Siyaasiga la yiraahdo Kayseh Magan, Soomaalidu Ceebeeya!!!!

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He definitely does sound like unempathetic shill for the feds . Just from this passage alone:

According to the FBI, the alleged conspirators prepared written arguments for juror 52. One argument read, “We are immigrants: they don’t respect or care about us.” Another stated: “Why why why is it always people of color and immigrants prosecuted for the fault of other people including Kara Lomen and even the Governor.”

He worked for them so it makes sense he would align with them.

Clan and familial connections are based on trust, credit, social accountability, reputation management, economic recipocality it's not something known to enable fraudulent activity by design, so he is wrong as there is tons of research into Somalis on that front.

Entrust We Must: The Role of "Trust" in Somali Economic Life​

Funding fraudsters? By paying their legal fees? lmaao why wouldn't Somalis support their eachother and family members and help give them a fair shot at due process in the legal system?

He is also making false presumptions around Somalis based on the highly publicized Feeding our Future case, i have actually addressed it before and i am more than certain it is bogus and what they are doing much like they have done in the past is ethnic profiling and creating outlandish conspiracies by linking people solely by their background.
The other scandal around ''Feeding Our Future'' case was bogus , i read the court transcripts & not the news headlines and they proved that they purchased & distributed food, showed receipts, storage/warehouses with tons of food in them , cars delivering the food etc and the prosecution lumped up legitimate businesses that was selling/providing the food with the non-profit orgs that purchased it from them, to make it seem like they were pocketing the state sponsored money via shell companies which no proof for either. They were not shell companies.

Then after that accusation became shaky the prosecution switched up and said they inflated the numbers of food served/purchased, put showed no proof for them doing it. They didn't call in food experts , food scientists or people working in Child Nutrition program to testify on it to estimate/review it.

The Jury found half the charges to be false and acquitted 2 key people in connection to this. They are currently awaiting an appeals process , so we will see how it develops.

They made this whole web of conspiracy , drawing links where there was no links.

Somalis should get together a legal team via CAIR and file a lawsuit against the federal department. This not the first time they made up a bogus federal case against Somalis in Minnesota that was proven to be a bust and they are deliberately targeting and wrapping up innocent Somalis in ethnic profiling scheme

Remember this?

The Biggest Sex-Trafficking Bust in FBI History Was Totally Bogus​
They already acquitted two Somalis that was charged with the rest. And a about half the charges were found to be false by the Jury for the other ones.
The part about widespread fraud, shell companies, and not delivering/purchasing food was false.

The strength of the prosecution whole case rested on the allegation that the numbers of food being delivered was inflated. The FBI agents didn't visit the warehouses stocked with food nor looked at the companies food invoices, nor did they bring in people familiar with food distribution or child food programs to asses it.

They just brought disjointed checks, bank records, and other financial documentation that had no connections to each-other or any context behind it to support their case.

Fraud is not actually rampant in the community believe it or not. He mentions Feeding our Future as an example, while i can mention several cases where Somalis have been accused for fraud when there zero evidence to show for it. Time and Time again.
Exploit the system is misleading framing and its untrue. They are using the services that is given to them, much like the natives are but are more reliant on them because of their economic situation as refugees.

For example in the book ''Poor Bashing: The Politics of Exclusion'' they showed that allegations of rampant welfare scam/fraud in Canadian Somalis were constantly being reported on the news even when the govt investigated on it found any evidence of it and these allegations were baseless.



I encourage you guys to read that book.
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