Sir Mo Farah speaks on Trump Ban

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On 1st January this year, Her Majesty The Queen made me a Knight of the Realm. On 27th January, President Donald Trump seems to have made me an alien.

I am a British citizen who has lived in America for the past six years - working hard, contributing to society, paying my taxes and bringing up our four children in the place they now call home. Now, me and many others like me are being told that we may not be welcome. It’s deeply troubling that I will have to tell my children that Daddy might not be able to come home - to explain why the President has introduced a policy that comes from a place of ignorance and prejudice.

I was welcomed into Britain from Somalia at eight years old and given the chance to succeed and realise my dreams. I have been proud to represent my country, win medals for the British people and receive the greatest honour of a knighthood. My story is an example of what can happen when you follow polices of compassion and understanding, not hate and isolation.

The ban is ridicolous, when was the last time anybody coming from Somalia, Sudan, Syria, Iran, Iran, Lybia or Yemen commited a terrorist act in the US. Even the Ohio knife attacker came from Pakistan, who is not on the list. This was a weak and feable move by Trump.

The ban is ridicolous, when was the last time anybody coming from Somalia, Sudan, Syria, Iran, Iran, Lybia or Yemen commited a terrorist act in the US. Even the Ohio knife attacker came from Pakistan, who is not on the list. This was a weak and feable move by Trump.
No terrorist attacks have come from people born in those countries.



Not your typical Farah
Can someone please provide a reliable link where Donald Trump and his administration want to deport people that are holding green cards or are citizens?

This is Donald Trump Immigration policy:

  • Prioritize the jobs, wages and security of the American people.
  • Establish new immigration controls to boost wages and to ensure that open jobs are offered to American workers first.
  • Protect the economic well-being of the lawful immigrants already living here by curbing uncontrolled foreign worker admissions
    • Select immigrants based on their likelihood of success in the U.S. and their ability to be financially self-sufficient.
    • Vet applicants to ensure they support America’s values, institutions and people, and temporarily suspend immigration from regions that export terrorism and where safe vetting cannot presently be ensured.
    • Enforce the immigration laws of the United States and restore the Constitutional rule of law upon which America’s prosperity and security depend.
Donald J. Trump’s 10 Point Plan to Put America First

1. Begin working on an impenetrable physical wall on the southern border, on day one. Mexico will pay for the wall.

2. End catch-and-release. Under a Trump administration, anyone who illegally crosses the border will be detained until they are removed out of our country.

3. Move criminal aliens out day one, in joint operations with local, state, and federal law enforcement. We will terminate the Obama administration’s deadly, non-enforcement policies that allow thousands of criminal aliens to freely roam our streets.

4. End sanctuary cities.

5. Immediately terminate President Obama’s two illegal executive amnesties. All immigration laws will be enforced - we will triple the number of ICE agents. Anyone who enters the U.S. illegally is subject to deportation. That is what it means to have laws and to have a country.

6. Suspend the issuance of visas to any place where adequate screening cannot occur, until proven and effective vetting mechanisms can be put into place.

7. Ensure that other countries take their people back when we order them deported.

8. Ensure that a biometric entry-exit visa tracking system is fully implemented at all land, air, and sea ports.

9. Turn off the jobs and benefits magnet. Many immigrants come to the U.S. illegally in search of jobs, even though federal law prohibits the employment of illegal immigrants.

10. Reform legal immigration to serve the best interests of America and its workers, keeping immigration levels within historic norms.

How is Donald Trump polices going to effect Mo Farah????????

Donald Trump deserves really criticism, not things that are bullshit. Also, why do celebrities opinions matter? They're going to continue to brainwash people and that can cause many problems.
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Can someone please provide a reliable link where Donald Trump and his administration want to deport people that are holding green cards or are citizens?

This is Donald Trump Immigration policy:

How is Donald Trump polices going to effect Mo Farah????????

Donald Trump deserves really criticism, not things that are bullshit. Also, why do celebrities opinions matter? They're going to continue to brainwash people and that can cause many problems.
Mo Farah lives and trains in the US but since he's a Somali born British citizen and not a US citizen he's banned from entering the US.


Mo Farah lives and trains in the US but since he's a Somali born British citizen and not a US citizen he's banned from entering the US.

Is this barring specifically dual-citizens, i.e. dual passport holders or is it literally anyone born in the listed countries even if nationality is not granted automatically?
Is this barring specifically dual-citizens, i.e. dual passport holders or is it literally anyone born in the listed countries even if nationality is not granted automatically?
If you look at your passport it will have your nationality and also your place of birth. If your place of birth is in any of the banned countries you will not be able to get a visa to enter the US.
Mo Farah is currently in Ethiopia training. He's said he's unsure if this ban could deny him entry back into the US after he is finished with his usual high altitude pre-run training.


If you look at your passport it will have your nationality and also your place of birth. If your place of birth is in any of the banned countries you will not be able to get a visa to enter the US.

I have an Iranian-born Afghani friend with a Dutch citizenship that forced him to forego his previous citizenship. Ironically he's as White as non-Whites come and has been sucking American dick since school. Dis gonna be good but I don't think it'll last that long


Not your typical Farah
Mo Farah lives and trains in the US but since he's a Somali born British citizen and not a US citizen he's banned from entering the US.

But, he is also a British citizen and it doesn't appear it will effect him.

According to the New York Times:

President Trump on Friday afternoon approved a sweeping executive order that suspended entry of all refugees to the United States for 120 days, barred Syrian refugees indefinitely, and blocked entry into the United States for 90 days for citizens of seven predominantly Muslim countries: Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen. It also barred green card holders from those countries from re-entering the United States, the Department of Homeland Security said, though the administration said exemptions could be granted.

You provide links where people with dual-citizenship are being banned?


A more humane asylum system is to set up safe zone refugee camps around conflict zones, vet the people, and then randomly select 1% to be redistributed around the developed world.

Current system is retarded and inhumane. Applying for asylum from the West should be abolished.


Not your typical Farah
A more humane asylum system is to set up safe zone refugee camps around conflict zones, vet the people, and then randomly select 1% to be redistributed around the developed world.

Current system is retarded and inhumane. Applying for asylum from the West should be abolished.
Can you explain more please. Are you saying those who live in conflict areas should be kept in safe camps that are protected by western forces and only those in the top 1% should come to the west?

So, are you going with the idea is that it's cheaper and more efficient to house refugees in their home countries until the conflict is over?
A more humane asylum system is to set up safe zone refugee camps around conflict zones, vet the people, and then randomly select 1% to be redistributed around the developed world.

Current system is retarded and inhumane. Applying for asylum from the West should be abolished.

Only vanishingly small percentage of the world's refugees ever find asylum in rich countries including the West. Most languish in Third World countries usually their neighbours. Think of 100s of thousands of Somali refugees still living in Yemen, Kenya and Ethiopia.


Can you explain more please. Are you saying those who live in conflict areas should be kept in safe camps that are protected by western forces and only those in the top 1% should come to the west?

So, are you going with the idea is that it's cheaper and more efficient to house refugees in their home countries until the conflict is over?

1% is a figure I made up. It should be low as there are millions around the world 1% is already thousands. Too many refugees at once will increase right wing support. It should be a slow drip that goes by unnoticed.

Most can be helped out locally, but the West is ripping off the third world anyway through the IMF, forced neoliberalism, neocolonialism and other scammy systems so they have the obligation to take on some third worlders.


If you look at your passport it will have your nationality and also your place of birth. If your place of birth is in any of the banned countries you will not be able to get a visa to enter the US.

There are many senior ethnic Italians who were born in Somalia, lmao.


Nine kitaabs on a bookshelf
Can someone please provide a reliable link where Donald Trump and his administration want to deport people that are holding green cards or are citizens?

This is Donald Trump Immigration policy:

How is Donald Trump polices going to effect Mo Farah????????

Donald Trump deserves really criticism, not things that are bullshit. Also, why do celebrities opinions matter? They're going to continue to brainwash people and that can cause many problems.
President Trump signed on Friday an executive order that severely restricts immigration from seven Muslim countries, suspends all refugee admission for 120 days, and bars all Syrian refugees indefinitely. The order has been widely criticized and praised—but it led to massive protests at several airports across the country where people with valid documentation were detained. Legal challenges against those detentions were successful. The administration’s response Sunday only made the situation more unclear.

Here’s what the executive order does and doesn’t do, the challenges to it, and how the Trump administration responded.

Who is not affected?

The executive order applies only to non-U.S. citizens, so anyone with U.S. citizenship—whether that person in natural-born or naturalized—is not affected. But on Sunday, Reince Preibus, the White House chief of staff, said on NBC’s Meet the Press that Customs and Border Patrol (CBP) agents would have the “discretionary authority” to question U.S. citizens coming from the seven countries. CBP agents have had that authority even before Friday’s executive order.

“I would suspect that if you’re an American citizen traveling back and forth to Libya, you’re likely to be subjected to further questioning when you come into an airport,” he said.

Who is affected?

For 120 days, the order bars the entry of any refugee who is awaiting resettlement in the U.S. It also prohibits all Syrian refugees from entering the U.S. until further notice. Additionally, it bans the citizens of seven majority-Muslim countries—Iraq, Iran, Syria, Somalia, Sudan, Libya, and Yemen—from entering the U.S. on any visa category.

On Saturday this included individuals who are permanent residents of the U.S. (green-card holders) who were traveling overseas to visit family or for work—though a senior administration official said their applications would be considered on a case-by-case basis. The official also said green-card holders from those countries who are in the U.S. will have to meet with a consular officer before leaving the U.S.

News reports suggested the White House overruled the Department of Homeland Security’s recommendations on excluding green-card holders from the executive orders. Preibus, on Meet the Press, denied that, then appeared to suggest that the order won’t affect permanent residents going forward, but when pressed appeared to contradict himself.

“We didn’t overrule the Department of Homeland Security, as far as green-card holders moving forward, it doesn't affect them,” he said. But when pressed by Chuck Todd, the show’s host, on whether the order affected green-card holders, he replied: “Well, of course it does. If you’re traveling back and forth, you’re going to be subjected to further screening.”

The order also targets individuals of those countries who hold dual citizenship with another country. For instance, an individual who holds both Iraqi and Canadian citizenships—though the U.K. foreign secretary said the U.S. had assured him it didn’t apply to U.K. nationals.

It does not apply to individuals who hold U.S. citizenship along with citizenship of another country—though a CBP agent can presumably question such a person based on his or her discretion.


I have a moldy tangerine as President

The ban is ridicolous, when was the last time anybody coming from Somalia, Sudan, Syria, Iran, Iran, Lybia or Yemen commited a terrorist act in the US. Even the Ohio knife attacker came from Pakistan, who is not on the list. This was a weak and feable move by Trump.
Tbh most people can't even point to Somalia on a map but we end up getting banned instead of Saudi Arabia.
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