Somali Bolt Driver Falsely accused of kidnapping.


Geeljire racist
The adeer doesn't even look too terrible. Just has a horrendous bidaar. I knew the b*tch was lying from the get-go. The man is just trying to make a living, with probably a wife and children at home.

Walaahi reer UK need to take up arms and help the adeer out. Sue this vile creature and make her lose her job.
I bet she got mad that he rejected her ugly ass.


Geeljire racist
This is the Somali guy who’ve been victimised by defamation:

I will always support my people over some ajnabi gaaal aanaan xaar iska dhaqan. These BLM xalimos should be ashamed of themselves. Where is the soomaalinimo. They gotta wake up n smell the fufu- I mean coffee.


Min Al-Nahr ila Al-Ba7r
The reason we got this justice is because we made our point clear and targeted the woman’s lies and not her race.

Anyone that has this adeer’s well-being at heart will not try to derail this process with racial epithets.

I see some people using racial slurs and I ask you not to let this be used against this adeer.

Keep it a boqol

“Live as if everything is rigged in your favour”
sticky situation bro, from what I’ve read on Twitter the Somali uncle got brought in and went to prison. I hope he gets a good lawyer to dismiss the case and then file a defamation one
To be fair he’s probably brought in for questioning. We don’t know what really happened unless charges are dropped.

Anybody with family working in the driving industry ask your family members to invest in some sort of camera while they work
once again, having your real name on any social media other than instagram is absolutely crazy to me.

She is about to lose her job and her whole name is permanently plastered on the internet as some who falsely accused another person.

Wild. crazy way to ruin your own life.
On YouTube USA taxi drivers have cameras /go pro inside their car as protection from weirdo passengers. U.K. drivers should do the same tbh.

