So who were Somalis 5000 years ago?


I really like to know how you could tell if Somalis became Somalis 3500 years ago? Like how you could be sure about that number

''However, these old admixture events into the Beni Amer could be driven by admixture from the Cushitic-speaking populations of the Horn of Africa, which themselves have received 30–50% non-African ancestry about 100 generations ago, or 3kya''.

+ when E carrying Somalis split from each other.

Timo Jareer and proud

2nd Emir of the Akh Right Movement

''However, these old admixture events into the Beni Amer could be driven by admixture from the Cushitic-speaking populations of the Horn of Africa, which themselves have received 30–50% non-African ancestry about 100 generations ago, or 3kya''.

+ when E carrying Somalis split from each other.

But doesn't that mean Somalis are younger than 3000 ya? If the cushitic ancestry of these Beja groups is 3kya, then the Somalis as a group, by definition, should be younger.

''However, these old admixture events into the Beni Amer could be driven by admixture from the Cushitic-speaking populations of the Horn of Africa, which themselves have received 30–50% non-African ancestry about 100 generations ago, or 3kya''.

+ when E carrying Somalis split from each other.
But doesn't that mean Somalis are younger than 3000 ya? If the cushitic ancestry of these Beja groups is 3kya, then the Somalis as a group, by definition, should be younger.
Aren't Beni Amer a recent 'tribe' anyway? They're just a coalition of Beja tribes that occured in recent times.


HA Activist.
So were northern Cushites aka Bejas the first Cushites in your honest opinion?

What does that mean hahaha ?

I think most anthropologists agreed on the fact that Beja is the black sheep of the Cushitic languages, meaning it is probably the first branch that diverged from (Proto)Cushitic.

They're an quite ancient people with a unique identity
So were northern Cushites aka Bejas the first Cushites in your honest opinion?

I don't know much about Bejas, but they're the most divergent Cushitic group (some scholars even put them in their own group in Afro-Asiatic), so they must have broken off the earliest from the main Cushitic language family.

I think when the Cushites moved south from Sudan, the Beja stayed behind in the red sea coast of Sudan and Eritrea. While the rest of the Cushitic speakers moved into Ethiopia, Somalia and East Africa.


So were northern Cushites aka Bejas the first Cushites in your honest opinion?

There is no modern group that is 100% proto-Cushitic without any non-Cushitic admixture. Bejas have mixed with Nubians, Egyptians, and Saudi type of Arabs (on their way inland into the rest of North Sudan during the Arabization period of Sudan).

Cushites more to the South often have local hunter-gatherer admixture and in Eritrea/North-Central Ethiopia they got Omotic & Habesha/Sabaean stuff.


HA Activist.
There is no modern group that is 100% proto-Cushitic without any non-Cushitic admixture. Bejas have mixed with Nubians, Egyptians, and Saudi type of Arabs (on their way inland into the rest of North Sudan during the Arabization period of Sudan).

Aren't Nubians mostly of "Cushitic stock" ???For some odd reasons, I'm very confident in the idea that they just had a massive language shift from Cushitic to Nilo-Saharan.


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