Siad Barre atrocities

aidid stopped free aid and occupied d&m.

SNF Darood collation pushed through the riverine areas twice. Bay, Bakool and Lower Shabelle was the main battle ground and land changed hands so many times during the 2 Darood counteroffensives to capture Mogadishu. Basically the area which was Somalia's breadbasket was looted, blundered, burned and missed several harvest seasons due to SNF & USC wars over Southern Somalia. Not only that, the Marexaan in particular cleansed all Rahanweyn from Gedo. The victorious USC occupied the area past 1993 until they were driven out by Ethiopian supported RRA, Rahanweyn Resistance Army. By far the clan who suffered greatest casualties was the Rahanweyn. Somali civil war was their own Holocaust.
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I like him, at least he didnt team up with the ethiopians to invade his own country. I wish the kacaanist days could come back

Well, he created the environment that pushed his fellow countrymen to team up with enemies. After losing Ogaden War, making the Somali State a family business and petting clans against each other to remain in power while empowering his own. Funniest thing to read was how after fighting for Ogaden for more than 10 years, he nonchalantly signed secret accords with Ethiopia & Kenya that recognises their authority over the disputed Somali regions. Moment this news spread out he lost most of the Ogaden a corner stone of his MOD alliance and they started the SPM, breaking this alliance prevented him from recapturing Mogadishu twice.


SNF Darood collation pushed through the riverine areas twice. Bay, Bakool and Lower Shabelle was the main battle ground and land changed hands so many times during the 2 Darood counteroffensives to capture Mogadishu. Basically the area which was Somalia's breadbasket was looted, blundered, burned and missed several harvest seasons due to SNF & USC wars over Southern Somalia. Not only that, the Marexaan in particular cleansed all Rahanweyn from Gedo. The victorious USC occupied the area past 1993 until they were driven out by Ethiopian supported RRA, Rahanweyn Resistance Army. By far the clan who suffered greatest casualties was the Rahanweyn. Somali civil war was their own Holocaust.
the d&m militia started the beef attacked marehan in 1991. after retaking gedo the clans that were pro usc were evicted. one of them was d&m. aidid stopped aid reaching them in 1993. aidid invaded them shortly before his death in the mid 90s and his son occupied baidoa for a few years till 1999.


Farxiyo fiska’s body guard
Lol, there we go, every couple of days Siad Barre this Siad Barre that.
Somalis should look forward and realize that AY, caydiid, Ali mahdi, bihi have been seething Somalis back aswell but siad was the first and largest domino who left us in this state of being a langaab country
You tell me. Did he attack the Cisse Maxamuud or the Cismaan Maxamuud degaan? Why he's atrocities was confined to Mudug while in case of other clans he implemented a full scale scorched earth policies that resulted in collective punishment and mass casualties. He reconciled with the majority of SSDF when AY was imprisoned by Mengitsu offering money and their jobs back at the government. The current incomplete port of Bosasso was a part of the "gifts" he bestowed upon the SSDF.

I do agree that ever since he rised to power he specifically targeted MJ due to their immense and far reaching political influence and marksmanship on politics. Which is why he promoted the Dhulbahante and Ogaden on their expense to the point the government was known as MOD (Marexaan, Ogaden & Dhulbahante)
My grandfather was cisse mahmoud and he was jailed for no reason and some members of his family in central-north regions were killed also for no reason.
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