You don't disown your child except to cause them harm. It is simply not the same.
You're not making sense. Do they reject their ex Muslim child because they reject their beliefs or do they reject them just to cause them harm or difficulty?
You don't disown your child except to cause them harm. It is simply not the same.
I honestly think if you were born white - you would be one of the Crusaders who tried to blow up Somalis in Kansas. You're vile and disgusting. Now ii dhaaf,
You're not making sense. Do they reject their ex Muslim child because they reject their beliefs or do they reject them just to cause them harm or difficulty?
Pick a fucking side retard. You are all over the place. On one had you morally object to disowning your child but then defend people who do in an effort to seem objective. The cognitive dissonance is real
And I don't want apostates to be treated any better or any worse for that matter. Simply that you fucking learn how to be a decent human being and not guillt trip them for thinking differently than you
It's the same principle but different scenario. Muslims are upset at our decisions and therefore will take harsh actions to reinforce their beliefs. This is the same as a racist father kicking out his daughter because he believes blacks are "inferior."
You can reject someones beliefs without rejecting them as a person. My parents managed to do this without too much trouble.
When you go out of your way to kick someone out of your house, telling someone who loves you and whom you love that you disown them, and telling them 'never speak to me again', this is to cause harm. This is the type of rejection we are talking about.
Muslim parents rejecting their exmuslim families beliefs is not even worth talking about.
No, it's not the same. In Islam, that racist father would be sinful (IF he rejected on that basis alone) but a parent can disown their child if they no longer want to submit to Allah swt. It's not sinful.
I'm sure it was incredibly difficult for you growing up in that backwards Arab country where differences in opinion are not tolerated, but I live in the free world so allow me to school your savage ass for a sec
I never said I morally objected to anything. I said that I, as in myself ( The Duchess), wouldn't reject or disown my child but that does not mean I believe everyone has to make the same choice as me. I afford others the same rights that I enjoy. Those parents are well within their legal rights to reject and disown their adult children. In fact, I believe that reaction is only natural.
Who on Earth was talking about sinfulness?! I'm an atheist and so I don't care about all that religious nonsense.
A parent who rejects a child because of the race of their partners are labelled as racists but a parent who rejects a child based on their rejection of religious dogma are somehow not bigots. It's the same thing.
I love how you assume you know jack about me. Qaxooti ass american, my father raised an entire family without cashing a single welfare check
Flip flopper whats the point of arguing with you. Your too coward to even stick to a position![]()
How can you reject someone's beliefs without rejecting the person when your presence serves as a constant reminder of your beliefs?
You are clearly unable to see this from unbiased pov. You continue to ignore, disregard or belittle the emotional and psychological impact ex Muslims coming out has on their families. When something causes us emotional or psychological distress, we try to bury it so parents cutting off their kids and never speaking to them again is not intended to cause ex Muslims harm but is a coping mechanism for the parents. After the age of 18, your parents have no legal obligation to look after you so if you come out of the closet as transracial, ex Muslim or anything else that is not in line with their own beliefs then they have every right to kick you out and cut you off financially.
Well I care, obviously. Your analogy doesn't apply to a Muslim. Try another one.
It's the one and the same to you but not to us. That's perfectly acceptable.
This insistence to attribute exMuslim atheism to anything other than pure disbelief, but rather to "extraneous factors" is astounding.
A canuck qaxootiad. Major step upNice try, but I'm not a qaxooti and I live in Canada but I know you've only been in the west for a few years and spent a substantial amount of time in Arabia. It's obvious from how you carry yourself that you were molested in one of those gender segregated boarding schools and, even after 5+ years in Europe, you're unable to let go of your backwards, unwestern, anti freedom point of view. Being an ex Muslim doesn't change the fact that you're an uncivilized ahlu-naar c*nt.
You are projecting. It is as unacceptable and nonsensical to me that a non Muslim family disowns their Muslim convert relative as it is for Muslim family to reject their exMuslim family member. I am not biased, you are.
Ultimately, it is the choice of the family, but I believe that families should be encouraged to stay together.
Naturally that doesn't mean nobody will call out bigoted and harmful behvior. Muslims will just have to get over it. ExMuslims will tell their experiences and be upset when their family disowns them.