Somali Airspace and ICAO

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-Let's reclaim our daughters that have been sold to saudi Wahabi terrorist-
- let's reclaim our identity and culture -from arabasation and wahabism.

The list is endless my goodness ilaahay ha inoo gargaaro.

Wahabbi vermin have to be exterminated.

I have to ask brother: are you Shia? Your name would seem to indicate.

El padrone

Hedonist, Depressive realist, Existential nihilist
ICAO want 2close some route's so no finance comes in from them or 2 distribute Somalia's Airspace to Seychelles & India.

For nearly 2 decades, a small UN body has managed Somalia’s airspace without Somali involvement & int'l oversight.

How does airspace generate revenue? Air plane flyover fees. Much of the money that was generated was spent paying the generous salaries of UN employees

Between 300 & 350 regular flights enter Somalia’s airspace daily. Each of these flights is liable to paying $275 per entry.

Our national airspace is critically important for economic growth as colossal amount of money now remains unaccounted for


Breakdown of earnings from the Somali Airspace is;

$82,500 a day
$577,500 a week
$2,310,000 a month
$665,280,000 a year
$720,720,000 Since the 1993

Want to show some support? join the campaign #ReclaimSomAirSpace
sxb Your numbers are off. its mere 35 million dollars per your calculations.
:) Maya ina adeer am not a Shia-far from it- I don't subscribe to any sect or group.

I'll change my username.:)
Don't change it. Ahlul Bayt are the noble family of our prophet. There's no shame in honouring them. Only dick riding Salafis hate them.

The Shia are my brothers. It is wrong to insult them. I fight sectarian morons who defame them. Literally. I got into a scrap in my masjid with the imam over it. Check out my thread "Fight Breaks Out In Masjid".

What made you choose the name anyway and what do you mean you follow no sects. Elaborate warya.


With blood and Iron will we reach the fatherland
Yeah ofc we need basic infrastructure but nothing to fancy is needed we literally gotta start from the ground up somalia still at risk of famine and malnourishment
We don't even have the ability to build basic infrastructure like roads, for that we'll need a cement industry or have to import it from China. I have no problem with imports but not when it makes our dependence on others. By the way starting a cement industry is not a walk in the park, we'll need to build an electrical grid from nothing probably for wind and solar hopefully also manufactured in Somalia. Since cement is basically limestone we'd need to mine it, that's including buying the equipment. Also, the factor itself would cost like 100 million dollars. Even basic infrastructure isn't even basic :damn:


31/12/16 - 04/04/20
What the f*ck is a seychillies?:what1: It sounds like a Subway sauce :pachah1:don't tell me Uganda's Protectorate Somalia lost its airspace to a subway sauce :pachah1:This is none of my business i am from Somaliland:manny:
Don't change it. Ahlul Bayt are the noble family of our prophet. There's no shame in honouring them. Only dick riding Salafis hate them.

The Shia are my brothers. It is wrong to insult them. I fight sectarian morons who defame them. Literally. I got into a scrap in my masjid with the imam over it. Check out my thread "Fight Breaks Out In Masjid".

What made you choose the name anyway and what do you mean you follow no sects. Elaborate warya.

Waryaa anigu reer binu hashim ma ahi- somali ayaan ahay-

Magacaa waa magac fiican nevertheless Somali ayaan ahay-

Anigu Muslim ayaan ahay simple - I don't follow salafi- or offshoot salami extremist aka wahabism- neither do I follow shica-

There are many fake millions of hadiths - the only things that stands is the Quran-

You shouldn't follow any sect- simple as that, the deen is simple. Simplicity is the best.

Verse 54:17 - "We have made the Quran easy to understand, but is there anyone who would pay attention"
Waryaa anigu reer binu hashim ma ahi- somali ayaan ahay-

Magacaa waa magac fiican nevertheless Somali ayaan ahay-

Anigu Muslim ayaan ahay simple - I don't follow salafi- or offshoot salami extremist aka wahabism- neither do I follow shica-

There are many fake millions of hadiths - the only things that stands is the Quran-

You shouldn't follow any sect- simple as that, the deen is simple. Simplicity is the best.

Verse 54:17 - "We have made the Quran easy to understand, but is there anyone who would pay attention"
Mashallah, rageedi baad tahay. Waxaa rajaynayaa ilahay in uu jannah firdous kuu furo. Allah says we should not divide into sects. They are man made. Salafi, Hanafi, Shafici, Maliki, Hanbali - these are all man made systems that have no scriptural warrant. I am a Muslim pure and simple. No cults for me.

Yes, I agree, many hadiths in Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim are fake. They are against the Quran, science, and reason.

Are you a Quranist? Do you reject all hadiths? Who are your intellectual influences? Runta ii sheeg.


What the f*ck is a seychillies?:what1: It sounds like a Subway sauce :pachah1:don't tell me Uganda's Protectorate Somalia lost its airspace to a subway sauce :pachah1:This is none of my business i am from Somaliland:manny:

we lost it too

El padrone

Hedonist, Depressive realist, Existential nihilist
i made a simple mistake it was the 24 years combined , yearly it nearly 40 million that India and Seychelles will get now
Yh still much needed revenue. The reason theg transfering the airspace is the dispute with sland.
Im absolutely confused, how can india control somali airspace, I would think AMISOM might but india?
I think, but can't confirm, that it's to deny all chinese aircrafts, civilian, military (incl drones) access to the horn, in case a war starts between the big boys, due to camp lemonnier.
I think, but can't confirm, that it's to deny all chinese aircrafts, civilian, military (incl drones) access to the horn, in case a war starts between the big boys, due to camp lemonnier.
I think ICAO have agreed to give airspace to Somalia under circumstances.
You don't need jets.
Somalia has sovereignty over its airspace
Do you think Luxembourg scrambles up it's props whenever an airplane enters its air space?
I doubt Somalia will make war with anyone so all it needs are Air Controllers to direct the planes because without an Air Controller the air plane is practically blind.
From the rumor mill, it appears ICAO are directing Somali airplanes to fly lower, so an accident can happen and Somalia be painted as incompetent.
I think ICAO have agreed to give airspace to Somalia under circumstances.
They did, until they came out with this sabotage tactic. They chose to make their sovereignty thieving move, RIGHT when Farmaajo has heat at home.

They only decided to hand it to Somalia around 8th of July. They must have always had this theft as their plan A.
They did, until they came out with this sabotage tactic. They chose to make their sovereignty thieving move, RIGHT when Farmaajo has heat at home.

They only decided to hand it to Somalia around 8th of July. They must have always had this theft as their plan A.
True , Somalia is being forced to stay the same.
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