More kids means they’re going to be richer not poorer, look at there support systemAll I see is 48/50 poor kids in the future who dont have a good father how sad![]()
More kids means they’re going to be richer not poorer, look at there support systemAll I see is 48/50 poor kids in the future who dont have a good father how sad![]()
Who said hood rats contribute nothing to society?Poor kids with bad fathers? have fun producing hoodrats who contribute nothing to society
I can afford itYalaagta beehidonna?![]()
I think the Prophet (PBUH) said something along the lines of have many kids.
It is Allah who feeds. So continue to multiply.
Remember one time some girl said to me family ain't a real somali family cuz my mum had 3 kids and not a lot. Dunno how she survives living in cramp London with 7 siblings smh. I could nevaaaa
Personally I want 2 kids and that's it
It's funny how we have such a high fertility rate but a low populationSomalis just be having kids for the sake of it, they never take into account about if they're financially/emotionally/physically ready for it. Somalia has the second highest fertility rate and Somali in Ethiopia have a highest rate but other people in Ethiopia having wayy less kids puts down the average.
Do you plan of having kids in the future? if yes how many? (If you say ''as much as I can'' then I'm gonna assume that 68 IQ just jumped out)
Personally I want to adopt and probably 2 or 3
More kids means they’re going to be richer not poorer, look at there support system
Usually the man is insecure, so he pressures his wife so that his “clan” will grow larger. It has very little to do with the deen.This is true. ‘Hebel has 8 kids younger than my youngest, so I need to have more to catch up to him!’ meanwhile you have no clue what’s going on with your living children. A shame! But wallahi, I’ve wondered why are Somali women on board with this? How can a man negotiate you about your reproductive rights? How many Somali hooyos are struggling to get by, while having 7,8, 9 + kids in the west? Why do women keep having more children with their bum husbands? I don’t get it.
But all in all, AUN to the young mother and her unborn child. May Allah grant them jannahtul firdaus. I feel for those children.
Is that Oromo? Tolow what does this mean?Yalaagta beehidonna?![]()
Small clans get wiped out. Having 4 wives who bare many children for you is crucial for survivalUsually the man is insecure, so he pressures his wife so that his “clan” will grow larger. It has very little to do with the deen.
Small clans get wiped out. Having 4 wives who bare many children for you is crucial for survive
Things can change at any moment. Complacency and feeling safe from the Qadr of Allah swt always ends in miseryin todays world., its impractical
Things can change at any moment. Complacency and feeling safe from the Qadr of Allah swt always ends in misery
A Muslim must always prepare for hardship to come. The prophet pbuh said to take advantage of your wealth and health before poverty and illness strike you. Just like in the story of Yusuf pbuh, one must prepare for when the lean times comehuh? dont u mean, Complacency and feeling safe from the Qadr of Allah swt always is good? Why misery for Qadr ???
A Muslim must always prepare for hardship to come. The prophet pbuh said to take advantage of your wealth and health before poverty and illness strike you. Just like in the story of Yusuf pbuh, one must prepare for when the lean times come
Eedo shaqoyeeloI just came from a thread where a mother suffered an accident and left 10 children. 10!
Honestly, I got angry. Child welfare seems to be the last thing on their minds wallahi. It’s criminal.
@Tukraq lives in his own world I sometimes think, where street kids all make 100k and a bunch of other odditiesWow.
Sir your kids are starving pls stop multiplying.
I find it weird Islam says that tho when you’re only supposed to take 2 or more wives when you can afford it as if kids aren’t arguably more expensive than wives
in todays world., its impractical