SJW at the Eid prayer.

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Keeping it Real Since 01/01/90
Where do these people come from:cryinglaughsmiley:
1. We have something called Congress
2. Unlike the somalis in the UK somalis in the us were personally invited by the government themselves
3. Is against the constitution to strip citizenship(the only way they can be deported is to strip citizenship first)
4.Trump is against illegal immigrants not legal:ulachen001:

Executive order will come your way when Trump steps in. He said he was akin to using executive orders to get rid of congressional gridlock. You came fresh off the boat and all aboard your ungrateful hid will go. :banderas:
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Keeping it Real Since 01/01/90
I don't get where these euro fags get the info from :dead:

They should just stay in there lane. :heh:

Why does urban American culture revolve around undercover qanis rappers and booty bandit ex-cons? You know the ones you AA wannabes blindly follow. :pachah1:
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Medical specialist in diagnosing Majeerteentitis
Executive order will come your way when Trump steps in. He said he was akin to using executive orders to get rid of congressional gridlock. You came fresh off the boat and all aboard your ungrateful hid will go. :banderas:

Why would he want an executive order? republicans control both houses :siilaanyolaugh:


Executive order will come your way when Trump steps in. He said he was akin to using executive orders to get rid of congressional gridlock. You came fresh off the boat and all aboard your ungrateful hid will go. :banderas:
You think to highly of the us president they are not that powerful they basically ask permission from the Congress and supreme court:ulachen001:
Also genius the most important part you keep skipping is that the constitution is unchangeable meaning stfu:ulachen001:
Misery loves company:uCkf6mf:
Lying and shit wishing for our downfall:uCkf6mf:
Where do these people come from:cryinglaughsmiley:
1. We have something called Congress
2. Unlike the somalis in the UK somalis in the us were personally invited by the government themselves
3. Is against the constitution to strip citizenship(the only way they can be deported is to strip citizenship first)
4.Trump is against illegal immigrants not legal:ulachen001:

But you could end up in concentration camps like what happened to Japanese Americans in WW2 or get segregated in certain neighbourhood.


But you can end up in concentration camps like what happened to Japanese Americans in WW2 or get segregated in certain neighbourhood.
This is scare mongering the us has image to up hold the idea that any Western country will do that in this time and age is ludicrous:ftw9nwa:
On the small chance that trumps even wins the idea of becoming like the jews is laughable:russ:
The ironic part is I only hear anti muslim rhetoric but somehow you guys figured his game plan on dealing with the Muslims even thoe he never shared that part:russ:
Also Idk why people hate Africa so much if they gave me the opportunity to leave I would:ohlord:
Deportation doesn't scare me I'm man who lives by his gun I couldn't fit into this white society anyways:ohlord:
I'll marry @Nana.H and we'll run isbaro business near xamar:ohlord:

John Michael

Free my girl Jodi!
And 57.2% of them got an ugly nose ring.

Reminds me of this.



Keeping it Real Since 01/01/90
You think to highly of the us president they are not that powerful they basically ask permission from the Congress and supreme court:ulachen001:
Also genius the most important part you keep skipping is that the constitution is unchangeable meaning stfu:ulachen001:
Misery loves company:uCkf6mf:
Lying and shit wishing for our downfall:uCkf6mf:

America has one of the worst records for Human Rights in the western world. If Trump plans to legally challenge the 14th amendment, which grants citizenship to "all persons born or naturalized in the United States" then that will be a slippery slope. Don't get too comfortable.
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