Slavery by consent

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A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
I am that guy
That's really interesting. Slavery by consent is of course true, and i have to say that it might be the greatest invention of the 21st century barring the internet. Through division and subterfuge those in control are capable of making us believe and rationalize anything, no matter how atrocious. Look at palestine today. It's the worlds largest prison camp, yet no one says anything because we're made to believe the victims are the evil ones, and the oppressors are just 'defending' themselves, when the reality is a far uglier and shorter conversation than most would accept. But regardless, in today's world we're told that luxury and material things are more important than empathy and sympathy for our fellow man. So when you have a world where the literal definition of living is greed, and everyone is a pseudo intellectual who lives to regurgitate the beliefs of tv pundits, you get yourself an ugly view of society. So slavery through consent is certainly right on the money...But then again the alternative to that is complete mayhem so...I guess being institutionalized as long as your happy isn't something any of us should be surprised about. 1984, here we come.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
That's really interesting. Slavery by consent is of course true, and i have to say that it might be the greatest invention of the 21st century barring the internet. Through division and subterfuge those in control are capable of making us believe and rationalize anything, no matter how atrocious. Look at palestine today. It's the worlds largest prison camp, yet no one says anything because we're made to believe the victims are the evil ones, and the oppressors are just 'defending' themselves, when the reality is a far uglier and shorter conversation than most would accept. But regardless, in today's world we're told that luxury and material things are more important than empathy and sympathy for our fellow man. So when you have a world where the literal definition of living is greed, and everyone is a pseudo intellectual who lives to regurgitate the beliefs of tv pundits, you get yourself an ugly view of society. So slavery through consent is certainly right on the money...But then again the alternative to that is complete mayhem so...I guess being institutionalized as long as your happy isn't something any of us should be surprised about. 1984, here we come.
You say the alternative to that is complete mayhem? I beg to differ, I believe a divine way is the best way for mankind, if you disagree then let's just agree to disagree. I rather live on my feet than to die on my knees. They plan so too does Allah & allah is the best of planners.
@Cognitivedissonance While i see the point in your argument, the amount of blood that need be spilled to attain something like that is truly astounding. Like we would need to cut the numbers of humanity by half if not more to attain what you're talking about. Then when all that's done the people left would have to be intelligent enough to have kept their original goal in mind through all the blood shed, and create a new system of governance that allows for complete individual freedoms without impeding on the freedoms of others. Which is to say they would all, unanimously, agree to never commit any wrongdoings or crimes against one another. All of which is very unlikely.
The problem of security vs freedoms has been and will be one of humanities greatest unanswered quarrels. If you have any ideas, i'd love to hear them, but short of complete comformism to a certain way of life, i don't think that'll happen.
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