So East Africa became a continent now?

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@Kaafiye, the double standard you mentioned lies in the fact that sjw want to imitate black history in america so bad, they've taken arabs as the surrogate white community so they see them as the oppressors so it's therefore ok to distance yourself from the oppressors lmao


Thank God for history. These SJW's desperately wish that we Somalis were oppressed and enslaved by Arabs, and I've even seen many like @lunarnomad who actually argue the idea that we Somalis have been oppressed by them. :lol:

They don't know how powerful and brutal our Somali ancestors were. They have no idea. You don't get the opportunity to control the entire Horn of Africa region without being violent and brutal. Our ancestors weren't submissive little pussies who allowed foreigners to trample all over us. But this inconvenient little fact is what pisses these Somali SJW's off, so they want to ignore history and claim we Somalis were enslaved and oppressed. It's a goddamn disgrace and we Somalis should educate ourselves on our own history and who we are as a people.


Keeping it Real Since 01/01/90
This world doesn't work on compassion. This world is a power play. That's what it is.

When you look at the power dynamics between the United States and Russia and China and the EU and Japan and other countries, you'll realize that this world is a power play between powerful groups of people.

If you don't stick up for yourself and your people, you will be taken advantage of and usurped of your god-given rights. That's what these Somali SJW's don't seem to understand.

The occupation of Somalia by AMISOM is one such strategy to demoralize Somali people by their global elite handlers. AMISOM is a proverbial bunch of buffoons with rape on their minds and a need to line their pockets and fill their lazy bellies. They don't want a majority cushitic Somalia where the people have a militant spirit. They want a passive one found in other parts of Africa. They want a pussy wiped country with loser presidents, corrupt politicians and elders and al kabab renegades.
The occupation of Somalia by AMISOM is one such strategy to demoralize Somali people by their global elite handlers. They don't want a majority cushitic Somalia where the people have a militant spirit. They want a passive one found in other parts of Africa. They want a pussy wiped country with loser presidents, corrupt politicians and elders and al kabab renegades.

Exactly. Yet these idiotic Somalis don't realize that we're in an existential crisis at this moment. Somalis don't realize how deeply fucked we are, and that we're literally being colonized by our neighbors. They want to focus on other, more mundane issues while we steadily lose our country year after year. But if we bring this up, we're called "racists" and we're accused of looking down on other Africans.

We're supposed to passively accept our own oncoming extinction, while these retarded Somalis want to play this qabiil game and fight each other based on their subclans.


not so sad after all

Thank God for history. These SJW's desperately wish that we Somalis were oppressed and enslaved by Arabs, and I've even seen many like @lunarnomad who actually argue the idea that we Somalis have been oppressed by them. :lol:

They don't know how powerful and brutal our Somali ancestors were. They have no idea. You don't get the opportunity to control the entire Horn of Africa region without being violent and brutal. Our ancestors weren't submissive little pussies who allowed foreigners to trample all over us. But this inconvenient little fact is what pisses these Somali SJW's off, so they want to ignore history and claim we Somalis were enslaved and oppressed. It's a goddamn disgrace and we Somalis should educate ourselves on our own history and who we are as a people.
Good thing they weren't around back then or we would have a history of being enslaved by carabta iyo cadaanka, and then have the land annexed by kenya and ethiopia:banderas:
Good thing they weren't around back then or we would have a history of being enslaved by carabta iyo cadaanka, and then have the land annexed by kenya and ethiopia:banderas:

Have you noticed that the male SJW's are mostly weak, passive, effeminate men with a huge chip on their shoulders? They don't have that male spirit, that spirit of independence and confidence that all men should have. They're thoroughly weak and despicable


Keeping it Real Since 01/01/90
@Kaafiye if these SJW were accepted by cadaans completely they would give up tomorrow. That's all they fight for. These females end up with cadaan men just like the effeminate men lol. That's all they want. They don't care about the black struggle but cadaan acceptance. Some of them hate on Arabs because they are begging to be them. There is no need to have a chip on your shoulder. Our ancestors were never oppressed by anyone. If we were Arabic would have replaced Somali. And as we have said before Arabs have a horrible reputation for treating everyone badly, especially themselves and foreigners. These wannabe niggas are just addicted to the oppression Olympics. They and moan about slavery like they are descendants of broken people and adopt this foreign narrative as their own. If you aren't a new world black you can't claim that. They even get schooled by Caribbeans and AAs. There is no pride in that.
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not so sad after all
Have you noticed that the male SJW's are mostly weak, passive, effeminate men with a huge chip on their shoulders? They don't have that male spirit, that spirit of independence and confidence that all men should have. They're thoroughly weak and despicable
Actually, ive never come across them irl, just been harrassed by them on the internet for having an opinion :deadmanny:
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