Slovenia blueprint

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more people= more workers= cheaper labour= $$$$$$$$

there are some few +missing but this is a very simplified formula.
But there are not any works in SL and people are dying in the sea to find work plus the drought. We could barely feed ourselves and bring more illegal immigrants to that environment
I somehow agree that we should have low population if we can get rich without having a very big population. There will be more peace and stability. But if we don't have a choice, then it is fine under the condition that we dont have a highly densily population. And I think that the unenployment rate in somalia is quite high. So i dont think having a greater population will solve the unemployment but education will.
the working age in Somalia is minuscule, its like 10 million people. 25% of those are uneducated, or they do hard labour. There is no way for Somalis to get rich with an ignorant population, it just not possible except, of course, we start doing people like how they do in China. Also educating the old would be a waste of money especially when they die in a short time and are at higher risk of being ill.


the working age in Somalia is minuscule, its like 10 million people. 25% of those are uneducated, or they do hard labour. There is no way for Somalis to get rich with an ignorant population, it just not possible except, of course, we start doing people like how they do in China. Also educating the old would be a waste of money especially when they die in a short time and are at higher risk of being ill.
education is useless if no jobs exist and jobs can't be made by a poor country:bell:


Your superior
But there are not any works in SL and people are dying in the sea to find work plus the drought. We could barely feed ourselves and bring more illegal immigrants to that environment
we welcome all productive immigration.


Free Wi-Fi > Free Palestine
No it shouldn't. I swear I would force sterilize every man and child after they give birt to 3 children.

No one wants a big population. I swear shit like this gives me nightmares

What? What kind of authoritarian shit is that?

I agree with you that small population is better but I want to achieve that through education, not forced sterilization. Slovenia got a fertility rate of 1.33 per woman through educating the women and offering them opportunity in employment. Somalis have 4-5 kids per woman.


What? What kind of authoritarian shit is that?

I agree with you that small population is better but I want to achieve that through education, not forced sterilization. Slovenia got a fertility rate of 1.33 per woman through educating the women and offering them opportunity in employment. Somalis have 4-5 kids per woman.
1.3 is not good number at the rate things are going that country will lose all its population the correct number is 2


Free Wi-Fi > Free Palestine
its fucking nature......just look at china, japan, etc if people stop having + number of children, eventually you're going to vanish. aint no way Somalia going to compete with 30 million population. it is way to small for a country of its size.

also no wants a big population? where did you get that from? most Somalis have like 4-5 kids on average.

Denmark and Norway got a population of 5 million each and they're both prosperous nations. Smaller population means less people to take care of.
Slovenia owes its success (success is relative term, I know) to the Field Marshal Tito, the post-war leader of the former Yugoslavia. Tito invested heavily in industry, education, infrastructure which are the backbone of modern Slovenia. Goes to show the socialist economies weren't wholly bad as neocons contend.
Forgot to add, no Somali region would resemble Slovenia in our lifetime. Not even close.

Slovenia is post-agrarian and possibly post-industrial country. They had agrarian reform and development then industrial development and now are in service oriented economic phase like all developed countries.

Somalia hasn't even had agrarian reform. We need agricultural revolution then channel the savings from increased agricultural productivity into industrial productivity. That will take at least 2-3 generations, sustained peace and capable government.


Free Wi-Fi > Free Palestine
Forgot to add, no Somali region would resemble Slovenia in our lifetime. Not even close.

Slovenia is post-agrarian and possibly post-industrial country. They had agrarian reform and development then industrial development and now are in service oriented economic phase like all developed countries.

Somalia hasn't even had agrarian reform. We need agricultural revolution then channel the savings from increased agricultural productivity into industrial productivity. That will take at least 2-3 generations, sustained peace and capable government.

Slovenia's education ranks 4th best in the EU. We're lacking so far behind its sad.


Eastern Europeans think they are safe from ethnic invasion, but they are wrong. Their invasion will come in a decade from now when their median incomes catch up with Western Europe they will be just as diverse as France.


Free Wi-Fi > Free Palestine
bosnia had the U.S and Turkey just throw billions at them like it was eid. And they actually spend that money on military, infrastructure and IT.........but Somalia? turkey sends its people to go and see if they actually spending the money where they suppose to lol

Sarajevo saw war and ethnic cleansing in the mid 90s.


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