Welcome back
Chechens are some of the most amazing people i have met, some of the greatest Muslims too
Welcome back
Chechens are some of the most amazing people i have met, some of the greatest Muslims too
They're a good state. Chechnya go wahabi hunting like deer. They don't tolerate any saudi propagation in their lands
We will bring them to go zoomaali hunting with us, we'll start with the annoying muh qabiil
You've been ideologically poisoned, duped, tricked, deceived, mislead and misguided by villainous and corrupt politicians. You cannot think for yourself, a brain dead zombie that only knows one thing and that's "Muh Qabiil". At least have a discussion about secession, but no all you know is petty insults and name calling. You know SL cannot ever secede so that's what fall back on, petty insults.
I really want to help you open your eyes, but you and other people are very much unwilling to do that. It seems "Muh Qabiil" Syndrome is a lot stronger than I first thought. That means I must fight on.
I go back home every year. I've bought & invested in my land. I've operated a few businesses & have a few more in the works. Everytime I fly to my country I pay my tax, I tip our soldiers & civil servants & i have no worries whatsoever. My cousins enjoy free secondary education & all the perks of living in a peaceful society. Recognition isn't the goal in my opinion, economic empowerment & development are. & all of that has been happening for the past 26 years. Stop begging us to join you, it's so cringe![]()
Ah yes, rampant corruption and a chronic khat problem is what a peaceful society in SL brings, how lovely is that.
If economic empowerment is all you ask for, then why secede in the first place. Don't you think that will accelerate in a unionist state? There is no other reason why SL should be independent. Same people, religion, language, culture. Nothing is different. The only reason why independence was called for was because of "Muh Qabiil" and you know that. There is no legal way of seceding and secession will only bring you to be controlled by the greater powers in the region. Sooner or later you'll become slaves to Xabashi raw meat eaters.
Horta you lot are extremely more dependent on jaad, not only more dependent but you chew miiro whose side effects are million times worse. Teedakale what country doesnt have corruption. You write rampant corruption, name some examples without running to google. You just like to spew stuff without being informed, as for me.. I know exactly whats happening in SL as I've lived there for a long period of my life.
We were united for 31 years, we're doing a lot better now. There's no point in reuniting with a people oo kursiga iskuhaysta. Do you even know why Al Shabaab is rampant in koonfur. It's because you hawiye & daarood and your gunnimo. You completely took control of small clans fertile land like the rahanweyn, bantu, cadcad. Not only that, you made a constitution that rounded up all the poor disenfrenchised tribes who your gun clans stole their land and you labeled them beesha shanaad aka half a human. Wallahi you people are something else.
No one said Somalia doesn't have a khat problem, of course but it seems you like to paper over the cracks in terms of how good SL really is. The reality is that it isn't.
I certainly don't agree with taking over lands that belong to other people, never ever have.
I hate that label, always have. It's a horrible system which should immediately be replaced by meritocracy and end clan discrimination, but this has got nothing to do with why SL deserves independence.
All I want is brotherhood sxb. A union is the best way forward for everyone, no matter who you are or what clan you come from. I only preach against qabyaalad. SL as a sovereign nation, I'm sorry but that's the epitome of qabyaalad.
It doesn't matter what I say to you, you feel like we owe you something and should be governed from Mogadishu. For you that and waving the blue flag is somalinimo. You're a joke sxb. I brought you irrefutable evidence in my thread awhile ago that SL was & is an independent nation, irregardless of which qabiil majority settle where. Yet you over look all of this legal reasonings and just see Isaaq. See, I have alot of koonfuri friends just like you & i'll tell you what i tell them. Xabad un ba inoo dhaxeysa. You refuse to talk legal formalities in the international political sense. So inshallah the overall state of Somalia will continue to be a reflection of what's in the hearts of it's people.Or as the arabs say Kamaa takuunu yuwala 3alaykum
You are either a liar or "Muh Qabiil" Syndrome has made you completely blind.
I have already talked about the legality of secession from Somalia and the answer is simple. It is completely illegal.
It is illegal under Article 7 of the Provisional Constitution of 2012 and Article 4 of the 1960 Constitution. There is no legal reasoning whatsoever sxb.
How can SL be an independent nation when you can't control your own so called airspace?
How old are you
Checkmate.Somaliland is illegal. Give it up fam. Spain showed us the way.
Referendum to secede must include all people from Somalia, LMAO!
Somaliland is illegal. Give it up fam. Spain showed us the way.
Referendum to secede must include all people from Somalia, LMAO!
See I could crush your argument and bring evidence that the union was illegal and never happened since there was no act of union signed, but you following your typical narrative will say buh somaliya is 1, buh we speak same language, buh we wuz somalianz. So i'd rather speak ignorant and simple, meesha waa afrika, xoogna bawax lagu qabsada. Hadaad xoog leediihiin you wouldn't have kikuyi raping your people in JL and southern somaliya. If SL is part of you, call your master general dik and co and come force us under amisomia![]()
Abti don't use rape victims as an insult against Somalia even as I am a staunch Republican and against current state Somalia I would not go that far because those innocent women, children and elders didn't do anything wrong it's the moryaans in power and the people that support them that should be fought with intellect and rigours debate.See I could crush your argument and bring evidence that the union was illegal and never happened since there was no act of union signed, but you following your typical narrative will say buh somaliya is 1, buh we speak same language, buh we wuz somalianz. So i'd rather speak ignorant and simple, meesha waa afrika, xoogna bawax lagu qabsada. Hadaad xoog leediihiin you wouldn't have kikuyi raping your people in JL and southern somaliya. If SL is part of you, call your master general dik and co and come force us under amisomia![]()
World community doesn't care. You iz part of Somalia forever now.
When Scotland had their referendum to be independent were the rest of the UK included?Somaliland is illegal. Give it up fam. Spain showed us the way.
Referendum to secede must include all people from Somalia, LMAO!