Somali Armed Forces

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Your all thinking to big lol. We need to boost literacy and make sure all citizens have excellent nutrition first.
Of course that is first priority but we need to boost our power and influence in the region, we'll make Africa and the Middle East fear us while we become a homogeneous paradise in our lands :rejoice:(some Somali Bantus (if they behave)). I'd boost military presence on my borders if this was the case, I don't want oromos and in my homogeneous utopia
The nukes will be forced intimidation only. Or we can strike some deal with America.

Don't wanna end u like iraq:browtf:
We can probably build nukes if we get close to America, bootyclapping might be required (as degrading as it is). We can probably use Iran or some African country as an excuse anyway, like India before


USC | Ururka Bililiqada iyo Kufsiga
Of course that is first priority but we need to boost our power and influence in the region, we'll make Africa and the Middle East fear us while we become a homogeneous paradise in our lands :rejoice:(some Somali Bantus (if they behave)). I'd boost military presence on my borders if this was the case, I don't want oromos and in my homogeneous utopia

Developing will be easy. We are country blessed with natural resources and a long beautiful coastline. Once our house is in order we would easily trump Ethiopia economically. We could even close our ports when we feel like it when they become dependent on us. Dw I fantasise too about the good days ahead.
Developing will be easy. We are country blessed with natural resources and a long beautiful coastline. Once our house is in order we would easily trump Ethiopia economically. We could even close our ports when we feel like it when they become dependent on us. Dw I fantasise too about the good days ahead.
We can just get Djibouti to cut ties with Ethiopia. Ethiopia will get economically pwned. Ethiopia cant invade Djibouti since Americans and the French are there. All that for a yearly fee of a billion. Djibouti can grow too. Somalis would be eating good :patrice:


Suldaanka Gobyare
If we added somalia and Somalilands military it would total to 95k soldiers, which is pretty good for a population of 11m. Nowadays it's less about manpower and more about technology and resources. If Turkey (NATO) supplied us with up to date equipment and vehicles and we discovered oil to feed our war machines, we wouldn't even need ground troops to blow them back to their mud huts. I'd focus on military spending and equipment more than manpower, much like Saudi Arabia and European countries do.
How did you conclude it to be 95k soldiers when in the borders of the former Italian Somaliland an estimated 10k soldiers are said to be active and they are not even sure.
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