Maybe 3. But that's about it.
And who made you the judge of who is/isnt a devout Muslim?

Maybe 3. But that's about it.
Skinnies are a failure. Perhaps Somali Bantus will take over Somalia and bring some semblance of nationhood.
You're in position to decide who is and is not a devout Muslim.![]()
Yeah cuz that has worked soo well for their poverty stricken FUFU countries and their ebola aids infested nations.
Yet Those same skinnies migrate and monopolize their economies
Teach them how to do business. I Wonder why...
Perhaps we should indeed breed with them and create the master race. A master race who are built like a rock and are super business savvy. This is the future.
Listening to music, lusting over sexy women/men, dissing other qabils etc are not signs of people who are devout Muslims. And 90%of this forum engage in such topics.
What proof do you have that Bantus will kill Somalis if you let them stay?Soon we will kill bantus if They stay and they will try to kill us. A inter ethnic war will commence if they stay!
Thats what demographic and cultural diversity does to a country just more mutual bloodshed and division.
Somalis have a high fertility rate back home. It's the mortality rate that's holding them back, which can be solved by establishing peace and investing more into health care.Somalis fertility rate in somalia is very low! And mortality rate really high. Our ethnic population hasnt Even grown but bantus went from 80.000 to 1 million.
Very alarming.
Wait til the Bantus arrive in Hargeisa and Burco and you will have to welcome your new Bantu overlords.
What proof do you have that Bantus will kill Somalis if you let them stay?"Ahmadey Kusow, a Somali-Bantu,
joined the al-Shabaab voluntarily and
became a loyal member of the group.
He is one of hundreds of young men
belonging to the Somali-Bantu and
minority clans who have freely joined
the militant group because they feel
they have been marginalised since
the collapse of the Somali state. They
say recruitment to al-Shabaab as
an opportunity to take revenge and
empower themselves against majority
tribes who grabbed their farming areas
and (to some extent) property."
Somalis have a high fertility rate back home. It's the mortality rate that's holding them back, which can be solved by establishing peace and investing more into health care.
If these crazy atheist niggas want to practice niko instead of hido iyo dhaqan that's between them. When the machetes come out in a race war they will experience a double whammy since they are small nosed aka ethnic Somalis and Godless too. Hence, Bantu won't even feel any remorse taking them out. This will happen if their population continues to explode. It will make the civil war look like a walk in the park.
Clan loyalties are stronger than religious loyalties. My clan will forever have my back regardless.
Geeljire,The same with the khoisan people , they were wiped out from huge areas by the bantus. The bantus commited huge genocide on them.
But these Skinny bastards want to let them claim our land and our identity like its nothing!
A huge presence of bantus in somalia will create conflict and violence.
In the scheme of things, the Somali claim on southeastern Somalia is actually quite recent. The Gosha and the northern Somali groups arrived in the South at about the same time. Northern Somalis pushed the Ajuuraan, Boni, Aweer and Garre south and the Bajunis offshore and to Kenya. The Gosha claimed only the Gosha, which pastoral Somalis could not utilize.
The Koisan peoples descend from the Sangoan peoples, who originated in Uganda and occupied East Africa from SA to Ethiopia. Those in Somalia fled the Somalis offshore, joining other non-Somalis to become the Bajunis.
The Nilotes and other groups pushed the remaining Sangoan/ Khoisan south to dry areas not suitable for pastoralism or agriculture. But, other than a part in this pressure, the genocides were not carried out by the Bantu. It was the Dutch, British and German settlers that did that..
The San include the indigenous inhabitants of Southern Africa before the southward Bantu migrations from Central and East Africa reached their region, which led to the Bantu populations displacing the Khoi and San to become the predominant inhabitants of Southern Africa.
In the scheme of things, the Somali claim on southeastern Somalia is actually quite recent. The Gosha and the northern Somali groups arrived in the South at about the same time. Northern Somalis pushed the Ajuuraan, Boni, Aweer and Garre south and the Bajunis offshore and to Kenya. The Gosha claimed only the Gosha, which pastoral Somalis could not utilize.
The Somali Bantu have almost never been involved in conflict
" The majority of Gosha are descendants of freed or escaped slaves from the Shabeelle Valley who moved south to established free farming colonies in the 19th century.
The Bantu expansion never reached Somalia. Virtually all Somali Bantus arrived in Somalia as slaves brought by the Omanis of Zanzibar to work the cotton and grain plantations along the Shabelli river. Beginning about 1840 escapees from the plantations began settling the inter-riverine area, which was not suitable for animal production.
All these groups you mentioned are either Somali proper (Ajuuraan, Garre) or proto-Somali (Boni, Aweer). Basically Somalis, Lowland Eastern Cushites.
Somali groups have been moving around the Horn for hundreds if not thousands of years. Just because the most recent migration of northern Samaale groups such as the Marehan was documented in modern times does not mean that these groups are exotic to this region. The Jubba valley has always been inhabited by Somali-like people for thousands of years. I am sure if they were to dug up 5,000 year old remains from the Jubba Valley and sequence the genetic code it would match the Marehan far closer than it would any Bantu.
Niger-Congo groups like the Bantus and Bajunis are a very recent group to this part of the world. It was historically a strictly Cushitic region.
He noted that there are stone mound graves and stone phalli along the Somali coast like those seen further inland. Murdock goes on to suggest that these Cushites were eventually absorbed by the Bantu and Islamic immigrants who started settling along the Azanian coast from around the 9th century. These three diverse sources gave rise to the Swahili urban civilisation, which has left town, tomb and mosque ruins from Mogadishu to Mozambique. He thought that the famous Swahili pillar tombs, some obviously phallic in shape, were a Cushitic influence on coastal Islamic architecture. This style of tomb is seen nowhere else in the world and James Kirkman, the pioneer of Kenya coast archaeology, believed the pillar tombs to be the most fascinating architectural feature of the East African coast. I started my work around the fringes of the remote Chalbi Desert in Marsabit District. Logistics were difficult but, with the help of University of Nairobi staff and student assistants, we managed to collect information.We eventually excavated ten stone cairn graves near Kalacha and four early pastoral sites in sand dunes near North Horr. The results offered proof that more than one ethnic group made up the Megalithic Cushites, the ancestors of the Azanians. There is a barren, rocky hill just outside of the bleak village of Kalacha,located along the eastern margin of the Chalb
I just showed you how the Bajunis preceded the Somalis. The Sangoan culture is part of the old stone age.
The Kenyan and proto-Somali groups in Kenya are no longer in Somalia to make a claim.
The Ogaden and Harti preceded the Marehan in the Southeast by nearly two hundred years, arriving at about the same time as the Bantu. They intimidated the Bajuni and marginalized the Gosha even more than they had been, concentrating them in what is now the Middle Jubba, where they are clearly a majority.
I think I read that the Bantu were given 2 of 84 seats in the Jubbaland assembly. If true, I think I would protest too.