Somali Canadians are the best diaspora

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Engineer of Qandala
What's with all this Somali shootings and killings huh..? A guy from the neighborhood I used to live back home was killed last year in Canada by Somali gangs and he was innocent ?

Reer Canada taking the L solely for this gang shit.:susp:

How you become a gangster in Canada anyways? :dwill:

Don't you guys have free Healthcare and Education and shit?:drakewtf:
I disagree profusely. Reer US are even better than us. Lets not lie here :ulyin:

Yeah I'm gonna have to agree with you, its not like down in the US you hear of Somalis killing other Somalis over Maseer when he is achieving good things in life and is educated.

Canadian Somalis display some insane crab mentality, how do you just kill innocent Somalis over nothing.. Just doesn't make sense :manny:
1) They work and rely less on social services i.e welfare.

2) They are more entreprenurial minded. This ties into the first point.

3) They're more community oriented hence having loads of Somali events and even a Somali museum in MN. This is better for the youth bc they get in touch with their people and culture.

4) We seem have to a higher rate of violence involving young Somali men. Seems like there is a jinazah every week

This doesn't go for everyone, but its pretty true across the board imo.


1) They work and rely less on social services i.e welfare.

2) They are more entreprenurial minded. This ties into the first point.

3) They're more community oriented hence having loads of Somali events and even a Somali museum in MN. This is better for the youth bc they get in touch with their people and culture.

4) We seem have to a higher rate of violence involving young Somali men. Seems like there is a jinazah every week

This doesn't go for everyone, but its pretty true across the board imo.
America is the land of opportunity. They have a terrorism and violence problem. In Canada it's more like gangs. I wouldn't say they are more community oriented, the immigration minister was the president of a Somali organization. You know a lot of Somalis who didn't get sharci in Canada crossed the border to MN? The ones who came in the 90s, some of them were secondary migrants. Some of them also just went there for opportunity and are citizens of both countries. :siilaanyolaugh:


Yeah I'm gonna have to agree with you, its not like down in the US you hear of Somalis killing other Somalis over Maseer when he is achieving good things in life and is educated.

Canadian Somalis display some insane crab mentality, how do you just kill innocent Somalis over nothing.. Just doesn't make sense :manny:
Its because they identify too much with their neighbourhoods they are willing to die for it, and dhaqan celis won't help. They have never really struggled either. The definition of ciyaal mama. They don't know who they are. They don't know their language, culture, and they don't care. It's a case of bad parenting, bad neighborhoods, and systemic racism.
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