French ppl hate the brits, very amusing. To me the all the sameawh, you must be young. You could stay at a hotel. Idk why but whenever i hear someone is from the us, i imagine guys speaking like those dudes from those corny highschool movies. Only guys tho
really weird i know
No, I am not young to require relatives for a visit. I have traveled for work and vacation far away from the US. As far away as Japan. But it is better to have relatives or friends when you vacation for sight seeing somewhere. They already know the place and can save you time. Instead of using tour guides, I like to speak to my kind and enjoy the place as much. Kill two birds with one stone.
Depends on what the purpose of the travel is that determines who you want to see. Sometimes relatives shouldn't even know you are in town

Just call them when you have half a day left and tell them you were in a rush to do things and barely made a stop. Just in case they hear later you visited and didn't stop