Population is 2.1 million.
83% ethnic Slovenes. 13% from other former Yugoslavic states.
Came out of a war in 1991.
Got into EU in 2004
Fertility rate is 1.33 children born per woman.
Retirement age is 57 for women and 58 for men.
58.7% of Slovenian mothers are unwed and gave birth outside marriage and they don't have a baby mama culture so to speak of. (I'M NOT ADVOCATING FOR BABY MAMA CULTURE BEFORE YOU YELL AT ME!!!!!!!)
Life expectancy is 77 years
71.6% Christians
26% Atheists & Agnostics
2.4 Muslims
Religious freedom is guaranteed and persecuted minorities like Romas protected.
I want Somaliland to be like Slovenia.
83% ethnic Slovenes. 13% from other former Yugoslavic states.
Came out of a war in 1991.
Got into EU in 2004
Fertility rate is 1.33 children born per woman.
Retirement age is 57 for women and 58 for men.
58.7% of Slovenian mothers are unwed and gave birth outside marriage and they don't have a baby mama culture so to speak of. (I'M NOT ADVOCATING FOR BABY MAMA CULTURE BEFORE YOU YELL AT ME!!!!!!!)
Life expectancy is 77 years
71.6% Christians
26% Atheists & Agnostics
2.4 Muslims
Religious freedom is guaranteed and persecuted minorities like Romas protected.
I want Somaliland to be like Slovenia.