Somali Couple keep dodging the 'are you Somali' question

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Free Wi-Fi > Free Palestine
You don't want to deport Bantus, but these people have to go back to Yemen.

No I said we can't deport Bantus cos it's impractical. How are you gonna deport 900,000 people? Please tell me. Id do it but its imposdible. These Yemeni fuckers are a tiny number.

I'm a Somali-fascist and a "strategic libetal".



Waa alaykum samaale :farole:

Well played

No I said we can't deport Bantus cos it's impractical. How are you gonna deport 900,000 people? Please tell me. Id do it but its imposdible. These Yemeni fuckers are a tiny number.

I'm a Somali-fascist and a "strategic libetal".
Lol not all cadcads are of Yemeni origin. So are you going to deport the Persians, Pakis, Indians, Omanis, Saudis, Syrians, etc, too?

Fuckin xoolo waxid

They'll just bribe their way out of sht. That's what the Benadiris are good at:

The representative noted that during the Siad Barre era, the Reer Hamar were protected by the authorities because they paid "bribes to government officials."

Why don't you focus on secular states and leave Muslim ones alone? Yaac


Pro Women's Rights|Centrist
They're barwani, technically not Somali, but not anything else either. They're basically confused.


Free Wi-Fi > Free Palestine
Lol not all cadcads are of Yemeni origin. So are you going to deport the Persians, Pakis, Indians, Omanis, Saudis, Syrians, etc, too?

Fuckin xoolo waxid

They'll just bribe their way out of sht. That's what the Benadiris are good at:

The representative noted that during the Siad Barre era, the Reer Hamar were protected by the authorities because they paid "bribes to government officials."

Why don't you focus on secular states and leave Muslim ones alone? Yaac

I'm aware of that, you religious nutcase.

.Why don't you go away to Yemen or live in Israel amongst your Jewish brothers.

They're a tiny amount so they can be controlled. They're not as big of a threat as our Southern friends.
How do you know? Many people who know her said she hails from Barawa. Most of Reer Barawe are actually Raxanweyn

I've seen Raxanweyn women far lighter skinned than her

You are right. She's Somali!
There are lighter Somalis than her who aren't necessarily barawe or rer hamar. I just found it odd that they wont tell people they are Somali. I don't blame them, Somalis aren't supportive they just gossip.
1) they both said they were somali in a previous video

2) they don't look somali so to me they are in the same class as oromo, reer xamar and bantu sheegatos

3) if they do claim somali I will claim chinese. you know, since everyone can claim to be whatever they want these days.

Plz sis reer xamar are noble Somalis who lived 1000 year in xamar Somalia, don't put them in same category with other sheegatos wannabe fake Somalis.
How does someone else claiming Somali actually effect your life? Why do people care so much? You should be flattered.

It affects my life when they mispresent my country history and spread bad rumours about Somali 'S IQ and culture. Wallahi I don't write Somali language in my resume anymore.

Dire Dewa's son

Malik Obama 4 president.
Majority cad cads are proud Somali I don't think pulling their Somali card would do anyone good. What are the benefits we can gain from deporting a minority group?
:drakelaugh:lool people on this thread talking about deportation as if most want to be there. Somalis are deporting themselves en masse. Ask most of the youth there and they'd tell you they wanna leave the country if given the opportunity
They look pretty Somali tbh. I am sure some of yall have family members who are lighter than both of them. You can't measure being Somali by skin color because we come in different shades. Besides, why are people even asking? It's kind of awkward.
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