Somali arrogance towards AA

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Illuminated Xalimo
Why do Somalis constantly disparage this group? They are in the same boat as Somali Americans as far as racism goes. Instead of forming a mutually beneficial alliance they are treated like animals as if they are not good enough for your child to marry/befriend. Average AA (especially the women) are way more educated and successful than the average Somali male. Ridiculous and unfounded hatred

Somalis would have zero rights in America without them. They suffered for you. Even Irish people in their own country see this

So why should Somalis in BLM be a bad thing? Are Somalis not black? Which leads into my next point: why do we think we "aren't black like those Madow"? To everyone outside of Somalia we are the same as them: . This attitude wins us nothing. It's pathetic. We have no leg to stand on when we try to put ourselves above them just because they were slaves hundreds of years ago
Stop using the internet to gauge the thoughts of the everyday Somalis. Somalis understand where they stand in this world, and Somalis have nothing but respect for AAs and understand AAs have suffered more under Western imperialism than Somalis. If anything, AAs are the very few proud people in the world who have fought against whiteness and create their own culture to the amazement and jealously of many.

That said, AAs were given their freedom. After Ww2, there was 2 superpowers. One offered communism with dictatorship rule while one offered capitalism with democracy. The major battle between these was two was the heart and mind of the people across the global. America couldn’t sell its poison when they had an oppressed class that was denied basic rights which was promised to them in the constitution. AAs freedom was handed to them, but that doesn’t take away what they did and put up with.


Ha igu daalinee dantaada raac
I got nothing against AA but Im sure if you ask them what they are theyll say AA and were somali


Free Wi-Fi > Free Palestine
Funny thing is Ethiopians are actually think 100 times worse. They deplore AAs and other madows and have more derogatory terms for them than Somalis do.

I remember one Ethiopian dude saying that Somalis are like that one cousin you dislike but you have to tolerate him because he's family whereas madows are like that man who live in the neighbourhood but is a total nuisance and embarrassing.

That day the arrogance of Tigray Ethiopains was perfectly summed up for me.


AAs are like Gypsies in Europe. An irredeemable group forever stuck in poverty and dysfunction. Their culture promotes thuggery.

Even West African migrants in America don't like AAs.

This is the typical prison population of the US, notice something?

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We have hordes of feminist race traitors which are growing by the day and people wonder why I'm a firm believer in patriarchy. These types of Somali girls are now in open rebellion against God, country and family and cannot be reigned in because male authority has been criminalized in the west. Fathers and husbands have been replaced by corporate bosses, the country/ethnicity by multiculturalism and tolerance and God by Beyonce, to whom they fall prostrate in sujuud every night.

Scarcity increases value, so fellas if you're lucky enough to find a good girl from a good family who has traditional values then stick with her and have many children with her. She's dahab. As for the ones who have been led astray by leftist propaganda and cultural marxism, let them and their spawn remain in their feral and unfettered state, for they have no future in the new Somalia.
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Nine kitaabs on a bookshelf
We have hordes of feminist race traitors which are growing by the day and people wonder why I'm a firm believer in patriarchy. These types of Somali girls are now in open rebellion against God, country and family and cannot be reigned in because male authority has been criminalized in the west. Husbands have been replaced by corporate bosses, the country/ethnicity by multiculturalism and tolerance and God by Beyonce, to whom they fall prostrate in sujuud every night.

Scarcity increases value, so fellas if you're lucky enough to find a good girl from a good family who has traditional values then stick with her and have many children with her. She's dahab. As for the ones who have been led astray by leftist propaganda and cultural marxism, let them and their spawn remain in their feral and unfettered state, for they have no future in the new Somalia.

tfw somalis sound like cadaan redditors, even down to the buzzwords :ohlord:
AAs are like Gypsies in Europe. An irredeemable group forever stuck in poverty and dysfunction. Their culture promotes thuggery.

Even West African migrants in America don't like AAs.

This is the typical prison population of the US, notice something?


Now this post is frankly ridiculous. You cannot compare the experiences of African American populace who suffered at the hands of White brutality for 400 years to a free willing roaming ethnic group around Europe. African Americans from the start lived in a system that was designed for them to fail. Things especially went sour after the civil rights when numerous key mistakes were made by Black leaders, wrongly integrating, their society poisoned by first real wave of feminism, the drug war/crack epidemic, systematic racism and deindustrialization. To see many young fit able bodied males locked up and hoarded by cattle by the Cadaan man, you must understand something terribly went wrong and a system was designed for this to occur. That picture is depressing.
Now this post is frankly ridiculous. You cannot compare the experiences of African American populace who suffered at the hands of White brutality for 400 years to a free willing roaming ethnic group around Europe. African Americans from the start lived in a system that was designed for them to fail. Things especially went sour after the civil rights when numerous key mistakes were made by Black leaders, wrongly integrating, their society poisoned by first real wave of feminism, the drug war/crack epidemic, systematic racism and deindustrialization. To see many young fit able bodied males locked up and hoarded by cattle by the Cadaan man, you must understand something terribly went wrong and a system was designed for this to occur. That picture is depressing.

I fail to see how this is our problem. :umwhat:

We are not African Americans and you cannot superimpose their experiences and outlook/victimhood on us.

African Americans from the start lived in a system that was designed for them to fail.

Yeah its called ''Integration''

Now if you do not want Somalis to end up being trapped in the same system, you keep that ''black identity' ''Cadaan boggie man'' or ''i am am oppressed slave'' obssesion away from us. :ufdup:


Free Wi-Fi > Free Palestine
We have hordes of feminist race traitors which are growing by the day and people wonder why I'm a firm believer in patriarchy. These types of Somali girls are now in open rebellion against God, country and family and cannot be reigned in because male authority has been criminalized in the west. Fathers and husbands have been replaced by corporate bosses, the country/ethnicity by multiculturalism and tolerance and God by Beyonce, to whom they fall prostrate in sujuud every night.

Scarcity increases value, so fellas if you're lucky enough to find a good girl from a good family who has traditional values then stick with her and have many children with her. She's dahab. As for the ones who have been led astray by leftist propaganda and cultural marxism, let them and their spawn remain in their feral and unfettered state, for they have no future in the new Somalia.

White reddit buzzword count

Race traitors
"Men are criminalized"
Traditional values

You forgot to use Regressive and liberalism though.

You sound like those white men who have watched couple of YouTube videos and now think they're intellectuals.


Nine kitaabs on a bookshelf
The poster is a known troll ''Liberated Xalimo'' kulaha . I bet its a goofy dude behind that account.
even so, that still has literally nothing to do with the thread she made. i guess all it takes is seeing the word xalimo anywhere on the page for niggas to go on tirades about them :sheed:

White reddit buzzword count

Race traitors
"Men are criminalized"
Traditional values

You forgot to use Regressive and liberalism though.

You sound like those white men who have watched couple of YouTube videos and now think they're intellectuals.
bro u forgot my favorite, "cultural marxism" :mjlaugh:
White reddit buzzword count

Race traitors
"Men are criminalized"
Traditional values

You forgot to use Regressive and liberalism though.

You sound like those white men who have watched couple of YouTube videos and now think they're intellectuals.

Is it so unfathomable that men who don't share melanin levels can share ideas? If similar societal problems are facing both Somalis and cadaans does that mean I have to utilize terminology not used by cadaans on reddit to describe the same phenomena? Judge what I'm saying based on it own merits, not based on whether it reminds of you of some cadaans on the internet.
I fail to see how this is our problem. :umwhat:

We are not African Americans and you cannot superimpose their experiences and outlook/victimhood on us.


Never said anything about it being a Somali problem nor imposing victimhood on the Somali mettle. Just questioning the line of thinking of comparing African Americans with Gypsies. Everything isn't about Somalis fam :comeon:


Nine kitaabs on a bookshelf
Is it so unfathomable that men who don't share melanin levels can share ideas? If similar societal problems are facing both Somalis and cadaans does that mean I have to utilize terminology not used by cadaans on reddit to describe the same phenomena? Judge what I'm saying based on it own merits, not based on whether it reminds of you of some cadaans on the internet.
i doubt you'd extend the same courtesy if someone came in here spouting off about microaggressions and heteronormativity for example. besides what are the merits u speak of? ur post is literally just a roundabout and eloquent way of calling the majority of somali girls worthless or tainted in a thread that has absolutely nothing to do with them :westbrookwtf:
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