Siad Barre Scientific Revolution Government

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Diaspora ambassador

''Dagaalka gala'' Garaad Jaamac Garaad Cali
This is what needs to change. U should send your kids to 'secular schools' once they have reached the same IQ as their peers, then you have people who are of similar IQ talking. Far better then the current situation where they send their kids to quran school before secular education. You simply taking low IQ people to subjects that should be towards the end of their life when they have accumulated enough knowledge around the world.

The prophet had to spent 40 years learning the world before religion and it was towards the end of his life time that he became highly spiritual. That make sense. Not some 5 year old that goes straight to quranic school trying to cover the hardest topic when he doesn't even know how to measure shapes.

I am sorry but there is no way I am going to listen to religion from someone less intelligent then me. I might as well listen to 12 year old about life decisions. Yes 68 IQ is a problem, it's not about shaming you or anyone for it. It just means your not bright enough to understand religion when you can't even understand a geometric shape. Come on bra? you will understand god but you don't understand how to build triangle. HAHAHAHAHAH

When a person is still in his/her youth they need to study the faith, not to become a islamic professor but the basic and the wajib that is ordered from allah. They can do it at the same time they learn secullar education. Myself tenden school during the week and the weekends went to duqsi to learn about the deen and the quran. This can be implemented. We can also make school fit the deen. For example you have your regular classes and 2 extra classes that teach the deen and its history so that we can control what type of islamic education our young ones get. In order to change the iq to a higher number we also need a stable rising economy that challenges to young to compete. Instead of competing how much aid they get.

Samaalic Era

When a person is still in his/her youth they need to study the faith, not to become a islamic professor but the basic and the wajib that is ordered from allah. They can do it at the same time they learn secullar education. Myself tenden school during the week and the weekends went to duqsi to learn about the deen and the quran. This can be implemented. We can also make school fit the deen. For example you have your regular classes and 2 extra classes that teach the deen and its history so that we can control what type of islamic education our young ones get. In order to change the iq to a higher number we also need a stable rising economy that challenges to young to compete. Instead of competing how much aid they get.
True Islamic knowledge compass everything sxb. If you take out the science from Islam, it is no longer Islam. Allah swt mentions the earth and its creation, the role of the mountains, the cycle of night and day, the sun, the moon, the stars and much more.

Allah swt promised those who understand and act upon Islam they are his righteous slaves, that will certainly rule the earth. To rule mankind, one must have knowledge. Just as Islam and politics are one and the same, so too are Islam and science. Science is Islam


@Samaalic Era @Diaspora ambassador That's all I was saying. Put the religion into hands of the brightest, the brightest interpretation should develop. Base it around scientific facts and 'daleel'. We want examinations arcahelogical, linguistic, historical records, artifacts. We can easily challenge this jahil who is just saying 'believe what i tell you' or you will go to hell like the stupid priests of dark age europe to do. If you give them power they will create a state like europe had burning people of knowledge who have been blessed to have 'cilm' to make life on earth better for all mankind. For a good human comes with 'signs' and the signs his 'cilm'.

@Samaalic Era knows the current situation in Islam, the Jahil running the asylum.

Samaalic Era

@Samaalic Era @Diaspora ambassador That's all I was saying. Put the religion into hands of the brightest, the brightest interpretation should develop. Base it around scientific facts and 'daleel'. We want examinations arcahelogical, linguistic, historical records, artifacts. We can easily challenge this jahil who is just saying 'believe what i tell you' or you will go to hell like the stupid priests of dark age europe to do. If you give them power they will create a state like europe had burning people of knowledge who have been blessed to have 'cilm' to make life on earth better for all mankind. For a good human comes with 'signs' and the signs his 'cilm'.

@Samaalic Era knows the current situation in Islam, the Jahil running the asylum.
I agree

Diaspora ambassador

''Dagaalka gala'' Garaad Jaamac Garaad Cali
True Islamic knowledge compass everything sxb. If you take out the science from Islam, it is no longer Islam. Allah swt mentions the earth and its creation, the role of the mountains, the cycle of night and day, the sun, the moon, the stars and much more.

Allah swt promised those who understand and act upon Islam they are his righteous slaves, that will certainly rule the earth. To rule mankind, one must have knowledge. Just as Islam and politics are one and the same, so too are Islam and science. Science is Islam

I stand behind your solution the only problem i have with it is governing with science while we can and must govern with sharia. The rest i also believe in. Sience is not only the root of islam but also the root of everything in existance. We humans can only grasp a bit of allahs devine sciense.


@Samaalic Era It's so boring the khutbah when it should so be interesting if an Intelligent person was doing it. Not just saying this is what the prophet said and this is what u need to do or else you go to hell. That is the summary of their intelligence.

Samaalic Era

@Samaalic Era It's so boring the khutbah when it should so be interesting if an Intelligent person was doing it. Not just saying this is what the prophet said and this is what u need to do or else you go to hell. That is the summary of their intelligence.

It's the same as someone reading of a paper when giving a speech. You know it's not them speaking. A khutbah is no different to a speech. It has to be from the heart and possess knowledge and wisdom



Isaac Newton didn't become Atheist because of the Jahil running the church. He simply said you are the problem not the religion cuz he knew they were low IQ and badly presenting the teachings of the church. Look at Islam today we are doing the same thing, killing people of knowledge. What brings a dark age? is when the jahil has power and kills all the people of 'cilm' cause that's the secret of how jahil keep power, they need an an ignorant people, so their biggest enemy is a person of knowledge(secular).

Look at these Somalis in Somalia in camps and shit, they remind of 15th century europe and how those peasants lived. Total Jahil, no intelligence, no knowledge, no critical thinking, no education allowed.


I stand behind your solution the only problem i have with it is governing with science while we can and must govern with sharia. The rest i also believe in. Sience is not only the root of islam but also the root of everything in existance. We humans can only grasp a bit of allahs devine sciense.

Well Europe is adamant Religion and Science cannot co-exist and hence one has to go. Like the Jahil of the church would eliminate 'science' and kill people of knowledge in order to keep the masses 'ignorant' which is all a jahil can do since he lacks intelligence, he needs people dumb not smart. So that's why europe argues, it's difficult to have religion and science co-existing.

But in all honesty, Muslims have argued science and religion can co-exist based on their history which has some truth too it. But they forget to mention the most intelligent people were grounded in the sciences of their day in the mosque also. Not someone who can just recite, the man had to have great amount of wordly expertise before giving khutbah.

Can Muslims be convinced of science yes I believe they can, their not against it at all like the early churches were in europe. What model in today world where science and religion can co-exists in hasn't been shown by any muslim though. How will the clerics feel when the population is smarter then the IMAM? will they adapt and make the imam smart or start WARS to call them GAALO(heathens) and revert to 15th century church tactics?


@Samaalic Era I noticed people of knowledge no matter wat era or time period have one consistent goal. To leave the world a better place then they came into it. They want to leave something good behind for people. I noticed people of religion(church type) their goal is to scare you into submission and fear not make your life better. Does Somalia life look better to you? it looks like shithole but they go to the mosque and the imam just presents THREATS to continue ensuring they remain under his CONTROL but life isn't getting better around them. Like the threats of your going to hell because your sinner they use lines like this to instill fear in your heart and hence OBEDIENCE to them. This is how the church controls. I see the same qualities in muslims nowadays and hence believe we are in our dark ages.

They act like little gods I noticed the religious type nowadays. They are basically telling u god judgment like they have the POWER to do such thing. Abahood ha waseen, they are not islamic to me at all. A true muslim shouldn't even delve into matters of god, shaqo iyo hawl ku taal ma aha keleb ehlu naar yahow. He acts like he can execute god judgment on you, that is the worst of hypocrisy. Mankind can only serve justice about Mankind matters. Shaqo ku taal ma aha ninkasi iyo illahi wuxu ka dhaxayo. If he commits a crime against god, it's up to god to deal with that not you or the state. If he commit a crime against the people, yes thats when the state gets involved because the state represents the people.

Maybe we need a system that says. DEMBI ILLAHI LAGA GALAY SHAQO KUMA LIHIN DAWLAD AHAN. LAKIN DAMBI SHACAB LAGA GALAY(KILL, STEAL, LIE, TREASON) WAA ARIN UMADA UU TAAL. They need to know their role in the state and know what the role of god is.
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Diaspora ambassador

''Dagaalka gala'' Garaad Jaamac Garaad Cali
Well Europe is adamant Religion and Science cannot co-exist and hence one has to go. Like the Jahil of the church would eliminate 'science' and kill people of knowledge in order to keep the masses 'ignorant' which is all a jahil can do since he lacks intelligence, he needs people dumb not smart. So that's why europe argues, it's difficult to have religion and science co-existing.

But in all honesty, Muslims have argued science and religion can co-exist based on their history which has some truth too it. But they forget to mention the most intelligent people were grounded in the sciences of their day in the mosque also. Not someone who can just recite, the man had to have great amount of wordly expertise before giving khutbah.

Can Muslims be convinced of science yes I believe they can, their not against it at all like the early churches were in europe. What model in today world where science and religion can co-exists in hasn't been shown by any muslim though. How will the clerics feel when the population is smarter then the IMAM? will they adapt and make the imam smart or start WARS to call them GAALO(heathens) and revert to 15th century church tactics?

It can co-exist but the governing must stay sharia. You do not need to go to this lenght for me to accept your point. I already do accept it. Just not the governing part. Allah made science and allah made sharia. The latter is a must for us. We can science all day long but still got to rule with sharia order by the greatest scientist of all. But before we go all the way to sience the majority of our population must be schooled in different subjects, all of the oil jobs needs to go to our younings. We need roads, we need infrastructure, we need a millitary force of all branches of millitary, we need a police force , we need teachers, we need alot of professional shrinks for the big mental health issues. I can continue till next week. After the nation is rebuild we can talk about sience on a bigger scale until then we need to stick to the more stratigic and logical education for our youngsters. Or else you will see alot of asian workers in our nation and our youngster not having work because their scientific degree has no work oppertunity linked with it.


It can co-exist but the governing must stay sharia. You do not need to go to this lenght for me to accept your point. I already do accept it. Just not the governing part. Allah made science and allah made sharia. The latter is a must for us. We can science all day long but still got to rule with sharia order by the greatest scientist of all. But before we go all the way to sience the majority of our population must be schooled in different subjects, all of the oil jobs needs to go to our younings. We need roads, we need infrastructure, we need a millitary force of all branches of millitary, we need a police force , we need teachers, we need alot of professional shrinks for the big mental health issues. I can continue till next week. After the nation is rebuild we can talk about sience on a bigger scale until then we need to stick to the more stratigic and logical education for our youngsters. Or else you will see alot of asian workers in our nation and our youngster not having work because their scientific degree has no work oppertunity linked with it.

To support Jahil to rule is like saying HG should rule Somalia and all they contributed was war, loot, rape, etc. Because that's all unintelligent people can do, is to instill 'fear' into your hearts and hence 'submission' it's always been like that for the jahil, their modis operandi has never changed. Shabab does the same thing, doesn't matter what type of jahil he is, they have a common 'signature' through-out the time periods. They hate INTELLIGENT PEOPLE and will never allow for people to become smart under them.


It can co-exist but the governing must stay sharia. You do not need to go to this lenght for me to accept your point. I already do accept it. Just not the governing part. Allah made science and allah made sharia. The latter is a must for us. We can science all day long but still got to rule with sharia order by the greatest scientist of all. But before we go all the way to sience the majority of our population must be schooled in different subjects, all of the oil jobs needs to go to our younings. We need roads, we need infrastructure, we need a millitary force of all branches of millitary, we need a police force , we need teachers, we need alot of professional shrinks for the big mental health issues. I can continue till next week. After the nation is rebuild we can talk about sience on a bigger scale until then we need to stick to the more stratigic and logical education for our youngsters. Or else you will see alot of asian workers in our nation and our youngster not having work because their scientific degree has no work oppertunity linked with it.

I don't see you agreeing at all. You are still saying your beliefs(shariah) has to be imposed on others in the land. That's not science, because science will make us all agree, belief will never make us all agree and never has and never will, that's why you have 100's of sects in Islam now because belief is not a topic that brings people together. Only science brings people together because it's provable. It's not a belief or an opinion. It's well grounded RESEARCH.

That's why the Somalia scientific revolution was the only choice for Somalia since it can cross the barriers of belief being used to rule others and create wars. All the wars in the past had 'belief' behind it no matter what type of belief it was(religious, ethnic, gender, etc), it was never grounded in science.

Science is the greatest tool we have today to bridge all that crap and use something that is acceptable for all. See even you agree in science, I agree, hence thru this agreement it s hould be the only system applied. But if u apply a system where there is disagreement, sectarian wars happen.

@Diaspora ambassador your more similar to a dictator sxb a religious dictator. Your more concerned about RULING PEOPLE, you don't give a shit about god you use that as a vehicle to RULE OTHERS. Runta sheeg waryaa, if you cared about god you wouldn't care what system is used because this 'dunya' is 'temporary' after all.

Noone cares if you want to rule shariah with yourself niyahow, it's when u step outside and say I will rule it on you is when people start forming sects, we seen this through-out history of all religions. That's why Islam clearly broke down after the prophet died into two branches. U cant mix the two is my opinion without causing fractures cuz belief is not scientific or universal it is subjective and anything subjective causes wars. Even politics is subjective and look at the wars in the world today.


@Samaalic Era maybe you know better but didn't the prophet create a constitution(secular) one to incorporate all the different religions in Medina? see even he was bendable and not just running around and saying I'll impose my belief on you. Because if you do that it just leads to wars and fractures in societies. U need something that is common between people that is not up for dispute or opinion or views.

I don't mind if Mahdi comes along and rules on Islam because he will be guided by god sxb but not this jahil that is running around, I cant trust him to rule properly with Islam or even understand it properly. Hence we need to really think about an interim system. Qof diintisa iyo caqligisa la hubo oo umada midayn karo waa mahdiga keliya, the rest is just gonna be disastrous and cause human friction across religious lines. Because we dont trust you are religious to begin with let alone have you rule us on it.

@Samaalic Era the great rashidun khilafa couldn't unite muslims, they broke down into mini kingdoms due to differences in politics. I doubt these shabab or taliban guys will do something that rashidun couldnt do. We should stop living in dreams and do what christians and jews do and say we wait for our savior. Cuz I doubt there is any muslim who can unite the islamic world, it's never been done. We wasting precious time on something that needs god intervention, it's not something us humans are capable of. So in the mean-time we should create a system that can keep us at peace and progress.
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Samaalic Era

@Samaalic Era maybe you know better but didn't the prophet create a constitution(secular) one to incorporate all the different religions in Medina? see even he was bendable and not just running around and saying I'll impose my belief on you. Because if you do that it just leads to wars and fractures in societies. U need something that is common between people that is not up for dispute or opinion or views.

I don't mind if Mahdi comes along and rules on Islam because he will be guided by god sxb but not this jahil that is running around, I cant trust him to rule properly with Islam or even understand it properly. Hence we need to really think about an interim system. Qof diintisa iyo caqligisa la hubo oo umada midayn karo waa mahdiga keliya, the rest is just gonna be disastrous and cause human friction across religious lines. Because we dont trust you are religious to begin with let alone have you rule us on it.

@Samaalic Era the great rashidun khilafa couldn't unite muslims, they broke down into mini kingdoms due to differences in politics. I doubt these shabab or taliban guys will do something that rashidun couldnt do

The Arabs and Somalis are ungovernable. The Arabs apostated after the Prophet pbuh died and it took 1 year to reunite them. Umar established the institutions of the Caliphate which stablised the state. The other leaders could not live upto Umar and it came crashing down. Also many liberal Somalis which are increasing in Somalia are unfit to rule.

The Medina constitution was a way of keeping the peace in the earlier days of Islam.

P.S Im HG Sacad sxb :mjkkk:
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Diaspora ambassador

''Dagaalka gala'' Garaad Jaamac Garaad Cali
To support Jahil to rule is like saying HG should rule Somalia and all they contributed was war, loot, rape, etc. Because that's all unintelligent people can do, is to instill 'fear' into your hearts and hence 'submission' it's always been like that for the jahil, their modis operandi has never changed. Shabab does the same thing, doesn't matter what type of jahil he is, they have a common 'signature' through-out the time periods. They hate INTELLIGENT PEOPLE and will never allow for people to become smart under them.

What are ranting about? Did al shabaab or any other terorist organization exist in the past of somalia? No it did not. Sharia law was implemented and even the qabiils lived in somewhat of peace. Sharia law is the answer because we are muslims, for matters that are outside sharia we should seek answers within the religion. Why must we cross the boundries of sharia for gain? We lose in the eyes of allah, the one we are worshipping!

The examples you are giving are wrongdoings by humans, with sharia they get the right punishment.

Samaalic Era

What are ranting about? Did al shabaab or any other terorist organization exist in the past of somalia? No it did not. Sharia law was implemented and even the qabiils lived in somewhat of peace. Sharia law is the answer because we are muslims, for matters that are outside sharia we should seek answers within the religion. Why must we cross the boundries of sharia for gain? We lose in the eyes of allah, the one we are worshipping!

The examples you are giving are wrongdoings by humans, with sharia they get the right punishment.
Its more of who is applying Islamic Law. The problem is we have people with no understanding handling something as deep and complex as Islam and Islamic law
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Diaspora ambassador

''Dagaalka gala'' Garaad Jaamac Garaad Cali
I don't see you agreeing at all. You are still saying your beliefs(shariah) has to be imposed on others in the land. That's not science, because science will make us all agree, belief will never make us all agree and never has and never will, that's why you have 100's of sects in Islam now because belief is not a topic that brings people together. Only science brings people together because it's provable. It's not a belief or an opinion. It's well grounded RESEARCH.

That's why the Somalia scientific revolution was the only choice for Somalia since it can cross the barriers of belief being used to rule others and create wars. All the wars in the past had 'belief' behind it no matter what type of belief it was(religious, ethnic, gender, etc), it was never grounded in science.

Science is the greatest tool we have today to bridge all that crap and use something that is acceptable for all. See even you agree in science, I agree, hence thru this agreement it s hould be the only system applied. But if u apply a system where there is disagreement, sectarian wars happen.

@Diaspora ambassador your more similar to a dictator sxb a religious dictator. Your more concerned about RULING PEOPLE, you don't give a shit about god you use that as a vehicle to RULE OTHERS. Runta sheeg waryaa, if you cared about god you wouldn't care what system is used because this 'dunya' is 'temporary' after all.

Noone cares if you want to rule shariah with yourself niyahow, it's when u step outside and say I will rule it on you is when people start forming sects, we seen this through-out history of all religions. That's why Islam clearly broke down after the prophet died into two branches. U cant mix the two is my opinion without causing fractures cuz belief is not scientific or universal it is subjective and anything subjective causes wars. Even politics is subjective and look at the wars in the world today.

Yaa allah please help this walaal. Why are you seeking the negative in sharia. Why are you blaming peoples sins on sharia? That is just like blaming terorisme on the whole of islam. Ain't nobody forcing anything upon you. If you do not like sharia law move out of our islamic nation an go live with the kafirs. Allah made these rules for a reason. And i am definetly not a dictator stop it before i cry from the laughs. You are lost from the rightious path. It is oke for me that you do not want to live with sharia but the nation must be. Are you activly trying to make the curse that has been fallen on us to be bigger? Sharia law united us. Sharia law made us respect each other. Sharia law gave our awowos a golden time. I do not see any wrong in allahs laws. But hey everyone will get its own judgement. I do wonder what you will say if the question will be why where you against sharia? Forget the upper message but answer this question. What would you say?

Diaspora ambassador

''Dagaalka gala'' Garaad Jaamac Garaad Cali
Its more of who is apply Islamic Law. The problem is people with no understanding handling something as deep and complex as Islam

Ofcourse! The sharia that is implemented must be the correct one, it might be hard to establish it in this era. But it must be done we are muslims afterall


@Diaspora ambassador @Samaalic Era In all honesty my position is clear and is similar to the jews and christians on this matter. Their waiting for jesus, the jews waiting for their messiah, I am waiting for my mahdi. Till then I dont trust no-one on this earth to explain religion to me when I know Islam was never united even under it's glorious disciple age' unless your greater then OMAR, Ali, Abu Bakar who failed to achieve what you said. Islam never had a single empire, that is false. They had many different kingdoms operating at the same time. Some were in Iraq, Some In Syria, Some in Andalusia/North Africa. Some in Persia. Islam was always like that and it will fracture the same again.

I think muslims should agree after 1400 years of this nonsense no-one is convincing anyone on religion, it is clear as day and we need an interim system like the medina one, totally secular and totally science based to keep the peace.
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