Skin/hair care thread

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Intellectual saqajaan
Try massaging a little drop of castor oil into your beard that’s bad if you have one it’ll grow like weeds trust me nice shiny thick and long
interesting. I'll look into it. My beard and hair are not really black. I don't know if it's a nutrition issue. More like dark brown.
What our women really need is a body health care routine, controlling their gigantic weight and gross levels of body fat, which is utterly out of control today!.

What good use is a skin or hair care routine when your fat or obese ? in fact the latter will ruin your skin anyway by the sheer toxicity of the accumulated fat cells and your perspiration alone will make anyone around you sick.

Toxic sweat, fart, breath etc. and you want to talk about skin and hair? save that money to buy yourself organic healthy food and a gym membership along with a personal trainer.

Dutch saying: "Al draagt een aap een gouden ring, het is en blijft een lelijk ding."
Literal translation: Even if a monkey wears a golden ring, it will still be an ugly creature.

yasmin lan

Satans step daughter
interesting. I'll look into it. My beard and hair are not really black. I don't know if it's a nutrition issue. More like dark brown.
I reccomend eating daily 5 a day and two bottles of water and drink a cup of milk if lactose intolerant drink almond milk try cleanse your body than start the castor oil thing :salute:


Take vitamins, drink plenty of water, limit sodas and crap. Use natural products for your skin and hair like oils. Most importantly what you put inside will reflect on the outside.
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