so which of the somali guys here are into cadaan women?

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Seriously what the f*ck is going on in here?
My mom's FIRST cousin is the immigration minister in Canada that bold guy. if I wanted I can ask him but no thanks I'm enjoying the beaches of mozambique and riding camels whilst the sunsets near the pyramids of giza

Your so funny wallah. :)You make me laugh :)
cadaan women?

you guys must be american..
who cares what race a women is,
there are beautiful women all over the world..
race and beauty do not mix..

no but sadly i am not attracted to papua new guinean women, or Australian aborigines,
or solomon islanders, fijian are ok, because they mixed with polynesians and that softened their features making them less masculine..
but everyone else....
I don't understand anyone who's into pure white cadaans :hova: Their looks are overrated and they age like milk. The only cadaan people I can see being attractive are the mixed tanned ones like Latinos and Southern Europeans.
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