Somali appreciation post

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very lowkey
Walaahi Habar Gedir men part of the military were brave and pure mujaahids in their fight against the Ethiopians :banderas:

Its unfortunate your cousin is disregarding history and is getting married to an eternal enemy :reallymaury:
Wallahi you spoke the truth! Both my grandfathers and several of the men in my family gave their lives fighting s and liberating Somalia. May they rest in Jannah!:it0tdo8:

I don’t consider him hg saad, he can kiss my ass. I swear if I brought home an , that would be the end of me. z3zrULC

That’s how much pride my family have.:yloezpe::it0tdo8:

Hopefully he grew up with adopted cadaan parents, or his hg saad dad was a deadbeat so he wasn’t taught about his history. Only explanation as to why he would sink so low.. pure madness.
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Somalis biggest enemy are other Somalis.


@SumMo We did not destabilize your country, your spineless politicians did.

Lool I don’t give a damn about how you feel, his family loves me.

Stay in your feelings lol


@SumMo We did not destabilize your country, your spineless politicians did.

Lool I don’t give a damn about how you feel, his family loves me.

Stay in your feelings lol

Your boyfriend reps Somalia doesn't he? Which explains why he never put a ring. :whoa:

At the end of the day. He sees you as his concubine. :trumpsmirk:

Also, while he has Greater Somalia tattoo you still do this don't you?

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Mudug menaces don't mince their words
Walaahi Habar Gedir Sacads part of the military were brave and pure mujaahids in their fight against the Ethiopians :banderas:

Its unfortunate your cousin is disregarding history and is getting married to an eternal enemy :reallymaury:

Do you by any chance know Xasan Hilaac? :gaasdrink:
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