Sir Mo Farah speaks on Trump Ban

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Lol that awkward moment when they get held up for further checks in the airport cause of their country of birth.

They are white enough to pass through without checks



Quintessentially negroid: Your problem?
How is Donald Trump polices going to effect Mo Farah????????

His place of birth is Mogadishu.

The media are saying he'll most likely be affected.

EDIT: Boris Johnson said he'll be fine and talked to the US gov't on his behalf.

British Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson held conversations with the US government on Sunday.

The Foreign Office then advised British travellers that dual citizens were only affected if travelling to the US from one of the seven banned countries.

"We understand from the statement released this evening by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office that the executive order will not apply to Mo, and we are grateful to the FCO for urgently clarifying the situation,"
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