Skin bleaching

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Crowned Queen of Puntland. Supporter of PuntExit
Right now they don't bleach in Mn, they buy a foundation 8 times lighter than their skin tone, and apply it like there's no tomorrow. You will read the shahada once you see the difference between the hands, neck and face.

I have an aunt that skin bleach and welfare leach:pachah1:

She also tried to justify hustling money from me when I was in London by saying we're rich since we live in a house in the burbs, I said " I ain't giving you my money":birdman:

She also once said how she was beautiful because of the lighter skin, and how my aabe was madoow. I told her how come she be single at 38, and that her skin won't change the fact that she's fat
ran to the phone to cry to my aabe about me:drakelaugh:
I have an aunt that skin bleach and welfare leach:pachah1:

She also tried to justify hustling money from me when I was in London by saying we're rich since we live in a house in the burbs, I said " I ain't giving you my money":birdman:

She also once said how she was beautiful because of the lighter skin, and how my aabe was madoow. I told her how come she be single at 38, and that her skin won't change the fact that she's fat
ran to the phone to cry to my aabe about me:drakelaugh:
sac daaqay baad tahay waryaa. How can you call your aunt names? neef wax coows siiyo waaye baad tahay.
sac daaqay baad tahay waryaa. How can you call your aunt names? neef wax coows siiyo waaye baad tahay.
She's a welfare leacher who called my aabo names, while simultaneously hustling me and him for money. She loaned 40-50 pounds from me when I was 15 I won't bother to ask for since I know the answer I will get. Every other family member/friend I visited at that time gave me money/gifts that I either accepted or denied.

I had love for her, but after that I got none. Even my hooyo despises her.

Love every other person in my family, and would/have given them money before her.


I do when ever I have the chance but I only see them every so often. I always make sure I tell my little cousin how beautiful she is when I see her though. I just hope she doesn't grow up hating herself.

Miskeen, that's sad. Tell your related parent to talk to her.

I've never seen what you guys are saying out in the open, but then again our population is small, and you never really know what's going on in other people's homes.


Your superior
I have an aunt that skin bleach and welfare leach:pachah1:

She also tried to justify hustling money from me when I was in London by saying we're rich since we live in a house in the burbs, I said " I ain't giving you my money":birdman:

She also once said how she was beautiful because of the lighter skin, and how my aabe was madoow. I told her how come she be single at 38, and that her skin won't change the fact that she's fat
ran to the phone to cry to my aabe about me:drakelaugh:
:dead::dead: is there no end to your savagery


Your superior
I do when ever I have the chance but I only see them every so often. I always make sure I tell my little cousin how beautiful she is when I see her though. I just hope she doesn't grow up hating herself.

Try to communicate with her as much as possible. Phone / whats app. Tell other members like their father, your other aunts and uncles, grandma
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