Somali boys going to jummah. (DISTURBING)

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if it is first time you have seen it hilarious but it is an overused joke. So i took the only positive thing in thread.


Sxb, it’s the first time I saw it and I wasn’t expecting the content to be sheep because it is so accurate that I’ve cultural Muslim friends that their parents drag them to mosques on Friday prayers to showcase them as practicing Muslims.
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Raised the bar of the gender war? Is that a good thing? And you cant call it very creative if you steal a gif and rename it


Look I’m sick of the gender wars, however very few of these threads are started by females and they do it gently. As for the gifs, it’s borrowed all across the social media platforms.

Sxb, it’s the first time I saw it and I wasn’t expecting the content to be sheep because it is so accurate that I’ve culrural Muslim friends that their parents drag them to mosques on Friday prayers to showcase them as practicing Muslims.
i think you are give them too much credit here cause i am sure that they were referring only to the fat ass not the sheep like tendency

Look I’m sick of the gender wars, however very few of these threads are started by females and they do it gently. As for the gifs, it’s borrowed all across the social media platforms.
I am new here even though i have been lurking for a while. These gender war threads are so repetitive and do a lot of damage. As a mod I dont think you should encourage them. Its like alex jones....he is so over the top and entertaining and smart people can see through that. But dumb people believe anything and some of his followers even harrassed victims of the sandy hook parents.

My point is a lot of our people are dumb and by constantly having these types of threads. We are creating a lot of anger and division between our people. I see so many faraxs and xalimos who has negative opinion about each other and its mainly based on what they hear from others
I am new here even though i have been lurking for a while. These gender war threads are so repetitive and do a lot of damage. As a mod I dont think you should encourage them. Its like alex jones....he is so over the top and entertaining and smart people can see through that. But dumb people believe anything and some of his followers even harrassed victims of the sandy hook parents.

My point is a lot of our people are dumb and by constantly having these types of threads. We are creating a lot of anger and division between our people. I see so many faraxs and xalimos who has negative opinion about each other and its mainly based on what they hear from others


I do agree with every word you said above, but most of the beef here are created by the blokes who will go off and get triggered by a random Halima marrying a non-Somali. Why does one care about strangers dating or marrying? Then, they demonise every female member here who has a different opinion to theirs. Men are only men how positively they treat their women. Men who bully and insult women aren’t men in my book. I wish there were more Somali men who will defend them regardless of their shortcomings. No one is perfect. Tan kale, we’ve seen the migration of females from Somalispot solely due to the constant insults and bullying from some men here. Therefore, they need a little hand of protection from us, the moderators. I took this on myself.

I do agree with every word you said above, but most of the beef here are created by the blokes who will go off and get triggered by a random Halima marrying a non-Somali. Why does one care about strangers dating or marrying? Then, they demonise every female member here who has a different opinion to theirs. Men are only men how positively they treat their women. Men who bully and insult women aren’t men in my book. I wish there were more Somali men who will defend them regardless of their shortcomings. No one is perfect. Tan kale, we’ve seen the migration of females from Somalispot solely due to the constant insults and bullying from some men here. Therefore, they need a little hand of protection from us, the moderators. I took this on myself.
I agree with you and I cant stand guys who constantly talk bad about somali girls. I couldn't care less who someone dates/marry or how they live their life. I do get triggered when I see some random xalimo talk ill about somali guys on social media or when a guy does the same. By sh1tting on your own you are creating a bad image of your own people. That will only come back to you or one if your family members who get mistreated by a foreigner who has bad views on somali based on what they read.

But why dont you guys track down on guys who do this? We had a thread the other day where a guy posted the Instagram account of a sister and said she slept her way to her position in the government. Sh1t like that shouldnt last more than 5 mins before its deleted by a mod
do they really want to take our bad deeds on the day of judgement, thanks for the slander:rejoice:

Abu Huraira reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “Whoever wrongs his brother in his honor or anything else should resolve the matter today before it cannot be resolved with gold and silver coins. If he has good deeds to his credit, they will be taken from him according to the measure of his injustice. If he has no good deeds left, then he will bear the evil deeds of the one he has oppressed.”
Source: Ṣaḥīḥ al-Bukhārī 2317


You’re a teenage girl why the f*ck u so angry all the time :gucciwhat:

You must be one ugly motherfucker who doesn’t get any boys attention in RL and vents online :chrisfreshhah:
"Jesus Christ" kulaha.

I don't care. That response still stands if a self hater like yourself is going to disrespect me or Somali women in general.

sElf hAtErrr

Learn the meaning of self hatred instead of throwing it around 24/7. Hating everything else doesn't equate to self love.
I agree with you and I cant stand guys who constantly talk bad about somali girls. I couldn't care less who someone dates/marry or how they live their life. I do get triggered when I see some random xalimo talk ill about somali guys on social media or when a guy does the same. By sh1tting on your own you are creating a bad image of your own people. That will only come back to you or one if your family members who get mistreated by a foreigner who has bad views on somali based on what they read.

But why dont you guys track down on guys who do this? We had a thread the other day where a guy posted the Instagram account of a sister and said she slept her way to her position in the government. Sh1t like that shouldnt last more than 5 mins before its deleted by a mod


That post was from our senile, dementia suffering R.Kelly who really thinks he is Farmaajo, the Somali President and created a Farmaajo Villa Somalia Twitter Account. Even President Farmaajo ordered his office and the FBI not to take any actions against him. Odeyga waa qac, didn’t you see the crazy clip he posted of himself? He flogged elderly Somali people praying in a mosque in Ohio. Sxb, odeygaasi wuu isku yaacey and it’s better to tolerate such characters than to punish them further.

We’ve a qashiin and NSFW and clan stuff rooms and most of the shit threads are moved there which only the members have access to.

Sxb, it’s better to ignore trolls and those who are obsessed with gender wars and they will dissipate. If surrendered to their crave for attention, they wi become celebrities like Mama Malyuun and sought advice from them. Some have valid reasons and their agenda is to help us men who are struggling in juggling between two opposing different cultures which are extreme to one another. We are setting a new standard for a new diaspora Somali culture. Some are borrowed from these competing source and others invented. So many mistakes will be made and discussed till the following generations fine tune it and standardise it from Toronto to Melbourne. We are producing this diaspora raw new culture and given that it is discussed with respect, it’s fine by me. It isn’t easy to change attitudes, expectations and mistakes that men and women make and some clashes will occur.

Welcome to Somalispot and I hope that you will help us improving the quality of topics posted here. Welcome again Sxb.
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