad barre.
He fell for the yahuud Sixir like majority of us till this day. Majority of us preach democracy & nationalism when it’s not even an Islamic ideology. This social engineered world is the cards & tools of Modern day Zionism.
Siad Barre didn’t even know marxism was created by a yahuudi karl marx in the first place.

View attachment 346037

I’ll admit, he was skilled in military, power and had the killer instinct to lead an army but he didnt havnt the political acumen, economic knowledge or diplomacy skills to navigate the world at the time. IMO he should have been a high ranking military leader following orders from technocrats leading the nation in other areas.
He went Hitler mode. :mjlol:

