I am that guy
I am that guy
You forgot to mention religion enslaves the mind too.
To each other,DUH.
@Cognitivedissonance I will convert you
Kkk you don't know us maryoole waa madax adag nahay kkk
I am submissive to the greatest man who walked the face of the earth teaching al Islam, he was an Arab, the slave of Allah.Not madax adag to Arabs though. You're submissive to them
He's most definitely amongst the movers & shakersI've heard George Soros is behind the Black Lives Matter movement.
Sweetheart everything is going to be fine, just breathe..
You say the alternative to that is complete mayhem? I beg to differ, I believe a divine way is the best way for mankind, if you disagree then let's just agree to disagree. I rather live on my feet than to die on my knees. They plan so too does Allah & allah is the best of planners.That's really interesting. Slavery by consent is of course true, and i have to say that it might be the greatest invention of the 21st century barring the internet. Through division and subterfuge those in control are capable of making us believe and rationalize anything, no matter how atrocious. Look at palestine today. It's the worlds largest prison camp, yet no one says anything because we're made to believe the victims are the evil ones, and the oppressors are just 'defending' themselves, when the reality is a far uglier and shorter conversation than most would accept. But regardless, in today's world we're told that luxury and material things are more important than empathy and sympathy for our fellow man. So when you have a world where the literal definition of living is greed, and everyone is a pseudo intellectual who lives to regurgitate the beliefs of tv pundits, you get yourself an ugly view of society. So slavery through consent is certainly right on the money...But then again the alternative to that is complete mayhem so...I guess being institutionalized as long as your happy isn't something any of us should be surprised about. 1984, here we come.
No I believe the leader is selected not elected.@Cognitivedissonance do you believe in the US elections?
What is the nature of your enquiry? Am I obliged to answer your question?@Cognitivedissonance are you on something