Somali Caadi Ma Ahan.

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A Somali is elected for the first time to Parliament. His Party supports Same sex marriages, wants to introduce sex education classes to infants, shows strong support towards Israel, the whole qawiil filed behind and supports him. Meanwhile, the other qawiils have a week long grieving & asking themselves how the f*ck do these Fish smelling, SriLankan looking, big assed MJ's succeed when they couldn't? They should give up and accept the MJ's as the Jews of Somalia and let them establish their kingdom all over Somalia. We will have a better Somalia with the Somali Jews as the ruling royal family than what we have today. If you can't beat them, join them. From now on, my Somali clan is MJ, Ehed Mohamud.
LooL this guy has an axe to grind with reer Dhabayaco.

All the power to u sxb. Reer MJ are cool folks, LooL i am certainly not as hateful.
A Somali is elected for the first time to Parliament. His Party supports Same sex marriages, wants to introduce sex education classes to infants, shows strong support towards Israel, the whole qawiil filed behind and supports him. Meanwhile, the other qawiils have a week long grieving & asking themselves how the f*ck do these Fish smelling, SriLankan looking, big assed MJ's succeed when they couldn't? They should give up and accept the MJ's as the Jews of Somalia and let them establish their kingdom all over Somalia. We will have a better Somalia with the Somali Jews as the ruling royal family than what we have today. If you can't beat them, join them. From now on, my Somali clan is MJ, Ehed Mohamud.

not so fast. :stopit:

you think just because hawyie allowed you to claim them (kamasle) that mj's will also allow sheeagtos

Look at these Lamagoodleys. One thinks I'm insulting MJ's and others think I'm praising them. Is it poetry what I wrote for everyone to interpret the way they like? MJ's loathe or love them are way smarter than other qawiils. For example Mr Qaldaan has been in Britan in greater numbers since the days of Napoleon, they couldn't produce one member of British Parliament. Ohio is full of Marehan, what did they produce other than them fighting infront of TV cameras infront of a church seeking cheap housing. Iimaan Ma laha dadkaasi, Mohamed Siad Barre aa booli qarran barre. How about Ogadens in San Diego? Caano booro bilaash at helleen, shumman aa ku wada dhace. Hawiye mar hore aa janaaso lagu tukude. Haddii aad arkeyn isbaaro, waa qandhahaa. Ciyaalka qawiilada tixriga dhalleen, dhulbahante, Dirka iyo yar yaroowga kale, kuwaas annakaa dhaanaa.
Give credit to where it is due, MJ ibnu Moshe Puntlandberg has succeeded. Wax Ka bartaa.


See camalkaa bocorta? Waa soo socde anoo wato imam uhud Mohamed.
Look at these Lamagoodleys. One thinks I'm insulting MJ's and others think I'm praising them. Is it poetry what I wrote for everyone to interpret the way they like? MJ's loathe or love them are way smarter than other qawiils. For example Mr Qaldaan has been in Britan in greater numbers since the days of Napoleon, they couldn't produce one member of British Parliament. Ohio is full of Marehan, what did they produce other than them fighting infront of TV cameras infront of a church seeking cheap housing. Iimaan Ma laha dadkaasi, Mohamed Siad Barre aa booli qarran barre. How about Ogadens in San Diego? Caano booro bilaash at helleen, shumman aa ku wada dhace. Hawiye mar hore aa janaaso lagu tukude. Haddii aad arkeyn isbaaro, waa qandhahaa. Ciyaalka qawiilada tixriga dhalleen, dhulbahante, Dirka iyo yar yaroowga kale, kuwaas annakaa dhaanaa.
Give credit to where it is due, MJ ibnu Moshe Puntlandberg has succeeded. Wax Ka bartaa.


See camalkaa bocorta? Waa soo socde anoo wato imam uhud Mohamed.
Why do you always say lamagoodle? What does it mean?
si fiican dhegta ii soo dhowee oo I dhageeso. Annaka jirro qawiil Ma qabno, jirradaasi waa aaydiska lamagoodley. Hawiye haddii uu maqlo koo Isxaaq ah aa cirka loo gamme sidii saaruuq ah, ciil dartiisa, waa is gubaa. Daarood haddii uu maqlo madaxweeynaha Mareeykan waxaa laga dhigi midkoo Hawiye ah, waxay ku darsamaayaan shiicada Iiraan xaasidnimo darteed. Annaka Lamagoodleey Ma xasadno, Marka waxa aan Ka sheege futo bulluq MJ waxaa waaye, wax ha laga barto. Inkaarta iga dhaaf, MJ saas u yaalo qurbaha aan ku arke.

Horta ani iyo adi see usu fahmeeynaa?
Look at these Lamagoodleys. One thinks I'm insulting MJ's and others think I'm praising them. Is it poetry what I wrote for everyone to interpret the way they like? MJ's loathe or love them are way smarter than other qawiils. For example Mr Qaldaan has been in Britan in greater numbers since the days of Napoleon, they couldn't produce one member of British Parliament. Ohio is full of Marehan, what did they produce other than them fighting infront of TV cameras infront of a church seeking cheap housing. Iimaan Ma laha dadkaasi, Mohamed Siad Barre aa booli qarran barre. How about Ogadens in San Diego? Caano booro bilaash at helleen, shumman aa ku wada dhace. Hawiye mar hore aa janaaso lagu tukude. Haddii aad arkeyn isbaaro, waa qandhahaa. Ciyaalka qawiilada tixriga dhalleen, dhulbahante, Dirka iyo yar yaroowga kale, kuwaas annakaa dhaanaa.
Give credit to where it is due, MJ ibnu Moshe Puntlandberg has succeeded. Wax Ka bartaa.


See camalkaa bocorta? Waa soo socde anoo wato imam uhud Mohamed.

:damn::pachah1: This Boqorka person is hilarious! :dead:

Queen Carawelo

If they ain't hating on you then you ain't doing it right.


I think OP is farxanyare, he speaks like that bajaq.


I don't know if I should label you a troll or bipolar. But it's not cute sis. Keep it cute.
just for bantz, sis. it ain't that deep. :nvjpqts: i make fun of all qawiils, MJs are not excluded from that

Queen Carawelo

just for bantz, sis. it ain't that deep. :nvjpqts: i make fun of all qawiils, MJs are not excluded from that

What's qawiil?

Sis don't compare beyonce to Rita Ora. It's not cute.

Look at these Lamagoodleys. One thinks I'm insulting MJ's and others think I'm praising them. Is it poetry what I wrote for everyone to interpret the way they like? MJ's loathe or love them are way smarter than other qawiils. For example Mr Qaldaan has been in Britan in greater numbers since the days of Napoleon, they couldn't produce one member of British Parliament. Ohio is full of Marehan, what did they produce other than them fighting infront of TV cameras infront of a church seeking cheap housing. Iimaan Ma laha dadkaasi, Mohamed Siad Barre aa booli qarran barre. How about Ogadens in San Diego? Caano booro bilaash at helleen, shumman aa ku wada dhace. Hawiye mar hore aa janaaso lagu tukude. Haddii aad arkeyn isbaaro, waa qandhahaa. Ciyaalka qawiilada tixriga dhalleen, dhulbahante, Dirka iyo yar yaroowga kale, kuwaas annakaa dhaanaa.
Give credit to where it is due, MJ ibnu Moshe Puntlandberg has succeeded. Wax Ka bartaa.


See camalkaa bocorta? Waa soo socde anoo wato imam uhud Mohamed.

just for bantz, sis. it ain't that deep. :nvjpqts: i make fun of all qawiils, MJs are not excluded from that

@Idol, do you wanna me crack another case? ICU = Boqorka Bantus. Who the hell says 'qawiil'? lol lol
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