Reread the post, this time wear your glassesWhat evidence do you have other than memes that Reer xamar and Bantus don’t have excellent claims to South Somalia!
Reread the post, this time wear your glassesWhat evidence do you have other than memes that Reer xamar and Bantus don’t have excellent claims to South Somalia!
I did read it right it’s just that people are rating your post funny that I thought you were being sarcastic.Reread the post, this time wear your glasses
Are you Hawiye?The last Cushite nation may be overrun soon.
Ilma Samaale are still divided even after dna results prove we are from the same roots.
Wake up
The Somalis LIMIT their origin to 5 centuries!Are you Hawiye?
Last Cushite nation? Thats not the case.The last Cushite nation may be overrun soon.
Ilma Samaale are still divided even after dna results prove we are from the same roots.
Wake up
Cadcads are mixed with Somali though, around 40%. They don’t just have Arab in them, they have South Asian and Persian.I warned you guys.
The best option is peaceful repatriation to Bantu countries and Arabia for the cadcads.
Nah not sarcastic, I’m pro cadcad, would be cool if they had a stateI did read it right it’s just that people are rating your post funny that I thought you were being sarcastic.
MX should deal with them in Jubba region and HG will deal them in Shabeelaha Hoose
Mareexan 2 jubba shaqo kuma laha absame iyo harti ba wax laga weydiya
Jubba is very diverse region although the strongest atm is Ogaden. You have Gaaljecel,Harti,Raxanwayn,MX,Madowwayne,Sheekhal etr
The war has spilled over into this thread aswell![]()
I know that OG are native to Kismayo but usually reside in Af Madow but now are starting to settle there. MX are a main power there but blackie seems to have held power for a good whileThe Jubboyinkas fam are not much diverse except we do have langaabs living among us MX landeeres the owners. MX is the strongest and largest. Harti are not much. Gaaljecel and Cawrmale make up more population than them. As for the illegal aliens my pet b00ns from K5 are newcomers getting deported the Mexican way
I know that OG are native to Kismayo but usually reside in Af Madow but now are starting to settle there. MX are a main power there but blackie seems to have held power for a good while
Bo0n mareexan langab ba tahay hal jifo maxamud saleeban ba ka badan markas ba ledahay intas o degaan ba daga kkkFake news hating capper Zanzibari. Us your Mareexaan landeere masters own our two tropical regions the Jubboyinkas. We are the majority in our regions and own our native state Jubaland 70% all Sade. Harti are a minority found up North Gaaljecel iyo Cawrmale make up more than you. Absame is in k5 kkk