So this guy divorced his wife cause she gained weight.

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Its all about having a will and the desire to change things.

When i first arrived in these US of A, i was scrawny and caato as f*ck. But through combination of hard work and exercise, i was able to change that.

Fat Xalimos could become skinny if they just have the will.


Al Dhoobe

Dr. Dhoobe
60 lbs is huge in weight gain, wtf. Unacceptable. Maxaan lafalaya Naf buuran oo aan dhaqaqi karin, waa mucjiso layaablehz3zrULC

Divorce is a bit far if there's kids. He should've told her dhuubnow hadii kale tii labaad ayaan guursaneya:mjswag:
I don't understand women, how hard is it to get in shape? If u exercise 20 - 30 mins a day instead of watching soap operas than u can accomplish a lot.



It just points to her poor self-discipline and self-control. Staying in shape is NOT THAT HARD. She could literally place a treadmill in her basement and go running while she puts a TV right in front of her while running.

This is the 21st century. There's no excuse for this sort of bullshit.
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