Somali Bantu angry with Jubaland

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Somnet discusses daily events. That a
Was one of them. They killed 100+ of u lads
I see where you get your delusion from apparently somnet is habitat by credible news source:cryinglaughsmiley:
There hasn't been a hundred people dead in a fight since the civil war days:cryinglaughsmiley:
If anything combined all the deaths from fights in the years after the civil war you would still have less than a hundred:cryinglaughsmiley:
:cosbyhmm:Bantu weren't just slaves, they were settled by the raxanweyn and we're given land by them and also mix heavily with them. They also mixed heavily with biyomaal so telling them to leave is not logical

BTW yall are worse than American slave owners....imagine them saying "that's it boys, 400 years of slavery..time to go back to Africa ":damn:


:cosbyhmm:Bantu weren't just slaves, they were settled by the raxanweyn and we're given land by them and also mix heavily with them. They also mixed heavily with biyomaal so telling them to leave is not logical

BTW yall are worse than American slave owners....imagine them saying "that's it boys, 400 years of slavery..time to go back to Africa ":damn:

They don't mix heavily with Raxanweyn at all. Maybe when they were still slaves. And they weren't given land, they were just not troubled when they settled there. Raxanweyn used to enslave them and that's why they speak Maay and live near them.

I don't care if they stay and they don't bother me, but the way they're going on makes me wonder if they're going to take up arms against us very soon.
:cosbyhmm:Bantu weren't just slaves, they were settled by the raxanweyn and we're given land by them and also mix heavily with them. They also mixed heavily with biyomaal so telling them to leave is not logical

BTW yall are worse than American slave owners....imagine them saying "that's it boys, 400 years of slavery..time to go back to Africa ":damn:

But they are going to better conditions of Tanzania higher GPD their villages they kept their language and tribes name. They were less than 100 years imagine if they stay longer
Habar Gidir always hated Darod, they never mixed with Marehan in Galguduud or Majerten in Galkacyo, they're like oil and water.
I really liked her once she asked my qabil face turned upside down and animosity oozed out of her

ffs FOB need to keep their clan rivalries back home
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