Silanyo's niece (sister of Sland UK "rep" ) "How amazing the Catholic church reopens in Hargeisa"

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Suldaanka Gobyare
She was brought up by her Hawiyee
Mother! Ps that's her half sister,
They never grow up with eachother
And that side of the family has
Never acknowledged them...question
Of paternity was mentioned!

:gaasdrink: They have nothing
To do with SL, she is not related too
The presidents family- I caught
You lying!
She was brought up by her Hawiye mom, alla xaasidsana :snoop:
Allah subhan'watcala said to ibliis when he said i will deceive your servants he said " deceive all you want, my true servants will reject you'' so if they run off to christianity its a god sent we don't need weaklings in our deen. Besides you'll be surprised how stubborn somalis are when it comes to Islam even those that aren't practising. Don't worry tho when i take over somalialnd i'll demolish it , and reunite with somalia .:fittytousand:

allah mack the somali avatar :salute:

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