Somali-Bantu man guilty of assaulting newborn son; boy now blind and nearly brain dead

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I'm afraid it only seems that way. Relative to the population, they're not. And the truth is, Pedophilia is normalized practice in third world countries, and plenty of Muslim countries.
Pedophilia is a sexual orientation.

All the pedophiles in the Somali community are not "straight" or attracted to children of the opposite gender. I know of two incidents of boys being molested by their male madrasa teacher.
Pedophilia is a disease and only way to cure it is through death
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Unfortunately, Somalis consider that to be normal. That macalin is seen as a man with a healthy sexual appetite.
What kind of Somalia do you guys associate with ? I have never met any Somali person who would condone or consider the molesting of a young girl by the dugsi teacher as normal . Who on earth would send their kids to such a teacher ?.We have to stop using the collective term "Somalis " when in fact you guys are referencing anecdotes and personal examples . Majeerteenow ilahay ka cabsada .


HRH Duchess of Puntland, The Viscount of Garoowe
Baasto, it's nice to see you're finally coming out of the qabilist closet.:sass1:

Somalis, as a collective, don't give a shit about pedophilia and child molestation. They protect the perpetrators ( especially if he's in a position of power ie. a macalin ) while silencing the victims. Prove us wrong. :whoo:
I am not a qabilist -never have been . I like to stir the pot because I know Somalis are sensitive when it comes to qabil . Asking a clan to fear God is not qabilist . .

Back to the disucssion at hand .you are confusing yourselves here .you said "That macalin is seen as a man with a healthy sexual appetite". that was an outright lie !.

What you have describe in the latter post is a completely different phenomena .somalis protect and hide heir peados ,rapists ,murderers and thieves because of qabil. That doesn't mean Somalis would consider the raping of a child at a madrasah as normal or would view that man as somehow having "a healthy sexual appetite ". Supporting the crimimal does not necessarily mean condoning his crime .

Maybe that is how you and reer abdi Johnson families would view such a matter ,but please do not speak for the rest of us "Somalis " .macalin ciyaalka wasa would not be tolerated In the waqooyi side of things .


HRH Duchess of Puntland, The Viscount of Garoowe
You sure do make a lot of assumptions. How do you know the children and families I'm referring to aren't from your clan or Reer Waqooyi?

Supporting a criminal = condoning his crime.
Silencing the victim = condoning the crime.

You come from a culture where rape is normalized and women are forced to marry their rapist. Don't act all uppity sxb, your culture ain't shit.
You are still confusing unrelated issues .

You claimed that a macalin who molested a young girl at a dugsi would be seen as having a "sexual healthy appetite ".that is merely a figment of your imagination and the Somali community do not share those views . You have no prove of this and as such it will be treated as stuff and nonsense .where are the Somalis who believe that a macalin ciyaalka yara kufasada is healthy and normal?

Now ,the hiding of a criminals or covering up their covering crimes ,is not the same as condoning or supporting that crime .such thinking is retarded and no sane person would take such logic seriously .
Baasto, it's nice to see you're finally coming out of the qabilist closet.:sass1:

Somalis, as a collective, don't give a shit about pedophilia and child molestation. They protect the perpetrators ( especially if he's in a position of power ie. a macalin ) while silencing the victims. Prove us wrong. :whoo:

The families of victims are trying to protect their kids and usually they just hid it to spare their kids. But Wallahi I saw that case where Macalin was send to prison and took 10 years jail for molesting 3 boys.


HRH Duchess of Puntland, The Viscount of Garoowe
You are still confusing unrelated issues .

You claimed that a macalin who molested a young girl at a dugsi would be seen as having a "sexual healthy appetite ".that is merely a figment of your imagination and the Somali community do not share those views . You have no prove of this and as such it will be treated as stuff and nonsense .where are the Somalis who believe that a macalin ciyaalka yara kufasada is healthy and normal?

Now ,the hiding of a criminals or covering up their covering crimes ,is not the same as condoning or supporting that crime .such thinking is retarded and no sane person would take such logic seriously .

You are delusional. In the rare case that Somalis do stand up to pedophiles and hold then accountable, it's when boys are molested. The molestation of little girls is overlooked, excused and, yes, sometimes even accepted. Covering up a crime IS absolutely the same as condoning that crime. You're ridiculous for suggesting that it isn't.

Btw, what makes you think you're in any position to speak for the Somali community? :comeon:


@Bahal Condoning violence and societal ills through protecting clans members from facing justice. Another widespread shameful cultural practice, sorry, I meant lovely cultural value that needs preserving.
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