Somali Comedy Politics. Madness Interpretation


Somali politics is a predictable outcome just fancy dressed up politics(qadiyad and aragti) but no real common law(just on paper no stable instrument) at best, just a bunch of clashing views guided by personal interest, hidden behind clan interest in a post civil war setting(not 1960 to 1991).

We played some madness politics with a South Sudanese and wrapped it up as.

1. Darod don't want anyone but Darod to rule and even then it's highly selected, talking points darod rule better and let other non darod cities develop and human capital
2. Hawiye don't want anyone to rule, prefer loot, disorder, spreading the pain 4.5. Heeshish waxay ku yihin burburka si hay
3. Isaaq politics is guided and fueled by cuqdud so if even given power will be much worse, nothing positive ever is seen from there for Somalis
4. Rahanwayn we hate U all nutters but we ally with what's best for us in that shitty mix of failures.

So it's all down to darod refusing to give anyone a shot especially if their no rule of law(this is not aragti or politics) this is clan safety, mutual survival, shared peace. Politics and Power is secondary there.

Darod ku Soo koob talin maysan, hawiye ku soo koob dawlad dambe jiri mayso, Isaaq ku Soo koob hadan taliyo waan aarsan doona. Rahanwayn ku so koob who do we choose in this nuttier then nuttiest nitemare. International law ku Soo koob U better reach a deal as noone interfering directly and respect multilateral organisation international law of sovereignty. The outcome kala fadhi(30 years the question is can it reach 100 years so an Aboriginal outcome happens) and new settlers take over.
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Kala fadhiya abahina wase, Kala tag ku riyooda, burburkina hawiye si wata, darod talin maysan ku si haaya, I'm working with foreign walking invasion to set up bah dubays into Oromo mother language culture f*ck this shit, it's about survival, I ain't sticking around for Aboriginal or native american humiliation(dad aan heeshin karin) waloo taliya(British whites) and called reservations like some zoo plot of wild humans. I'm sure Oromo will nickname us to leave a marker of another darod refugee.
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I love madness post cause it's about f*ck the present world, let the future honor it and say those idiots of that time period used to say these people were jibberish, Warners who got buried by their current order.
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Kala fadhiya abahina wase, Kala tag ku riyooda, burburkina hawiye si wata, darod talin maysan ku si haaya, I'm working with foreign walking invasion to set up bah dubays into Oromo mother language culture f*ck this shit, it's about survival, I ain't sticking around for Aboriginal or native american humiliation(dad aan heeshin karin) waloo taliya(British whites) and called reservations like some zoo plot of wild humans. I'm sure Oromo will nickname us to leave a marker of another darod refugee.

Kala fadhiya abahina wase, Kala tag ku riyooda, burburkina hawiye si wata, darod talin maysan ku si haaya, I'm working with foreign walking invasion to set up bah dubays into Oromo mother language culture f*ck this shit, it's about survival, I ain't sticking around for Aboriginal or native american humiliation(dad aan heeshin karin) waloo taliya(British whites) and called reservations like some zoo plot of wild humans. I'm sure Oromo will nickname us to leave a marker of another darod refugee.
Huh? Are you saying you want to make Bah Dubays into Oromo??
doctor strange animation GIF by PBS Digital Studios


Bi'idnilaah the mahdii will be of sheekhaal looboge sharaf He will rise from the south and smoke the kabaab and he will rectify all the corruption of culuusow siyaasiyiinta And he will retake the somali region and humble all yall qabiils and espessially the separarists and he will make somalia great again

