Somali Couple keep dodging the 'are you Somali' question

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If you click on all their videos their followers keep asking 'Are you Somali'? They keep ignoring it. lol What a shame. She comments but can't say a simples 'yes'?Whys that? Something tells me they don't want Somali followers.

There's good tips in this video for newlyweds!
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If you click on all their videos their followers keep asking 'Are you Somali'? They keep ignoring it. lol What a shame. She comments but can't say a simples 'yes'?Whys that? Something tells me they don't want Somali followers.

There's good tips in this video for newlyweds!
1) they both said they were somali in a previous video

2) they don't look somali so to me they are in the same class as oromo, reer xamar and bantu sheegatos

3) if they do claim somali I will claim chinese. you know, since everyone can claim to be whatever they want these days.


tfw no habesha gf
1) they both said they were somali in a previous video

2) they don't look somali so to me they are in the same class as oromo, reer xamar and bantu sheegatos

3) if they do claim somali I will claim chinese. you know, since everyone can claim to be whatever they want these days.
Stop crying
MashaAllah they got married in the boy's first year of uni and now he is in his 3rd year as a married man. I can't imagine juggling a marriage on top of the suicide-inducing bs they call final year.
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