Slovenia blueprint

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Free Wi-Fi > Free Palestine
Population is 2.1 million.

83% ethnic Slovenes. 13% from other former Yugoslavic states.

Came out of a war in 1991.

Got into EU in 2004

Fertility rate is 1.33 children born per woman.

Retirement age is 57 for women and 58 for men.

58.7% of Slovenian mothers are unwed and gave birth outside marriage and they don't have a baby mama culture so to speak of. (I'M NOT ADVOCATING FOR BABY MAMA CULTURE BEFORE YOU YELL AT ME!!!!!!!)

Life expectancy is 77 years

71.6% Christians
26% Atheists & Agnostics
2.4 Muslims

Religious freedom is guaranteed and persecuted minorities like Romas protected.

I want Somaliland to be like Slovenia.
Population is 2.1 million.

83% ethnic Slovenes. 13% from other former Yugoslavic states.

Came out of a war in 1991.

Got into EU in 2004

Fertility rate is 1.33 children born per woman.

Retirement age is 57 for women and 58 for men.

58.7% of Slovenian mothers are unwed and gave birth outside marriage and they don't have a baby mama culture so to speak of. (I'M NOT ADVOCATING FOR BABY MAMA CULTURE BEFORE YOU YELL AT ME!!!!!!!)

Life expectancy is 77 years

71.6% Christians
26% Atheists & Agnostics
2.4 Muslims

Religious freedom is guaranteed and persecuted minorities like Romas protected.

I want Somaliland to be like Slovenia.

Why not whole Somalia ?


Your superior
Population is 2.1 million.

83% ethnic Slovenes. 13% from other former Yugoslavic states.

Came out of a war in 1991.

Got into EU in 2004

Fertility rate is 1.33 children born per woman.

Retirement age is 57 for women and 58 for men.

58.7% of Slovenian mothers are unwed and gave birth outside marriage and they don't have a baby mama culture so to speak of. (I'M NOT ADVOCATING FOR BABY MAMA CULTURE BEFORE YOU YELL AT ME!!!!!!!)

Life expectancy is 77 years

71.6% Christians
26% Atheists & Agnostics
2.4 Muslims

Religious freedom is guaranteed and persecuted minorities like Romas protected.

I want Somaliland to be like Slovenia.

Inshallah Aboowe.


Free Wi-Fi > Free Palestine
Why not whole Somalia ?

Because SL population is comparable to Slovenia and they both declared independence around the same time after coming out of war (granted Slovenia was accepted).

Somalias population is 5x times bigger and land mass much much bigger.


Your superior
Somalilanders need to breed more. We have the land for it. Instead of having empty lands easy to invade we need to breed. Somaliland population is 4m today and we need it around 10m


Medical specialist in diagnosing Majeerteentitis
Slovenia wasnt hit hard during the Yoguslavia war, no major battles took place. They were internationally recognised less than 10 months after declaring independence lol. The entire former Yoguslavia is a success story. All of them, except Kosovo, are either EU member states or candidate to join the EU.

Kosovo is recognised by UEFA, they can qualify for the euros of 2020 lol.


Free Wi-Fi > Free Palestine
Slovenia wasnt hit hard during the Yoguslavia war, no major battles took place. They were internationally recognised less than 10 months after declaring independence lol. The entire former Yoguslavia is a success story. All of them, except Kosovo, are either EU member states or candidate to join the EU.

Kosovo is recognised by UEFA, they can qualify for the euros of 2020 lol.

Slovenia had less that 50 deaths in the whole conflict. Plus they were lucky to have Croatia as a buffer zone between them and Serbia.

Bosnians faced ethnic cleansing by a genocidal maniac and they now have a relatively stable nation.

Slovenia had less that 50 deaths in the whole conflict. Plus they were lucky to have Croatia as a buffer zone between them and Serbia.

Bosnians faced ethnic cleansing by a genocidal maniac and they now have a relatively stable nation.

bosnia had the U.S and Turkey just throw billions at them like it was eid. And they actually spend that money on military, infrastructure and IT.........but Somalia? turkey sends its people to go and see if they actually spending the money where they suppose to lol


Suicidal men adore me.
Puntland (north somalia) isn't experiencing problems with oromo actually

Warabee be normal you know damn well I mean SL when I say northern Somalia.

My moms friend is from Burco she said there was a ton of Oromo there. Something needs to be done about it.
Still very stupid. Somalias population should not exceed 30 million.
it won't until they fix their healthcare system and stop dying from things we have all already eliminated in most countries. then it will easily double every ten years.


Suicidal men adore me.
it won't until they fix their healthcare system and stop dying from things we have all already eliminated in most countries. then it will easily double every ten years.

No it shouldn't. I swear I would force sterilize every man and child after they give birt to 3 children.

No one wants a big population. I swear shit like this gives me nightmares
No it shouldn't. I swear I would force sterilize every man and child after they give birt to 3 children.

No one wants a big population. I swear shit like this gives me nightmares
its fucking nature......just look at china, japan, etc if people stop having + number of children, eventually you're going to vanish. aint no way Somalia going to compete with 30 million population. it is way to small for a country of its size.

also no wants a big population? where did you get that from? most Somalis have like 4-5 kids on average.
more people= more workers= cheaper labour= $$$$$$$$

there are some few +missing but this is a very simplified formula.
I somehow agree that we should have low population if we can get rich without having a very big population. There will be more peace and stability. But if we dont have a choice, then it is fine under the condition that we dont have a highly densily population. And I think that the unenployment rate in somalia is quite high. So i dont think having a greater population will solve the unemployment but education will.


Your superior
Warabee be normal you know damn well I mean SL when I say northern Somalia.

My moms friend is from Burco she said there was a ton of Oromo there. Something needs to be done about it.
legal migration is ok, illegals need to be deported .

PS Somaliland isn't part of your country. don't claim
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